
More than 500 members of the South Carolina Corps of Cadets accepted diplomas during The Citadel’s commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 4 in McAlister Field House. About 35% of the class accepted commissions as U.S. military officers in all branches of service just prior to graduation.
Graduates accepted their diploma from Citadel alumnus Gen. Glenn W. Walters, USMC (Ret.), who was officiating as president for the first time.
The top academic programs for the Class of 2019 included business administration, criminal justice, mechanical engineering, civil engineering and political science.
The following cadets were among the graduating class:
Last name | First name | Last name | First name | |
Abernathy | Samuel | Kelley | Jonathan | |
Adams | Jonathan | Kingland | Maryah | |
Adams | Jackson | Kinson | John | |
Adams | Steven | Kirby | Ryan | |
Aguirre | Alexis | Koger | Abigail | |
Akers | Michael | Kraftsow | Matthew | |
Alday | Juan | Kreitzer | Joshua | |
Allen | Kentavius | Kuhn | Clayton | |
Allman | Logan | Kulick | Stephan | |
Anderson | Jacob | Kyle | John | |
Anderson | Jordan | Lacy | Jerod | |
Anderson | Charles | LaFlamme | Canaan | |
Anzalone | Michael | Lambert | Cameron | |
Aragon | Evan | Lamberth | Isaac | |
Armstrong | James | Lanetti | Matthew | |
Armstrong | Christopher | Lanetti | Matthew | |
Arroyo | Arias | Lariviere | Thomas | |
Arroyo | Arias | Lee | Graham | |
Atwater | Graham | Lee | Tsu-Hang | |
Auten | Allison | Lee | John | |
Bagwell | William | Lenahan | Conor | |
Bailey | Cody | Lenahan | Conor | |
Baker | John | Leto | Peter | |
Baker | Andrew | Lewis | Christopher | |
Balding | Kenneth | Lewis | Gabriel | |
Baldwin | Claude | Ligon | Jacob | |
Barber | Logan | Lilly | Dylan | |
Barnes | Cedric | Linton | Jonathan | |
Barnett | Riley | Littlejohn | Shadonna | |
Barone | Luke | Livingston | Matthew | |
Bartolo | Matthew | Llera | Austin | |
Bartrum | Braeden | Loeffler | Dawson | |
Bateman | Trace | Loggins | Blake | |
Baucom | Taylor | Long | Conrad | |
Beal | Lucas | Lott | James | |
Beall | Lucas | Lowder | Charles | |
Beaput | Adrian | Lum | Tai | |
Bearden | Charles | Mack | Andrew | |
Besancon | Hunter | Maki | Sierra | |
Bialakis | Alex | Malek | Seth | |
Bickley | James | Malott | Joshua | |
Bishop | Dylan | Manceaux | Kendred | |
Black | Daniel | Marr | Daniel | |
Black | Jordan | Martin | Jace | |
Blackwelder | John | Martin | Sydney | |
Blanchard | Richard | Mathis | Jacob | |
Bosshart | Kevin | Matsuoka | Max | |
Bowles | Robert | Matthews | Eugene | |
Brace | Nicholas | Matthews | Weston | |
Bradshaw | Jared | McAllister | Ethan | |
Bridges | Devlen | McGaffic | Michael | |
Brinkley | Charles | McGuirt | Whitney | |
Brister | Jeffery | McIntyre | Cooper | |
Brooks | Rowan | McLeod | John | |
Brown | Trevor | McQuitty | Samuel | |
Bruner | Colby | McTigue | John | |
Buchanan | Parker | Meacham | Matthew | |
Buddendorff | Evan | Melendez | Elijah | |
Buffalo | Khafari | Meredith | Morgan | |
Buffington | Steven | Merritt | Jordan | |
Burckhalter | Andrew | Michael | Jordan | |
Burgess | Tyler | Miele | Mark | |
Butler | Jamme | Milhouse | Marcus | |
Byrd | Parker | Miller | Logan | |
Calcagno | Paul | Miller | Lucas | |
Campbell | Drew | Miller | Maxwell | |
Campbell | Coleman | Miller | Logan | |
