A dad, a grad, a daughter and a knob: The Citadel tradition for the Banzon family

“I listened to my dad who said to enjoy the small things at The Citadel because when we look back those are going to be the big things. The past four years will be hard to beat.”

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From The Citadel to University of Cambridge: a cadet’s future on the rise

“Christian views criticism as an opportunity for improvement and always strives for perfection. He may be one of the most outstanding cadets I have ever met.”

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New leader selected to head The Citadel’s Swain Department of Nursing

Beginning work on June 1, 2021, Kim Subasic, Ph.D., will officially become department head for the Swain Department of Nursing.

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Mapping America’s extreme urban heat

“…nationally heat causes more deaths than flooding. People are not ordered to “evacuate” from a heat wave.”

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Battling cyberspace adversaries at The Citadel

On the subject of cyber security, we are all very vulnerable. This is increasingly true as everyone acquires more smart technologies that range from phones and to refrigerators, cameras and light bulbs.

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Citadel nursing students, athletics trainers help vaccinate faculty and staff on campus

“Having the opportunity to administer the COVID-19 vaccine seems like a small role, however, it is truly an honor to be a part of the solution to this crisis gripping our nation.”

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