Photo: Cadets celebrating at the end of the 2022 morning commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 7. (Courtesy: Cadet Blake Vasquez)
The newest alumni from the South Carolina Corps of Cadets and The Citadel Graduate College
The South Carolina Corps of Cadets Class of 2022 made history as one of The Citadel’s largest incoming classes when they arrived on campus four years ago.
Now, after two years of modified graduation ceremonies, more than 600 members of the South Carolina Corps of Cadets and more than 500 students from The Citadel Graduate College accepted their degrees during the commencement ceremonies on Saturday, May 7.
The day before commencement, about 30% of the graduating cadets accepted commissions as officers into the U.S. Armed Services. Among those who accepted commissions are the first two Citadel cadets to join the U.S. Space Force: Conor William Deans, Space Operations Officer, and Jack O. Schwartz, Developmental Engineer.
Another significant accomplishment from the Class of 2022 include two cadets tying for the position of First Honor Graduate — Steven Jones and Ashley Ruiz.
Ruiz, along with William Jenson and Martynas Tendzegolskis, comprise the first group to graduate through The Citadel Distinguished Scholars Program, a rigorous academic initiative that develops the brightest and most ambitious cadets and students for success in top-tier graduate schools and for leadership roles in their future careers.
The top academic programs for the Class of 2022 included Business Administration, Intelligence and Security Studies, Criminal Justice, Mechanical Engineering and Political Science.
Graduates accepted their diploma from President of The Citadel Gen. Glenn W. Walters, USMC (Ret.), Class of 1979.
Recordings of both commencement ceremonies, as well as the Joint Commissioning Ceremony, can be viewed here.
The SCCC graduating class includes:
First and middle | Last |
Logan G | Abel |
Davarious Armond | Abraham |
Daniel Richard | Adams |
Jaylan Jamar | Adams |
Juan Enrique | Alejandro |
Gage Michael | Andrews |
Makayla Marie | Ard |
Thomas Michael | Azrelyant |
Joshua Ray | Babcock |
Emma Kate | Baguer |
Chase Michel Turk | Bailey |
Kaden Lynn | Bailey |
Errett Gary | Bainum |
Collin Blake | Bair |
Jon Corey | Barry |
Joel Joseph | Baslot Jr |
William Alan | Bastian |
Jason Robert | Beal |
Chandler Davis | Beale |
Isaiah Deshun | Beals-Kennedy |
Evan McCown | Bearden |
Jennifer Elise | Beare |
Carter Julien | Beaulieu |
Thomas Carter | Bechtold |
Danielle Victoria | Beck |
Devin Lester | Beckley |
Charles Hunt | Bellinger |
Patricia Sama Ann | Beltramo |
Joseph Michael | Benore |
William Chamberlayne | Bentley IV |
Rivers Ross | Benton |
Christopher Page | Beverly |
Robert Hampton | Bickley |
Ryan | Bilitski |
Jaydon Meyer | Binstock |
Zachary Grant | Bishop |
Jack Murray | Blackburn |
Reece Adam | Blackwood |
Brett Daniel | Blankenship |
Christian William | Blase |
Jackson Lawrence | Blase |
Marquise Tyshawn | Blount |
Conchetta Alexandra | Bohm |
Harrison Whitfield | Boorda |
Harrison Whitfield | Boorda |
Keynan Christopher | Bosch-League |
Jayden John | Bossian |
Grant Michael | Bourdon |
Miller Stevens | Boyles |
Andrew Gray | Bradshaw |
Aidan Samuel | Brady |
Robert Logan | Braucht |
Zachery David | Brewster |
Jackson Hunt | Bridges |
Shelby Ruth | Brooks |
Connor Traynham | Brownlee |
Michael Grant | Brunet |
Benjamin Irvin | Bunch |
Eric James | Burchfield |
William Austin David | Burgess |
Cole Ryan | Burke |
Zachariah Dale | Burke |
John Freeman | Busche II |
Justin Anthony | Bush |
Austin Jacob | Buttle |
David Marcel | Campbell |
Matthew Ryan | Campbell |
Devin Parker | Cantrell |
Frank Edward | Capogrosso |
Antonio Demetrius | Carbajal |
Thorin Frederick | Cardente |
Brenton Jarrod | Carnes |
Samuel B | Casey |
William Joseph | Casey IV |
Dazjon | Casto |
Aaron Clayton | Causey |
Zachary Reeves | Cecil |
Christopher Charles | Celli |
