When you are job searching for a long period of time, it can feel like available job openings are few and far between. However, if you’re in the right industry, there are plenty of employers looking for qualified candidates.
Believe it or not, many employers are hard-pressed to fill jobs with the people who have the proper skills, education, and experience. In every state in the Southeast, there are industries for which qualified candidates are highly in-demand. If you live in a state and are qualified for high-demand positions, it’s unlikely you’ll ever find yourself chronically unemployed!
The top job openings in the Southeast depend on a variety of factors including educational opportunities, population demographics, and the major employers geographically. While there is some overlap, the top in-demand jobs are slightly different depending on where you live.
Top Job Openings in the Southeast by State
South Carolina
- Home health aid: This critical position is chronically needed in just about every town and city. Even better, no formal educational credentials are necessary for many home health aid positions.
- Nurse practitioner: Nurse practitioners can prescribe medication and perform many of the same functions as an MD, but they have pursued a different educational track.
- Computer numerical controller (CNC) machinist: CNC operators typically work in the manufacturing industry, creating machine components.
- Business management and operations: If you’re interested in working in the in-demand field of business management, pursuing an online MBA may be a great option.
- CNC operator: Though salaries differ from state to state, CNC operators make an average starting rate of more than $40,000/year nationally.
- Computer programmer: Computer programmers don’t only design programs for computers and phones! These days, software is used in all sorts of unexpected products.
- Software developers: Software – we all use it! If you’ve ever considered working on the back end of something as ubiquitous as software, this may be a position for you.
- Registered nurses: In Alabama, the average salary of a registered nurse is $67,000 a year.
- Computer systems analyst: If you’re interested in analyzing systems and structures to streamline processes, becoming a computer systems analyst may be a great option.
- Physical therapist assistant: Advances in the physical therapy field mean that many patients who would have formerly gone through surgery are now able to meet their needs through PT. This is a growing field.
- Diagnostic medical sonographer: Sonographs happen in many departments of a hospital. If you’re seeking a career in the medical field with lots of variety, this path may be for you.
- Tax preparer: Every individual and business must file their tax return each year. Think about it: as a tax preparer, everyone is a potential client.
North Carolina
- Statistician: Statisticians analyze data within both the public and the private sector. The field is wide-ranging and is a good fit for those who like making meaning out of raw data.
- Credit counselor: Credit counseling is a profession many of us are familiar with, from the other side of the desk. Credit counselors help people achieve their financial goals.
- Nurse practitioner: Nurse practitioners are in high-demand throughout the Southeast. If you’re a home health aid, a CNA, or a registered nurse already, pursuing additional education towards certification as a nurse practitioner may be a good move.
- Statistician: Florida has booming tourism and financial industries. Many private companies are in need of statisticians who can collect, organize, and analyze data in order to help make predictions about what business moves to make next.
- Rodbuster: Rodbusters work hands-on to shape and mold steel rods within concrete construction. With constant new construction throughout Florida, rod busters are in high demand.
- Nurse practitioner: Many people retire in Florida, and with an aging population comes specialized health needs. Nurse practitioners in Florida work in clinics, hospitals, private practices, and nursing homes.
Take Advantage of Job Openings in the Southeast With an Online MBA
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