Giving a stranger the gift of hope for 2019
Citadel Graduate College student donates bone marrow in Washington D. C. for leukemia patient through Be the Match.
Read MoreCitadel Graduate College student donates bone marrow in Washington D. C. for leukemia patient through Be the Match.
Read MoreSince 9/11, there has been a growing number of Black Americans making a difference in the national security sector. Citadel professor Dr. Fraser-Rahim is one of them.
Read MoreAs a freshman, Matthew Hammond joined his Kilo Company classmates working with Metanoia, a nonprofit organization that focuses on holistic community development. Three years after becoming involved with the Metanoia project, Hammond is one of the co-leaders of the Kilo Company service project, and develops lesson plans, coordinates cadet schedules and actively volunteers.
Read MoreCitadel football expects to sign most of its 2019 recruiting class during the early signing period that starts Wednesday, and the class should come with an added bonus — a transfer running back with more than 2,000 career rushing yards to his credit.
Read MoreThe four cadets funded the mission trip themselves through their personal savings, their families and friends, and with assistance from The Krause Center for Leadership and Ethics at The Citadel.
Read MoreThe Southern Conference named its All-Southern Conference Faculty and Staff Team on Wednesday, which includes Lori Hedstrom and Prof. Matthew Zommer of The Citadel.
Read MoreAs heard on Spycast at Each week, the International Spy Museum offers a new SpyCast featuring interviews and programs with ex-spies, intelligence experts, and espionage scholars. SpyCast is hosted
Read MoreThe Citadel Healthcare Study Abroad Program was recognized as a program of merit and was named a “Program of Distinction” by the Association of American Medical Colleges.
Read MoreMark Valley chats with Michael Brady, a retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel, career intelligence professional, and the author of several spy novels. He teaches at The Citadel (Military College of South Carolina), encouraging and patiently guiding his cadets and students to backup their choices with solid intelligence.
Read MoreWhile groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda have lost ground in the Middle East, terrorist attacks and extremist ideologies have spread across many African nations. Muhammad Fraser-Rahim, Ph.D., executive director of Quilliam in North America and assistant professor in The Citadel’s Department of Intelligence and Security Studies, and Katherine Zimmerman, research fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and research manager for AEI’s Critical Threats Project, discuss options for responding to these threats.
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