Joseph Michael | Cervi |
Rivers Ethan | Chadwick |
Anthony Augustus | Chapman |
Marshall Cullen | Chapman |
Carey Roy | Chastain |
Sean William Alton | Cherney |
Ryan Edwin | Cherrier |
Chia-Feng | Chiang |
Allen Virginian | Childers Jr |
Caleb Joseph | Christmas |
Kathryn Marie | Christmas |
Adam James | Clancy |
Alexander Patrick | Clark |
Alexander Patrick | Clark |
Ethan Thomas | Clark |
Robert Lebby | Clement IV |
John Alan Dean | Clifford |
Sean Ryan | Cloherty |
Joshua Adam | Coats |
DeAndre Troy | Cofer |
Chase Conrad | Coffel |
Sebastian Issa | Collazo |
Grant Fraser | Collier |
Noah Ryan | Collier |
Gabriel William | Collins |
Kristopher Matthew | Collins |
Matthew Taylor | Collins |
Hunter James | Congdon |
Grant Thomas | Conner |
Jackson Steele | Conner |
Corey Patrick | Conover |
Jonathan Andrew | Contreras |
Grant Emmett | Cooke |
John Martin | Cooke III |
Kent Davis | Cooper |
Sean Paul | Costello |
Dashawn Maurice | Costley |
Alexander Michael | Cotton |
James McMillan | Covington Jr |
Ronald Gary | Crabtree II |
Ashley Anne | Cranfill |
Braxton Kyle | Crawford |
Gavin Nathaniel | Crawford |
Jonathan Brooks | Cribb |
Lyndsay Danielle | Cribb |
Benjamin Thomas | Croker |
Joshua Caleb | Crosby |
Joshua Lorne | Crosby |
Thomas Christopher | Cross II |
Ademar Yariel | Cubero II |
Alexandra | Daley |
Aaron Zachary | Daninger |
Luke Lennert | Darling |
Mathew Knowles | Daugomah |
Eddie Damon | Davis Jr |
Kaleb Demetrius | Davis |
Kyle Ross | Davis |
Weston Brown | Davis |
Jakob Tristan | Dawson |
Conor William | Deans |
Odalys Cantherine | Deaza |
Robert John | DeMarre |
Song | Deng |
Christopher Daniel | Dennis |
Reid Johnson | Derrick |
Joshua C | Desmore |
Katlyn Virginia | Deveau |
Caleb Samad | Deveaux |
Paul Michael | Diehl |
Duy The | Diep |
Kyle Mario | DiLiddo |
Hannah Marie | Dion |
Mitchell Louis | DiPaolo |
Charleston Wingfield | Dodson |
Mya Monaye | Dollard |
Craig Mishael | Domingue |
James Neil | Dorman |
Joseph Francis | Douglas |
Ryan John | Downing |
Garrett Monroe | Drew |
Clarence Isaiah | Droze |
Jacob Taylor | Dukes |
Ilyar | Dulat |
Michael Joseph | Dulin Jr |
Kyle Bennie | Dupree |
Freddy | Duran Jr |
Ezekiel Robert | Durand |
Jacob Christopher | Duresky |
Dakota Antoinette | Durham |
Wesley McLaurin | Dyson |
Luke James | Eafano |
Rebekah Elise | Earhart |
Jonathan Dillon | Earls |
Noah Richard | Earnest |
John Michael | East |
Nicholas Reed | Edwards |
Maya Hannah | Elassal |
Jacob Sawyer | Ely |
Zachary Allen | England |
Jonathan Francis | Eraula |
Chase R | Ervin |
Sarah Louise | Ervin |
Kyler Edward | Estes |
Andrew Scott | Eubanks |
Collin Craig | Evans |
Lee Robert | Evans |
John Maclachlan | Feeney |
Evan N | Fish |
Charles W | Fisher IV |
Isabel G | Flores |
Miguel Chavez | Flores |
Jonathan | Florian |
Ronald Dixon | Flowers III |
John Valley | Fogle |
Brett | Folsom |
Armando Giuseppe | Fontana |
Jackson Maxwell | Ford |
Matthew Connor-Phong | Foust |
Aaron Christopher | Fowler |
Dimitrios Theologos | Fragopoulos |
Cameron Taylor | Fuller |
Davis Maxwell | Fuller |
Kayla Usmil | Funes |
Trey Michael | Gable |
Jean Carlos | Galindez |
Christopher Michael | Gamba |
Thomas Bryce | Gambrell |
Trenton James | Gambrell |
Jackson Cole | Gammons |
Bryce Pearson | Garcia |
Zachery Scott | Garcia |
Daniel Wayne | Garmon |
Cassius Tyriq | Garner |
Gary Stephen | Garner |
Everette W | Garrett |
Dallas Scott | Garwood |
Keyshawn Jerrell | Gascey |
Grayson Mark Dawson | Gasque |
Andrew John | Gawryluk II |
Allissa Rose | Geesaman |
Seth William | Gerstenfeld |
Thomas McCain | Gettys |
Dahrel Nunes Abu | Ghazaleh |
James Addison | Gibbs |
William Gage | Gibson |
Evan Alexander | Gilger |
Kobe Ma~nas~seh Jordan | Gillard |
Ned Eugene | Gilleland III |
Marshall Lawrence | Gilmer |
Collin Robert | Gleco |
Brandon Ryan | Goings |
Joseph William | Goline |
Edward Allen | Gonick |
Christopher Perry | Goubeaux |
Garrett Richard | Graettinger |