Capers | Christina | Miller | Matthew | |
Carney | Paul | Mitchell | Brandon | |
Carruthers | Sumerlyn | Mitchell | David | |
Carter | Bradley | Mizell | Alexis | |
Cass | Kameron | Moeller | Corey | |
Casselman | Jonathan | Moore | Joshua | |
Causey | Hampton | Moore | Trenton | |
Chapman | Jacob | Moore | James | |
Chapman | Jacob | Muenter | Grant | |
Chapman | Edward | Muller | Payton | |
Cherry | Tamir | Munday | Matthew | |
Ching | Hsin-Yun | Murn | Abigail | |
Chow | Dillon | Murphy | Michael | |
Christensen | Andrew | Murray | Hannah | |
Churchill | Stephen | Murray | Leon | |
Clancy | Patrick | Najdawi | Zane | |
Clark | Joshua | Nanney | Travis | |
Cleland | Cole | Neil | Peter | |
Clingman | Rebecca | Neira | Kyle | |
Cobb | Garrett | Newton | Aaron | |
Conde | Michael | Newton | Austin | |
Connolly | Liam | Nixon | Curtis | |
Conroy | John | Norton | Joseph | |
Cook | Richard | Ondevilla | Stephen | |
Cooper | Skylar | O’Rourke | John | |
Cooper | Grayson | Osborne | Tanner | |
Copeland | Brandon | Osburn | Luke | |
Coppola | Matthew | Osmon | Nicholas | |
Cornelio-Ruiz | Maria | Outlaw | Tony | |
Cornelio-Ruiz | Maria | Owen | Christopher | |
Cox | Jefferson | Palmer | Ryan | |
Cox | James | Pang-Riddle | Alexander | |
Craft | Gregory | Parmely | Byron | |
Crawley | Hunter | Peden | Benjamin | |
Cucinotta | Nicolas | Phillips | James | |
Cunningham | Joseph | Phillips | Charles | |
Dalenburg | Samuel | Pierce | Rucker | |
Dalrymple | Thomas | Pitman | Matthew | |
Davis | Philip | Plant | Jonathan | |
Davis | Jeffrey | Poe | Milton | |
Davis | Alexander | Pollard | Steven | |
Davis | Tyler | Porter | Clayton | |
Days | David | Powers | Jacob | |
Deaver | Charles | Preddy | Abraham | |
Dees | Isaac | Prince | Meryl | |
DeKold | Richard | Pringle | Lauren | |
Delao | Kevin | Pugh | James | |
Denzine | Victor | Pulliam | Ryan | |
Desser | Margaret | Pusey | Alexander | |
DeWitt | Devin | Quade | William | |
Diaz | Andrew | Rainey | Brandon | |
Dill | Jacob | Rasberry | William | |
Dobbs | Harrison | Reaves | Jonathan | |
Drake | Richard | Reed | Temon | |
Dromerhauser | Erin | Reed | Jonathan | |
DuBose | Brice | Reeves | Bethany | |
Duzz | Brandi | Rhinehart | Hamilton | |
Dymond | Matthew | Rice | William | |
Eager | Maxwell | Rice | Michael | |
Eason | Hunter | Richardson | Clarence | |
Edwards | Alexis | Richburg | Jariek | |
Eklund | Koby | Riddle | Brian | |
Escobar | Sebastian | Rigby | Patrick | |
Evangelista | Matthew | Ringgold | Jeremy | |
Everham | McKenzie | Rodriguez | Taylor | |
Faris | Kirk | Root | Sawyer | |
Farnham | Michael | Rose | Tyler | |
Felt | Mitchell | Rose | Joseph | |
Fenters | Gilbert | Rourke | Frank | |
Fenwrick-Wallace | Leah | Ruckel | Ethan | |
Ferguson | Russell | Santana | Bryan | |
Fischer | Connor | Sapp | Caleb | |
Fischer | Connor | Sauers | Daniel | |
Fitzgerald | Jordan | Saunders | Bradford | |
Flender | Richard | Sawyer | Cameron | |
Fleshman | James | Scerbo | Joseph | |
Flippen | Samuel | Scholl | David | |
Flowers | Henry | Scoggins | Nathaniel | |
Flynn | Kylie | Scurry | Elliott | |
Foor | Andrew | Serpas | Blake | |
Ford | Max | Shin | Colin | |
Forster | McKinley | Shore | Cameron | |
Foulks | Morgan | Shugan | Andrew | |
Fox | Logan | Shumpert | Austin | |
