Two South Carolina natives are the first and second honor graduates of the South Carolina Corps of Cadets Class of 2017. Board of Visitors Chair Lt. Gen. John B. Sams Jr. presented the award to both graduates at the commencement ceremony held Saturday, May 6, at McAlister Field House.
David Shingler Spell First Honor Graduate Award
Joel P. Neuder Jr.
The David Shingler Spell First Honor Graduate Award is presented to the first-class cadet graduate who has earned the highest cumulative grade point ratio based on all courses taken at The Citadel. The recipient receives the traditional scholarship medal, an inscribed plaque, and a stipend to be used for educational expenses at the graduate level or at the discretion of the recipient.
Joel P. Neuder Jr. of Spartanburg, South Carolina, graduated with a degree in civil engineering and sustained a perfect 4.0 grade point average every semester. Neuder earned numerous scholarships while attending The Citadel, such as the Ambrose Hampton scholarship and the Smith-Barnett scholarship. While a cadet, he held various positions within the Corps, including battalion clerk, company squad corporal, regimental operations NCO, and most recently, regimental academic officer. His immediate plans include attending Clemson University to pursue a doctoral degree in civil engineering.
David Shingler Spell First Second Graduate Award
Cory N. Taylor
The David Shingler Spell Second Honor Graduate Award is presented to the first-class cadet graduate who has earned the second highest cumulative grade point ratio based on all courses taken at The Citadel. The recipient receives an inscribed plaque and a stipend to be used for educational expenses at the graduate level or at the discretion of the recipient.
Cory N. Taylor of Pelzer, South Carolina, graduated with a criminal justice degree. This year he served as the battery operations officer for the Corps. In addition to his military duties, Taylor achieved Gold Star honors by maintaining a 4.0 grade point average all four years at The Citadel. He will be entering the U.S. Army as a branch field artillery officer.