Gabrielle Therese | Grane |
Michael Glennon | Graupner |
Colton James | Gray |
Tyelen Frehley | Gray |
Cody Lee | Green |
William Eugene | Greene |
William Tucker | Griffin |
Alexander Mark | Griffith |
Matthew James | Griffith |
Nicholas Arthur | Grna |
Sylvester Len | Guillermo |
Robert Quitman | Guyton |
Noah Austin | Guzman |
Ryan Jack | Hadley |
Dalton Benjamin | Hager |
Taryn Alexandra | Hall |
Ty Price | Hamilton |
Brooks William Russell | Hammond |
Cort Spencer | Hanellin |
Jesse Caitlin Di Ciccio | Harbaugh |
David James | Hardcastle |
Ryan Michael | Harper |
Aaron Joel | Harris |
Christopher Claymon | Harris |
Alec Adrian | Hart |
James Mason | Harwell |
Jackson Alexander | Hattaway |
Nathan W | Hayden |
Bryce William | Hearsey |
Sean Paul | Heckel |
Thomas James | Hedin |
Dietrich Joseph | Heinz |
Devon James | Heisler |
Noah David | Helms |
Ryan M | Henrickson |
Richardo Anthony | Henriquez |
William Ernest | Herbert V |
James Hannon | Heustess |
Jerry Eugene | Higgins III |
Blake Andrew | Hill Jr |
Connor J | Hilton |
Olivia Lauren | Hime |
William Joseph | Hobbs |
Damian Parker | Hofmann |
Morgan Emory | Holbrook |
William Jonah | Holcombe |
James William | Holladay III |
Mason T | Holland |
Daniel Edmund | Hollister |
Albert Harrison | Hope |
Brian Elisha | Horn |
Nicholas Kyle | Horton |
Matthew James | Horvath |
Bennett Brown | Howard |
Jacob Cade | Howard |
Zackary Davis | Huskamp |
Kaleb Caine | Hyland |
Omar R | Itani |
Grayham Hurteau | Ives |
Daniel Uyiosa | Iyasere |
Ethan Christopher | Jackson |
Malcolm Nicholas Xavier | Jackson |
Katherine Anne | Jarvis |
Addison Shaw | Jeffcoat |
James William | Jeffcoat II |
Jackson Charles | Jenkins |
Robert Graydon | Jennings |
William Morgan | Jensen |
Dickson Reid | Jentsch |
Chandler Booth | Johnson |
Jared Murphy | Johnson |
Lane Thomas | Johnson |
Michael Todd | Johnson |
Tate Marion | Johnson |
Alexander Stuart | Jolly |
Charles Edward | Jones |
John Thomas | Jones |
Matthew Stephen | Jones |
Steven Josef Kenley | Jones |
Joshua Lawrence | Judson |
Faith Elizabeth | Justice |
Ian James | Kaiser |
Douglas Alexander | Karam |
Alexander Mason | Kaufman |
James Cole | Kearse |
Matthew Steven | Kees |
Thomas Bartow | Keller II |
McKenzie Len | Kellerman |
Preston Tave | Kerlegrand |
Benjamin Lawrence | Kicklighter |
Austin Lynn | King |
Jarett R | King |
Robert Charles | King |
Gavin G | Kingman |
Noah Lee | Klein |
Isaac Christopher | Koepper |
Jackson Richard | Koethke |
Kyle William | Kretzer |
Richard D | Krug |
Laura Michelle | Kuhlmann |
Evan David | Kukuk |
Thomas James | Kyte |
Brogen Andrew-Morris | LaBranche |
Angelea Belle | Lance |
Wesley Martin | Lane |
Paul Charles | LaRosa IV |
Emma Lynn | Larsen |
Jacob Dooley | Larsen |
Emory Davis | Latimer |
Christopher John | Laurencio Jr |
Brandon Marquis-Mundell | Lawson |
Jeb Thomas | Lawson |
William Henry | Lee |
Jon Barrett | Lewis |
Mark Alan | Lewis |
Tyrique Keshawn | Lewis |
Erik D | Liebal |
Eric Russell | Lilling |
Andrew Roy | Lindenmeyer |
Jonathan Christian | Lineweaver |
Carlos Victor | Liriano |
Samuel Francis | Little |
Calvin Alexander | Livesey |
Samuel Isaiah | Llewellyn |
John Daniel | Logan Jr |
Andrew Bradley | Lopez |
Carson Woodard | Lowder |
Pei Hsuan | Lu |
Josefino Hines | Lubang Jr |
Bennett Alan | Lucas |
Andrew Nicholas | Macchia |
Brandon Scott | MacDonald |
Destin Jevon | Mack |
Douglas James | MacKay III |
Sean Patrick | Macsay |
Banks Alexander | Madden |
Ernest Hunter | Maggard |
Micheal J | Makowski |
Collin David | Maloney |
Daniel Lansing | Mappus |
Luis Alphonso | Mariaca |
Blake Christopher | Markuson |
Marvin Malik | Marshall |
Benjamin David Patrick | Martin |
Charles Edward | Martin II |
Cole William | Martin |
Harrison Reece | Martin |
Christopher David | Martinez |
Trini Reynold | Martinez |
Christian Lee | Matthews |
Christopher Scott | Matthews |
Jayson Francis | Matthews |
Sara Lucinda | Mauney |
