Allison Bringardner named winner of NACAS South Regional Rising Star Award

NACAS, the largest auxiliary and ancillary services support organization serving higher education, named Allison Bringardner, Assistant Director for Alumni Events and Engagement at The Citadel Military College of South Carolina, winner of NACAS South Regional Rising Star Award

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Earn a degree in Intelligence and Security in Charleston

Intelligence, homeland and cyber security issues are constantly in the news – from the Russian elections interference to Facebook hacks to the recent rash of pipe bomb mailings.  Which is why our next guest’s Lowcountry university recently launched a degree program focused on intelligence and security.

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The Citadel and the Royal Navy pay tribute to submarine used during World War II

On Veterans Day, The Citadel and the visiting officers from the Royal Navy payed tribute to a British submarine that was critical during WWII.

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Four finalists announced for The Citadel provost and dean of the college

There are four finalists from the field of applicants who have applied to become The Citadel’s next provost and dean of the college. The position is the second highest-ranking administrative role at the college.

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Area students get chance at scholarships at college fair

The fair is designed to help Birmingham students who may not have access to colleges and universities.

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Historians to commemorate Washington’s visit to Fort LeBoeuf

The Fort LeBoeuf Historical Society will mark the 265th anniversary of Washington’s visit this Dec. 15 with a “Trail to a Nation” celebration.

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Citadel’s Fraser-Rahim publishes “Enslaved and Freed African Muslims: Spiritual Wayfarers in the South and Lowcountry”

Fraser-Rahim is an expert on violent extremism issues with areas of specialty on transnational terrorist movements, counter-terrorism, Islamic intellectual history, Islam in America and contemporary theology in the Muslim world and African affairs.

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The Great ShakeOut: Learning more about earthquake impacts

Researchers at The Citadel are working to use the shear wave velocities to predict the response of soils at a variety of Charleston-area locations.

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Meet Sean Cleveland, Assistant Professor in English, Fine Arts and Communications and Assistant Director of the Center for Teaching Innovation

Cleveland retired from the Army as a professor in 2017 but was not ready to leave the classroom. When a position opened up at The Citadel, he jumped on it.

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Comfort Bears No Fruit

Donnell was passionate about football, but when he realized that he was only going to be an average player, he revised his playbook and became passionate about what he knew he could do well.

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