The Citadel removes mask requirement effective Monday, Jan. 31

Beginning Monday, Jan. 31, The Citadel will no longer require masks to be worn on campus. Masks will still be required during classes taught by professors with medical accommodations.

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The Citadel to remove indoor mask requirement

Due to vaccination rates and campus conditions, The Citadel will remove the mask requirements for the entire campus effective Monday, Oct. 4.

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Preparing for Parents’ Weekend 2021

Relatives and friends will be welcomed to the college campus during The Citadel’s annual Parents’ Weekend Friday, Oct. 1 – Sunday, Oct. 3.

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The rewind: celebrating the Class of 1970 and more

The postponed Homecoming recognized the milestone reunions for classes ending in ‘0 and ‘5 and, especially, members of the Class of 1970 who celebrated their 50th reunion.

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The Citadel temporarily requiring masks indoors

Based on current conditions, The Citadel will temporarily require face coverings to be worn while inside select campus buildings.

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The Citadel’s Matriculation Day welcomes new freshman cadets on campus

After a few days of settling in, freshmen are met with a shocking feat, Challenge Week, in preparation for their first year at school.

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Reconstitution: Welcoming upper class cadets back to campus Aug. 22

“I am confident the Corps of Cadets will help lead us out of this pandemic; therefore, I am incentivizing cadets to get vaccinated with an overnight. Additionally, the company with the highest vaccination rate will be excused from the Commandant’s Inspection.”

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COVID Protocol Reminders for Employees

Ahead of the fall semester, HR is reminding everyone about protocols for suspected, close contact and positive employee COVID-19 cases.

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