The modified mask policy is effective starting Aug. 25
Based on current conditions, The Citadel will require face coverings to be worn while inside select campus buildings. This protocol is temporary and will be reviewed on Sept. 7.
This applies to all individuals – cadets, students, faculty, staff and visitors – regardless of vaccination status in the following locations:
- All academic buildings and classrooms
- Additional buildings that require masks are:
- Mark Clark Hall
- Summerall Chapel
- Daniel Library
Masks are not required outdoors, in barracks or in any facility not described above.
Supervisors are authorized to utilize discretion to require their employees to wear masks in close contact or indoor settings.
In order to achieve the goal of normal operations, The Citadel is seeking 85% immunity campus-wide.
These temporary measures and an increase in campus-wide vaccination rates will help the college achieve the objective of normal operations.
Those who have already been vaccinated and not yet reported their status are asked to report your vaccination status via an e-form here or through Banner here. This information will remain confidential and will only be shared with college officials who have a legitimate need to fulfill their professional responsibilities for The Citadel, such as contact-tracing.
Campus COVID statistics, as well as further guidance and protocols, can be found here.
To learn more about the college’s successful, on-campus experience for the 2020-21 academic year, click here.