Luke R | Maynard |
David Coltin | McBain |
Triston Odell | McClain |
Eric Rayburn | McClary |
Quintin Isaiah | McCloud |
Kaytlynne Marie | McCord |
David Lathan | McCormick |
Jackson Kitt | McDonald |
Michael Caleb | McDowell |
Branson Richard | McGee |
John Mace | McGrath |
Corey Sanders | McMillan |
Andrew Steven | McNay |
Curtis James | McNeill |
Charles Aloysius | McQueeney III |
Gerald Duane | Meetze |
Luke D | Meetze |
William A | Metts Jr |
John David | Michne III |
Javonte Bobby | Middleton |
Melanie | Mikoy |
Dustin Sanford | Miller |
Johnson David | Millinor |
Noah Joseph | Mills |
Karson | Mingo |
Jonah William | Mitchell |
Tyler Swain | Mitchell |
Bailey Collins | Mitchum |
Max | Mitin |
Carter Wright | Moody |
Zachary Mark | Mooney |
Brysyn Kedar | Moore |
Christopher Lawrence | Morden |
Donald Ray | Morgan Jr |
Lauren Patricia | Motes |
Brendan Paul | Moyer |
Wesley Alexander | Munn |
Brandon Calvert | Munoz |
Christopher Austin | Murphy |
Austin Keith | Murray |
David Logan | Murray |
Parker James | Myrick |
Mackenzie Dakota | Newsome |
Dustin | Nguyen |
Benjamin Henry | Nicholson |
Nkemjika Joseph | Njoku |
William Myron | Nolan |
Ethan Andrew | Noller |
Grant Jackson | Norman |
David Jacob | Norris |
Donovan Ryland | O'Dea |
Paul R | Oelkers |
Kamden Jude | Olsen |
Pablo Nathaniel | Orozco-Garcia Jr |
Samuel Joe | Ouzts |
Dalton Frank | Owens |
Nicholas Michael | Owens |
Charles Ashton | Pacheco |
Bo Ting | Pan |
Colton Thunder | Parcell |
Noah Sungmin | Park |
Noah Sungmin | Park |
Brandon N | Parker |
Andrew Denman | Parkhurst |
Garrett Robert | Peal |
James Robert | Peatross |
Gregg Collins | Pedone |
Bradley Scott | Peery |
Justin Michael | Perez |
Emily Rebecca | Perkins |
Nathan Lionel | Perry |
Robert Reeves | Peterson |
Maxwell Thomas | Pfingston |
Joseph Nhat Nam | Pham |
Kevin Nguyen Anh | Pham |
Ethan Allen | Phillips |
James Austin | Phillips |
John Harris | Phillips |
Maximillian Charles | Piechottka |
Selwyn Dechon | Porter II |
Akhil | Prathipati |
Garrison Ryan | Prestwood |
Jaret Sean | Price |
Sarah C | Price |
Ronald Dale | Prince II |
Seth Michael | Pritchard |
Hayes Alexander | Pruitt |
Brendan Scott | Pugh |
Aidan Kyle | Puzzio |
Phillip Aaron | Quinn |
Ryan-Barry | Quinn |
Alisha Cobangbang | Rabaca |
John Alexander | Raynor |
Kian Michael | Razzaghy |
Merritt Darby | Reeves |
Thomas Cameron | Reeves |
Steven Jefferson | Reisinger |
Alexander Thomas | Revell |
Brandley Javeh | Reyes Torres |
Brandley Javeh | Reyes Torres |
Aaron Gregory | Reynolds |
Jonathon Gage | Rhymer |
Cameron Giovanni | Richard |
Garrett Bryon | Richardson |
Will | Richardson |
Michael Caleb | Richburg |
Nicholas Daniel | Roberson |
Alicia Nicole | Roberts |
Montray Chevelle | Robinson Jr |
Blake Allen | Rogers |
Turner Anthony | Rogers |
Joseph Dylan | Roland |
Robert G | Roser |
Jake Edward | Rotunda |
Ashley Jessica | Ruiz |
Jacob Lane | Rush |
George Garrett | Sabaka |
Nadia Lee | Sandler |
Anthony Bernard | Sands Jr |
Michael Anthony | Santopadre |
George Irwin | Saulnier III |
Josiah Adam | Schainblatt |
Evan Leo | Schickel |
Alec William | Schlink |
Nicholas Todd | Scholly |
Christopher | Schuk |
Jakob Gerald | Schumacher |
Bryant Patrick | Schutz |
Jack Oscar | Schwartz |
Phillip Peter | Schwartz |
Anthony M | Schwend |
Edward Spencer | Scott II |
William Tenneson | Sears |
Nathan Riley | Shane |
Keegan Patrick | Sherman |
Joseph Clark | Shevchik |
Jackson Reese | Shubert |
Harold Smith | Shuman Jr |
Desmond Lee | Sigler |
John Stephen | Simone III |
Richard Cole | Simpson |
Christopher Lee | Simun |
Jalen Adam | Singleton |
Chelsea Ann | Sitarik |
Ryan Charles | Skibicki |
Eric Fletcher | Skinner |
Eric Fletcher | Skinner |
Hadou | Slimani |
Maxwell Lorenzo | Smalls |
Shiloh Ophelia | Smiles |
David Jeffrey | Smith |
French McKinley | Smith IV |
Hunter Glenn | Smith |
Kyle David Trudeau | Smith |
Marshall Francis | Smith |
Sarah Ellen | Smith |
