Future teachers from the Zucker Family School of Education are good to go

Photo: Capers Hall, where the Zucker Family School of Education is housed Meet members of the Class of 2020 who will use their educations to teach others The Zucker Family School of

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The Baker School of Business: adding links to the global chain

The Baker School of Business is working to meet the need by offering a degree in Supply Chain Management, guided by professors who are experts in the field.

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The cybersecurity effects of coronavirus

Lieutenant Derek Bernsen, a member of The Citadel Class of 2013, is a Naval officer with an expertise in cyberspace operations.

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At 91, Citadel’s first woman graduate celebrates 50th commencement anniversary

The first woman to graduate from The Citadel walked the stage to accept her diploma for a master’s degree, 50 years ago, on May 29, 1970.

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S.C. Guard deployed to Citadel for face mask building effort

Seven members of the South Carolina National Guard are on a 20-day deployment…in The Citadel’s libraryworking to protect healthcare workers against COVID-19.

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Citadel engineers in high demand around SC and the nation

There are distinct advantages for those graduating from one of the five oldest engineering programs in America, and one that is consistently ranked in the top 25 nationally. By graduation

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The Citadel prepares to replace Capers Hall

The Citadel is planning to demolish Capers Hall, one of the most utilized academic buildings on campus, next year and replace it with a more modern facility.

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The Citadel Graduate College Class of 2020

Nearly 400 graduate and evening undergraduate students from The Citadel Graduate College accepted degrees during The Citadel’s virtual commencement.

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Virtual lecture May 14: America’s Other Muslims

The book, released January 31, 2020, is something of a change in focus for Fraser-Rahim as he explores the oldest Muslim community in America.

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Swain School servant leaders dedicating futures to caring for others

During a major pandemic, men and women of The Citadel are moving ahead to dedicate their lives to caring for others through careers in healthcare.

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