This August, The Citadel Regimental Band and Pipes will proudly represent the United States for the fourth time as the country’s designated military band performing at The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo in Scotland.
The band will maintain its status as the only U.S. military college band to have received the prestigious invitation to perform at the world’s most renowned military music festival on behalf of the nation.
The invitation from the Tattoo said, in part:
“We would be honored to welcome our friends at The Citadel back to the Edinburgh Tattoo. The Band last performed with us in 2010 and 2015 to considerable accolade and having faced the challenge of cancellation in 2020, it would be wonderful to present their talents to Tattoo audiences once more.
It would be tremendous if the United States of America could be represented by The Citadel for this special season. We very much hope that your talented Band and Pipes would like to join the adventure.”
The Citadel President Gen. Glenn M. Walters, USMC (Ret.), ’79, said it’s a privilege to be once again invited back to Tattoo.
“The opportunity to represent the United States at The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo is an honor for The Citadel. We extend our deepest gratitude to this esteemed organization for its recognition of The Citadel Regimental Band and Pipes both this year and in previous years,” said Walters. “Our cadets are honored and excited to have the opportunity to perform with world-class military bands and performers from around the globe.”
The Citadel’s band will perform on the Esplanade of Edinburgh Castle from August 2 through August 24, 2024, as part of the month-long festival of music and pageantry featuring military organizations from around the world. The 2024 Tattoo will present Journeys, a show that will transport audiences on an international cultural voyage, bringing together the voices and stories that connect the cast, audiences and cultures of the Tattoo. Journeys will showcase the impeccable musical talents of home-grown British military, in addition to the nostalgic sound of the Massed Pipes and Drums, world-class Tattoo Dancers and a vibrant international cast. The Royal Navy will take the helm as the lead service in 2024.

The Regimental Band and Pipes functions as a single cadet company at The Citadel, it has two parts – the Regimental Band and the Regimental Pipe Band. Both units consist of a drum major and a number of musicians. Each can perform independently, but most often come together to support the Corps of Cadets, the community and the nation.
The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo is the largest production of its kind, broadcasted to more than 30 countries. The college’s participation as America’s band puts Charleston and South Carolina in the spotlight, with an estimated 100 million viewers annually according to the show’s producers. The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo was first staged in 1950, following successful military contributions to the Edinburgh International Festival from 1947. Since then, British Military Bands and Pipes and Drums as well as military contingents and civilian acts from over 50 countries have entertained huge audiences – with over 14 million people having seen the show live over the years. For many military musicians, pipers and drummers, to perform in Edinburgh represents a lifetime ambition.