John Dermott | Snowman |
Madison Kathleen | Somogyi |
Lauren E | Sordo |
Grant Robert | Speer |
Jasmine Nicole | Speights |
Cody Preston | Spencer |
Nicole Elizabeth | Spohn |
Andrew Michael | Stack |
Brady Albert | Stafford |
Nicholas Todd | Stallings |
Hayden Michael | Stansbury |
Alexander Robert | Stensland |
Benjamin Whitfield | Stephens |
Taylor J | Sterba |
Trey Joey | Stevens |
Trey Joey | Stevens |
Dylan Z | Still |
Daniel Wilson | Stone |
Jonathan Conrad | Stone |
Logan John | Stone |
Nathan Christopher | Stone |
Jeffrey Palmer | Story |
David Gene | Stringer II |
Curtis Reid | Sturgeon |
Paul Kumdoang | Suh |
Collier B | Summers |
Garett Coley | Summers |
Seth Daniel | Suter |
Jonathan James | Swartz |
William Ellis | Swillen |
Danny Ray | Swofford Jr |
Joseph William | Taffner |
Jacob Alexander | Taunton |
Brady Andrew | Taylor |
Zachary C | Taylor |
Hunter Lane | Teems |
Martynas | Tendzegolskis |
Cameron James | Thomakos |
Colby Franklin | Thomas |
Nathaniel James | Thomas |
Jesse Alexander | Thomerson |
Justin Steven | Thompson |
Patrick Chistopher | Thompson |
Luke Hunter | Timmerman |
Lathan Robert | Todd |
Robert Fleming | Todd |
Charles Boyle | Tompkins Jr |
Johnathan Grey | Toole |
Karrina Santina | Tremblay |
Ryne Lee | Tucker |
Noel Christian | Turner II |
Robert Edward | Turner V |
Aaron Royce | Tyler |
Tyler Sebastian | Underwood |
Juan Camilo | Valencia |
Joseph Peter | Van Slyke |
Derek William | Vande |
Roger Clayton | Vera |
Theodore Alexander | Wagner |
Jeremy Avante | Walker |
Louis Edward | Walker |
Brian Durham | Wall Jr |
Arthur K | Walter III |
Clayton Eugene | Walters |
Samantha Alexis | Walton |
Alexander James Matheson | Wannamaker III |
Chad Jeremy | Ward |
Parker Riley | Ward |
Joseph Timothy | Ware |
Wilton McBryde | Warner IV |
Corbet Edward | Warren |
Bereasha Legeania Renee | Washington |
Philip Jackson | Watson Jr |
John Hunter | Watt |
Azi Malik | Weaver |
Matthew James | Weaver |
Noah Nicholas | Weaver |
Christopher Adam | Weddell |
Ryan Anthony | Wehner |
Kellan Charles | Welch |
Jordan Matthew | Well |
Noah Martin | Wells |
Cam Daniel | Welsh |
Samuel Francis | Wendt |
Charles Joseph | Weyer |
Ralph Wesley | Whalen Jr |
Keefe Nicholas | White |
Benjamin Thomas | Whitlock |
Robert Z | Widener |
Derrin Eugene | Williams Jr |
Jacob McKewn | Williams |
Joshua Heath | Williams |
Finn Alexander | Willman |
Guy Hunter | Wilson |
Jonathan Vaofanua | Wilson |
Kevin Anthony | Wilson |
Jack Reilly | Wittman |
Jeffrey Paul | Wood Jr |
Jennings Waring | Woods |
John Reece | Woods |
Joshua Daniel | Woods |
Reanna Janine | Wrecsics |
Grayson Quentin | Wright |
Jacob Alexander | Wright |
Gaines Wilson | Yates |
Isabella Domenica | Yates |
Benjamin Lee | Yeatrakas |
Zachary Bryan | Young |
Cooper Segars | Youngblood |
Joseph Brandon Caterial | Ytem |
Isabel Rose | Zarzuela |
Justin Alexander | Zeilstra |
Shannon Ashley | Ziccarello |
The CGC graduating class includes:
First and middle | Last |
William Grant | Accetta |
Amy Nicole | Ackershoek |
Cade Andrew | Adams |
Leslie Hamilton | Adkins |
Lisa Christine | Ahrens |
Thomas Gilbert | Akers II |
Raymond J | Aldredge III |
Tamara | Alexander |
Mark Howard | Allard II |
Dominique Jabari | Allen |
Randolph Carlton | Allen Jr |
Carlos Santiago | Almeida |
Christopher Clay | Alpert |
Andrew Jacob | Altman |
Katherine Kellahan | Anderson |
Ashley Ray | Andrews |
Michael Robert | Antonishak |
Chelsea | Aquino |
Dominic | Aquino |
Lacey Raine | Atkins |
Thomas Jeffery | Ayers |
Kyrey | Azucena |
Haylee Beth | Babb |
Seung M | Baek |
Joseph Blackard | Baker |
Hayley Caroline | Barber |
Logan Joseph | Barker |
Michael Joseph | Baron |
Jordan DeLynn | Bates |
Ruben Benjamin | Benitez |
Steven Benjamin | Bentley |
Benjamin John | Beresky |
Peter | Bergeson |
Connor Thomas | Bevins |
Vincent Charles | Bianculli |
Amanda Greene | Birchmeier |
William Taylor | Bishop |
Matthew Bryce | Blair |
