A dad, a grad, a daughter and a knob: The Citadel tradition for the Banzon family

“I listened to my dad who said to enjoy the small things at The Citadel because when we look back those are going to be the big things. The past four years will be hard to beat.”

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Learn how to do business with The Citadel during information sessions for minority; veteran contractors

We are inviting any minority and veteran contractors who want to learn how to do business with The Citadel and are interested in becoming certified contractors.

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Mapping America’s extreme urban heat

“…nationally heat causes more deaths than flooding. People are not ordered to “evacuate” from a heat wave.”

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Citadel nursing students, athletics trainers help vaccinate faculty and staff on campus

“Having the opportunity to administer the COVID-19 vaccine seems like a small role, however, it is truly an honor to be a part of the solution to this crisis gripping our nation.”

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Hospital Sisters Health System announces new President and CEO, Damond Boatwright, ’94

The Corps’ Honor Code, a cadet does not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate those who do,’ built inside of me a high level of integrity to help guide my decision making through many challenging times.”

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Coming full circle: A lifetime of servant leadership behind the scenes

Of the the 713 cadets she helped, two decided to return to their alma mater. So, after years, both found themselves back at The Citadel, with Ms. Oliver.

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The Citadel announces the cadet leaders of the Class of 2022

After a year like no other, The Citadel continues one of its most important traditions: naming the cadet leadership for the next year.

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