My ring story: becoming resilient after losing my “everything”
“My mother supported me in my quest to earn The Citadel Band of Gold. I am happy to report that I did not disappoint her.”
Read More“My mother supported me in my quest to earn The Citadel Band of Gold. I am happy to report that I did not disappoint her.”
Read MoreI can’t put all of the names of those who are dear to me on my ring, but I do have “First Sgt John Urban” engraved in my band of gold, just after my name.
Read MoreCitadel cadet, Max Zappendorf ,was awarded the Marci McCarthy Scholarship for cyber security studies through the International Consortium of Minority Cybersecurity Professionals.
Read MoreThe Citadel is paying tribute to the victims of 9/11. Cadets placed more than 3,000 flags along the college’s Avenue of Remembrance.
Read MoreIt’s the “why” behind the scent of pluff mud, and the thought of making use of this vast natural resource, that’s behind an on-going undergraduate research project in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at The Citadel.
Read MoreThe Oath Ceremony for The Citadel Class of 2023 will be live streamed on the college’s Facebook page and on YouTube beginning at 5:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 19. The class will stand on Summerall Field and take an oath pledging to abide by the college’s core values of honor, duty and respect as future members of the South Carolina Corps of Cadets.
Read MoreThe Project Management program at The Citadel Graduate College hit the trifecta for me: convenient, affordable and well-respected, said graduate student Sara Massey.
Read MoreReflecting upon his childhood outside of New York City, Dave Pawlowski immediately recalls the work ethic of his father—a successful entrepreneur in the finance sector. “I watched him wake up
Read MoreJavonte Middleton, current quarterback for The Citadel, is back in Savannah to give 2019 graduates a boost headed into their first year of college.
Read MoreThe Citadel Graduate College has announced its upcoming new student orientation and an open house for graduate, evening undergraduate and online programs.
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