James LeCue | Blake III |
David Matthew | Blauser |
Melody Cherie | Boland |
Zachary Perry | Bonadies |
Chelsea Rose | Bongiovanni |
Laura Gabriela | Bonilla Ospina |
Ty Edmund | Bouscal |
Devan Alexis | Bowersox |
Lauren Elizabeth | Boyle |
Alexis Camille | Bradfield |
Michael S. | Bradick |
Jared Thane | Bradshaw |
Blake Anthony | Bredemeier |
Alicia Claire | Brewington |
Aaleeyah My | Brimmer |
Benjamin Tucker | Brislin |
Victoria Lyndsay | Brister |
Jesse Hoye | Brooks |
Alaycier Nicole | Brown |
Earl David | Brown II |
Hayden Alan | Brown |
Jalaina Marselle | Brown |
Lanear Terrell | Brown |
Megan Tyeast | Brown |
Thashemia Mekel | Brown |
William Scott | Brown |
Colby Alan | Bruner |
Jonathan Lee | Bruner |
Leanne | Bryant |
Taylor Marie | Buchanan |
Abigail | Buckshorn |
Madison Christine | Burgess |
Rachel Jackson | Burlingame |
Jefferson Zornes | Burns |
Allyson Elaine | Burrell |
Sebastian John | Burton-Austrom |
Erin Leigh | Butcheck |
Garrett | Butler |
Michaela Ruth | Buttel |
James Christopher | Byrne |
John Philip | Caglione |
Caleb J. | Campbell |
Jamie Samantha | Cannady |
An Nguyen | Cao |
Erica Morgan | Carbonell |
William Summie | Carlay |
Michaela Halli | Caron |
James Matthew | Carroll Jr |
Brittany Ashley | Carter |
Russell Todd | Cash |
Tamra Leigh | Cash |
Madison | Cevallos |
Riley Caroline | Chafer |
Brianna | Chapman |
Bryant Lidell | Childs Jr |
Dennis Edward | Clair Jr |
Kayla | Clark |
Raquel Lucia | Clark |
Helen Lebby | Clement |
Cody Lee | Cleveland |
Bradley | Close |
Ricardo Alejandro | Cohen |
Mary Callison | Collins |
Ronnie Thomas | Collins II |
María Fernanda | Contreras Muñoz |
Joseph Kelley | Cook |
Jennifer Alexis | Copps |
Brian Matthew | Couzelis |
Andrew Christopher | Cox |
Phelan | Cox |
John Emmett | Crowder |
Steven | Crowley |
Chad Anthony | Curry |
Jennifer Elizabeth | Cutchins-Nimocks |
Benjamin Manuel | Dacoba |
Cecelia Naomi | Dailey |
Dinara | Dair |
Robert Anthony | Daniel III |
Brandon Keyon | Daniels |
Nadine Marie | Danner |
Elizabeth Masayo | Davis |
Joshua Ryan | Davis |
Sharlissa Marie | De Jesús López |
John Frederick | Deakin Jr |
Melanie Joann | Delgado |
Morgan Day | Demboski |
Troy | Dequaine |
Christopher Ryan | Diemer |
Carl | Dillitte II |
Logan Austin | Dix |
Tuong Vy | Doan |
Jonathan Roger | Dobson-Lewis |
Phillip Ryan | Dockery |
Marei Martin | Draper |
Robert Earl | Driver Jr |
Kyle Robert | DuBois |
Tyler Reed | Dunn |
Aliyah Renee | Duren |
Jason John | Eacho |
Mason Storm | Eadie |
Matthew | Eichman |
Terry Wayne | Ellington |
LaShone Shanise | Ellington-Tolbert |
Robert Wayne | Elliott III |
Robert Wayne | Elliott Jr |
Mandy | Enloe |
Bonnie Marie | Ertel |
Brittney | Evans |
James Burke | Fairey III |
Jared Chase | Feuerstein |
Angel Eduardo | Figueroa |
Julie Lynn | Ford |
Latrice S. | Ford |
Lindsay Renee | French |
McKenzie Paige | Furr |
Stephanie Anne | Fye |
Genevieve Irene | Garland |
Jordyn Linn | Geller |
Sarah | Ghaffari |
Brillyance Paige | Gilchrist-Poteat |
Audrey Danielle | Gilden |
Olivia June | Gill |
James Wesley | Gillam |
Samuel Tadros | Girgis |
Charlynnica Yvonne | Glasscho |
Justin Lee | Goble |
Isiah Marcell | Gochett |
Megan Smith | Goettsches |
Kyndal Hartline | Going |
John Edward | Gombos |
Parrish J. | Gordon |
Taylor Brianne | Graves |
Anne Marie | Guerriero |
Savannah | Guimaraes |
Parker Ean | Gustafson |
Will Brenden | Guthrie |
Tristin Allen | Hagerman |
John Harrison | Hamilton |
Brent Andrew | Hamric |
Erica Denise | Harper |
Jason Edwin | Hatch |
Lara Renee Borja | Hayes |
Cazzy McElligott | Hein |
Elizabeth Ashlan | Herlihy |
Alexandria Marie | Hernandez |
Dynasty | Heyward |
Kaelyn Victoria Lillie | Heyward |
Cody A. | Hibbard |
Richard Thomas | Hickman |
Holly Susan | Hillman |
Shaquille T. | Hilton |
Mitchell Joseph | Hinton |
Daulton Cayce | Hodge |
Frank David Robert | Hoffman |
Scott Alan | Hoffman |
Travis Sentell | Holland |
Claire Ryan | Holm |
