Nurses from Citadel’s first class of BSN graduates help deliver professor’s baby at MUSC

Nurses Maddy Salem and Tamar Sternfeld reflect on helping Citadel family, working as nurses since graduating amid pandemic Michael and Jacey Verdicchio got a happy surprise when checking into the

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How fuel spills impact the Lowcountry’s health and environment

“Gigantic spills have catastrophic effects, smaller scale spills are less problematic,” says Citadel professor Dr. John Zardus.

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Citadel professor teaches compassion in the classroom and out of the country

Sarah Imam, M.D., professor of health sciences, infuses her medical terminology and exercise physiology classes with lessons on compassion.

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Do your part to #BeCyberSmart

“Your mobile device could be filled with suspicious apps running in the background…”

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From The Citadel to University of Cambridge: a cadet’s future on the rise

“Christian views criticism as an opportunity for improvement and always strives for perfection. He may be one of the most outstanding cadets I have ever met.”

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Citadel nursing students, athletics trainers help vaccinate faculty and staff on campus

“Having the opportunity to administer the COVID-19 vaccine seems like a small role, however, it is truly an honor to be a part of the solution to this crisis gripping our nation.”

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Citadel Physics Department makes virtual learning into a physical reality for high school students

The Physics Department offers a virtual, but still hands-on, “class” for high school students about physics and its practical applications.

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New Center for Climate Studies to be established at The Citadel

The Center’s mission will be to promote climate science through education, research, outreach and the development of public-private partnerships.

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Citadel launches climate science research center with $2 million donation

As seen in The Post & CourierBy Chloe Johnson A new research center at The Citadel will focus on climate change — the first group dedicated exclusively to this work in

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