From The Citadel to University of Cambridge: a cadet’s future on the rise

“Christian views criticism as an opportunity for improvement and always strives for perfection. He may be one of the most outstanding cadets I have ever met.”

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Four Citadel alumni in the NFL game

Four Citadel alumni, all former Bulldogs football players, are working as for NFL teams – two as assistant coaches, and one as a player for the Buffalo Bills.

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Excellence in Leadership: Lt. Sarah Zorn

Army leaders have strong intellect, physical presence, professional competence, high moral character, and serve as role models. Lt. Zorn has been recognized for her selfless care within the ‘Thunderbolt’ community.

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My ring story: I am stronger

“I vividly remember coming for my pre-knob visit and immediately thinking I could never survive at this school.”

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My ring story: I would choose The Citadel all over again

I come from a big military family of eight and it became a family tradition to attend a military college

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My ring story: Self discipline and accountability

To “wear the ring” means that The Citadel is a unique and shared experience…that we have earned our right to be in the Long Grey Line.

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