Sara | Holstein |
Christian Bailey | Honeycutt |
Kayla | Houser |
Jason Chase | Howell |
William Thomas | Hudson |
Ryan Jeffrey | Hughes |
Chelsi Gia | Humelbaugh |
Naomi M | Hurt |
Kevin Edward | Hymans |
Malorie Ann | Igo |
Kolby Hunter | Jackson |
Austin | James |
Tilease Glover | Jenkins |
Crystal Danielle | Johnson |
Richard Russell | Johnson |
William Bradford | Jones |
Tasha Veletta | Joyner |
Michael James | Kahly |
Tyler Christian | Kahn |
Anthony John | Kalinofski-Green |
Emily Anne | Karafa |
Cassie Lynn | Keene |
Mackenzie Arnold | Kelley |
Christopher Allen | Kendig |
Devin Morgan | Kiernan |
Karen Frances | Kilberg |
Austin Chandler | Kilpatrick |
Ryan Jeffrey | Kimball |
Chanise S. | King |
Nicole Elizabeth | Kingston |
Tiffany Michele | Kingston |
Jonathan DeWayne | Kitts |
Gage Vincent | Klipper |
Alexis Danielle | Knapp |
Madison Rush | Kocher |
Austin Alan | Kohler |
Nathan Thomas | Kovacs |
William Richard | Kyzer II |
John Paul | Lalumia |
Hanna Lee | Land |
Audrey Kay | Lane |
Caroline E. | Lane |
Leslie Aileen | Lanneau |
Carol Chong | Larson |
Teresa M. | Lauterbach |
Sherline Juan | Lawson |
Gary Lee | Layton |
Brett Dean | Leach |
Rachel Gamble | Lechner |
Emily Elizabeth Brown | Leonard |
Giovanna Elinor | Leone |
Erika Nicole | Lerro |
Heidi Nanette | Leslie |
Bartholomew Michael | Levin |
Demi | Lewis |
Laura | Lewis |
Vivian Shuler | Lewis |
Kirsten Megan | Linz |
Abigail Elise | Lippert |
Mallory Sandra | Lipton |
Kerry Dale | Loehrke |
Mackenzie Carney Cassidy | Logan |
Bethany Anne | Loggins |
Danielle Elizabeth | Lombardi |
Adrian Jose | Lorduy |
Allison Evans | Lowe |
Shelby Grace | Lowe |
Corbin Alexander | Lucarelli |
Kristine Gabrielle Henry | Luke |
Alvin Carl | Lumpkin Jr |
Matthew Wilson | Lupo |
Scott James | Lusby |
Jane Ann | Luu |
Kevin Bryant | Macaspac |
Rachel | MacDonald |
Alexandria Grace Kitty | Madden |
Mary Emmie McQuown | Mai |
Quentin T | Major |
Blake Cody | Mallett-Fuina |
Claire Allison | Mariaca |
Bailey Scott | Marr |
Ian | Marrone |
Emma Marie | Martindale |
Isaiah | Mast |
Jared Alan | Mathews |
Gerard Michael | Maurer II |
Samuel Gunther | Maxwell |
Penny Michelle | Mayton |
Michael Francis | McAleavey Jr |
Jamie Lyn | McCarthy |
Brittany Anne | McCauley |
Allison Victoria | McCleary |
Jason Christopher | McCool |
Tameka | McCullough |
Colleen Katherine | McCuskey |
David Evan | McDonald |
Daniel Henry | McDowell Jr |
Konnor S. | McGee |
Sean William | McLarnon |
Anne Laird | McLaughlin |
Megan Maureen | McLaughlin |
Ryan | McLaughlin |
Thomas Jamal | McLean |
Thomas Patrick | McManus |
Amanda Kathryn | Meck |
Barbara Michelle | Meier |
Robert Felton | Mikell |
Brandon Joseph | Miles |
Manuel Christopher | Millare |
Nicholas Andrew | Miller |
Rachael Nicole | Miller |
Tyler Charles | Miner |
Keturah Dorcas | Mingledolph |
Gage Chandler | Mitchell |
Robert Randall | Mitchell |
James Paul | Mock |
Tyler David | Moffe |
Peyton John-Robert | Moniz |
Brian Joseph | Monk |
Joseph Carmelo | Montana |
Jacob Thomas | Moore |
Meredith Elder | Moore |
Thomas William | Moran |
Brittney Bre'Auna | Morgan |
Richard Mark | Morvin Jr |
Amy Michelle | Moye |
Garrett Michael | Music |
Alexandra Isabella | Myatich |
Amber Michelle | Myers |
Noelle Elizabeth | Natale |
Christopher Scott | Nations |
Robert Dean | Neal II |
James Robert | Neel |
Ronald Wayne | Nelson III |
Sade' DeLesia Nacheyle | Nelson |
Kristopher Joseph | Netzel |
Tuong The | Nguyen |
Arlou Lita | Nicolas |
Laura Marie | Nile Tuell |
Joshua | Noles |
Charles M | O'Byrne |
Melissa Mixon | Odom |
Ifeoma Kristie | Okonkwo |
Danielle Marie | Olivetti |
Morgan Chase | Olsen |
Jessica Ann | Orcutt |
Robert Cameron | Orr |
Frederick Forest | Page |
Matthew Kellard | Paiva |
Allyssa Marie | Paragano |
Samantha Rose | Paragano |
Elizabeth Dietrich | Parker |
Brooklyn Laura | Parnell |
Giancarlo Emanuel | Parrado |
Akeisha | Patel |
Ami Tejas | Patel |