Franklin | Kaylee | Sigmon | Blake | |
Franks | Riley | Simrill | Thomas | |
Frazee | Philip | Sims | Cody | |
Freeman | Sylvester | Sloan | Nicholas | |
Frierson | Matthew | Smith | Briggs | |
Galbraith | Bradley | Smith | Zachary | |
Galemmo | Michael | Smith | Grayson | |
Gallman | Attorney | Snoke | Andrew | |
Ganezer | Joshua | Snyder | James | |
Ganley | Stone | Snyder | James | |
Geis | Conrad | Somsri | Thitprapan | |
Gerba | Michael | Spearman | Cody | |
Getreu | Trevor | Spence | Dylan | |
Gibbs | Stuart | Spotts | Zacharey | |
Gill | Sloan | Stallings | Marion | |
Godwin | Jeffrey | Stanley | Caleb | |
Goethe | Stone | Stolar | Isaac | |
Golden | William | Stone | Harry | |
Goldhorn | Alexandra | Strickland | James | |
Goldstein | Daniel | Suarez | Gustavo | |
Gonzalez | Bryan | Subervielle | Matthew | |
Gorman | Zachariah | Sulzbach | Shona | |
Gray | Connor | Susanke | Damon | |
Green | James | Swain | Kevin | |
Griffin | Darryl | Swanson | Erik | |
Grimal | Marina | Sweere | Evan | |
Grimal | Marina | Swope | Griffin | |
Grissop | Jackson | Tamblyn | Sebastian | |
Grizzle | Avery | Tankard | Hayden | |
Gurley | Aaron | Taylor | Ian | |
Hair | Jared | Taylor | Jonathan | |
Hajek | Michael | Taylor | Christopher | |
Hammond | Kyle | Tenlen | Sebastian | |
Hannah | Adam | Terenzio | John | |
Hardee | Jesse | Terwilliger | Adam | |
Harker | Colby | Thackston | Marc | |
Harrell | James | Thomas | Jordan | |
Harvey-Fonvil | Noah | Thompson | Maxwell | |
Hatler | Douglas | Thompson | Summer | |
Hatler | Douglas | Thompson | Trevor | |
Hayes | Weston | Thorsen | Christopher | |
Hayes | Fischer | Timmerman | Tidal | |
Hayes | Blayne | Townsend | Joseph | |
Heape | Edwin | Tucker | Ian | |
Helms | Dalton | Umstead | Robert | |
Hendershot | Aaron | Usrey | Garrett | |
Henson | Matthew | Valentine | Rene | |
Herzler | Ralph | Vandamme | Julian | |
Hickey | Brandon | Vanderheyden | Robert | |
Hill | Justin | Vandiver | Anthony | |
Hobson | Roy | Viveiros | Seth | |
Hoffman | Griffin | Vu | Van | |
Hopersberger | Michael | Walker | Katherine | |
Hsu | Pang | Walton | Prentiss | |
Hudak | Andrew | Wamsley | Joshua | |
Hudson | Robert | Ward | Lorenzo | |
Hurley | James | Watkins | James | |
Ilderton | Daniel | Watson | William | |
Irving | Cagney | Wawrzynski | Adam | |
Ivy | Christopher | Webb | Raleigh | |
James | William | Wendling | Joseph | |
Januchowski | Anthony | Wentley | Marcello | |
Jeffcoat | Wesley | Wheat | Adam | |
Jendrasiak | Lucas | Whitaker | Za’Von | |
Jenkins | Demetrius | White | Evan | |
Jeter | Robert | White | Martayez | |
Johnson | Alexander | Wielbruda | Nicholas | |
Johnson | Rodriquez | Wilder | Amber | |
Johnson | Emmanuel | Wilder | Matthew | |
Johnson | Richard | Williams | Levi | |
Johnson | Ryan | Williams | Ja’lon | |
Johnson | David | Williams | Jordan | |
Johnson | Holland | Wilson | William | |
Johnson | James | Wilson | Devan | |
Johnson | Talmadge | Wilson | Preston | |
Joiner | Jarod | Witham | Grayson | |
Jones | Jeffrey | Wolfe | Octavia | |
Jordan | Mason | Wosu | Ugonna | |
Jowers | Austin | Wright | William | |
Kane-Yearman | Keelan | Yates | Sean | |
Kardohely | Sarah | Ynclan | Dylan | |
Kearney | Charles | Young | Robert | |
Keefe | Patrick | Young | Xavier | |
Keel | Richard | Zorn | Sarah | |
Keller | Katherine |