Upcoming news from The Citadel – August 2018

Matriculation Day, Meet the Bulldogs, Summerall Chapel activities and services, the first dress parade of the semester and more!

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Commandant’s team models servant leadership with summer service project

The Citadel’s Office of the Commandant is setting an example of servant leadership with their annual civic engagement project.

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GenCyber camp at The Citadel inspires future cybersecurity professionals

In an effort to encourage local students to pursue careers in the field of cybersecurity, The Citadel is hosting a weeklong summer GenCyber camp.

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The Citadel remembers Richard Romanek

It is with sadness that The Citadel share information about the loss of Mr. Richard Romanek who was a member of the Information and Technology Services team. Rick, as his

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Military colleges aim to develop cyber programs

In an effort to address concerns over the looming skills gap, leading military colleges and universities in the US have moved to establish cyber institutes.

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Senior Military Colleges push to secure collective national cyber institute

America’s Senior Military Colleges work toward DOD Cyber Institute amendment for FY19 NDAA with South Carolina’s Senators Graham and Scott.

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These are the colleges most likely to land you a job in every state

Thanks to a some new data, we know exactly which colleges or universities in each state are most likely to land you a job.

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Remembering The Class That Never Was

A look at the story of The Citadel Class of 1944, commonly known as “The Class that Never Was.”

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Your tires are polluting Charleston Harbor

Groundbreaking research shows that seven tons of microscopic plastic particles can be found floating in Charleston Harbor.

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‘Pride of our campus’: At The Citadel, cadets and bulldogs living together

On the rare mornings that Citadel cadet Jennifer Pozzani slept through her alarm, her roommate in Law Barracks was quick to action.

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