Skyler William | Pearson |
Thomas Ian | Peters |
Brandi Karina | Pfeil |
Robert Allen | Phillips |
Nicole Marie | Piaskowski |
I'isha Romaine | Pinckney |
Andrea McAlister | Pinkston |
Jennifer Rachel | Plane |
Ashley Suzanne | Polikoff |
Kathleen | Polkowski |
David | Powers |
Richard James | Prescott |
Matthew Phillip | Pruitt |
Charles Andy | Puckett |
Alexander Clark | Pusey |
Danielle Marie | Recinos |
Sarah Rose | Reynolds |
Maxxym Burch | Rice |
Arthur Lee | Rich Jr |
Celena Rose Courchaine | Richards |
David Edward | Rieder |
Danielle Shearouse | Riley |
Alaina Bryce | Rink |
Tyler Anton | Rissell |
Jennifer Ivelisse | Rivera |
Timothy Lee | Robbins |
Clark Alexander | Roberts |
Erica | Robles |
Victoria | Rodriguez |
George Albert | Rogers III |
Phillip Ray | Rogers Jr |
Jennifer Mazell | Roland |
Lauren Peterka | Roland |
Jerome Francis | Rolinger Jr |
John Wesley | Ropp IV |
Brittany Schaffer | Rose |
Andrew Peter | Russo |
Alexis Shae | Ryan |
Layna Renee | Sally |
Emma Elizabeth | Sandgren |
James Joseph | Sanyi III |
Mathew David | Sartori |
Brandon Tyler | Saude |
Chase | Saulisbury |
Kellie Aislinn | Savage |
Brian Paul | Scarborough |
Christine Elizabeth | Scharnagle |
Catherine Ann | Schwartz |
James | Scott |
Raymond Robert | Scully Jr |
Benjamin Levi | Seims |
Kayla Marie | Shay |
Dakota Stephen | Sheppard |
Deanna Lynn | Shore-Rees |
Rachel | Short |
Abigail Kerr | Showalter |
Grace LeAnn | Silvers |
Trenton Lee | Silvers |
Joshua L | Simon |
Mark Ashley | Singleton |
Nicole Sherell | Singleton |
Danielle Marie | Skerritt |
Charles Parker | Smith |
Collin Thomas | Smith |
Margaret Whisnant | Smith |
Victoria Shea | Smith |
William Jay | Smith |
Deborah Andrews | Somerville |
Keishla Natasha | Soto-Sanchez |
Mark David | Spangler |
Link Haws | Spann Jr |
Caleb Aaron | Spencer |
Emily Paige | Spielvogel |
Savannah | Spivey |
Rylee Elizabeth | Stacy |
Lindsay Marie | Stafford |
Paul Scott | Stimis |
Gabriel Joseph | Stokes |
James Lee | Stokes |
Nicole Santanna | Stolf |
Lauren Ann | Stone |
Tanner Bryce | Stone |
Hunter Samuel | Stout |
Jon Michael | Strain |
Robert Allen | Streett Jr |
Kenneth Russell | Styles |
Laura Anne | Sullivan |
Stephen Richard | Sullivan Jr |
Audrey Anna | Sutton |
Matthew Christopher | Swensen |
Abigail Rae | Szostak |
Logan Stephen | Taplett |
Avriel Ayerim-Ospri | Taylor |
Joseph Douglas | Temple |
Amber Lynn Williams | Thigpen |
Elizabeth Watkins | Thomas |
Amy | Thompson |
Celeste Diane | Thompson |
Hannah Lee | Thompson |
Lauren Stahl | Thompson |
Samuel | Thompson |
Michael Jon | Tito |
Matthew David | Topp |
Renae Josephine | Towcimak |
Dominic Anthony | Tranchitella |
Alexandra-Margot V. B. | Trousdale |
Jonathan Michael | Tudor |
Peter Alexander | Tufts |
Taylor Nicole | Tugya |
Nicholas Paul | Tupper |
Jennifer Michele | Turner |
Ronald Coleman | Turner Jr |
Kevin Richmond | Tye |
Cyra Faison | Valente |
Kelly Lee Ann | Varitz |
Megan M | Varley |
Cheyenne Marie | Vaughan |
Samuel Riley | Venning IV |
McKenna Jeanne | Vergnolle |
Jose Simon | Viteri |
Dustin Edward | Wade |
Shelby | Walker |
Tabytha Lien-Yee | Walls |
Joel Bradford | Walsh |
Joseph Troy | Walters |
Margaret Baker | Walton |
John Lee | Warder |
Jonathan Michael | Warncke |
Lesley Ann | Warren |
Fionia Loraine | Washington |
James Easton Burns | Watkins |
Raleigh Grant | Webb |
William Edward | Weber Jr |
Julianna Jean | Wells |
Lauren Meredith | Wesolowski |
Bianca Shantel | White |
Micheal P. | White |
Nicole Seavey | Whiten |
Nicole Evonne | Whitfield |
Bethany Joy | Wickliffe |
Andrew Christopher | Williams |
Jasper Paul | Williams |
Marian Mae | Williams |
Amanda | Wilson |
Erin Lynch | Wiseman |
Ashley Loren | Woodard Strode |
Catherine Garrett | Woodward |
Brittany Maranda | Work |
Kendall James | Wouters |
Colleen Adele | Wright |
Nicholas William | Wright |
Sylvia | Wright |
Whittney Ann | Wright |
Chenxi | Zhang |
Steven Charles | Zimmer |