South Carolina’s Supply Chain management professionals visit The Citadel
Friday, April 1
11 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Swain Boating Center
Free, open to public and media
The Citadel’s Tommy and Victoria Baker School of Business will host the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) South Carolina Roundtable at the Swain Boating Center on Friday, April 1.
A panel of speakers from Fastenal — a Fortune 500 company focused on supply chains — will address industry professionals, academics, cadets and students starting at 11 a.m.
The guest speaker session will be followed by a luncheon and informal networking session, after which a formal networking session will be held for cadets and students to interact with supply chain management professionals and academics.
Guest speakers include:
- Mike Rausch, director of recruiting, will share insights on attracting talent and recruiting for today’s supply chain needs.
- Michael Baskin, senior project manager, will discuss project management through lean methodologies.
- Chad Roberts, district manager, will give a local perspective on the Columbia/Charleston market and Key Account Partnerships.
The CSCMP, founded in 1963, provides networking, career development and educational opportunities to the logistics and supply chain management community.
Southeastern Immigration Studies Association Annual Meeting
Friday, April 1 – Saturday, April 2
Various times
The Citadel and College of Charleston campuses
Free, open to the public
The Citadel and College of Charleston are co-hosting the Southeastern Immigration Studies Association’s annual conference, which will take place on April 1 – 2.
The conference seeks to bring together the research, experiences and perspectives of community-based advocates, scholars, students and practitioners to discuss pressing contemporary and historical issues related to immigration.
This year’s theme centers around migrant youth and the unique contexts in which they find themselves, along with their specific challenges and opportunities. “Borders” can take many forms — from physical boundaries that distinguish one nation-state from another to socio-cultural boundaries that immigrant youth must navigate each day at school and in the neighborhoods where they live.
To register for the event, click here.
For more information, click here or contact Dr. Nancy Aguirre naguirre@citadel.edu or Marina Lopez mlopez2@citadel.edu
Pre-knob overnight campus visit
Thursday, April 7 – Friday, April 8
Various times
The Citadel campus
Free, open to high school juniors and seniors interested in joining the Corps of Cadets
High school seniors and juniors interested in attending The Citadel have one remaining opportunity this semester for an overnight, in-person visit.
Beginning with registration at 5 p.m. on Thursday, April 7, students will get to spend a night in the barracks and eat in the mess hall. On Friday, April 8, parents and students will attend information sessions; they will be able to have their questions about The Citadel answered by a panel of cadets and members of the faculty and staff.
These visits are designed to offer a comprehensive overview of life at The Citadel. Students and parents will be able to learn about academic programs, ROTC opportunities, cadet life, financial aid, student support services and more.
To register for the April 7-8 visit, click here.
ROTC Awards Ceremony
Thursday, April 7
4 p.m.
McAlister Field House
Free, open to the public
The Citadel ROTC departments provide cadets with officer training during college to allow them to begin their military careers as officers after graduation. Through the departments, which include Army ROTC, Air Force/Space Force ROTC, Marine Corps ROTC and Navy ROTC, The Citadel is one of the nation’s proven producers of top military leaders.
Annually, the departments nominate their finest cadets and active duty students for awards. This year’s more than 100 award recipients will be honored in a ceremony on Thursday, April 7 in McAlister Field House.
The awards being presented recognize qualities that range from displaying the traits and characteristics of service through demonstrating the ability to solve problems outside the box.
Army MEDEVAC helicopters on campus
Thursday, April 7
12 – 5:30 p.m.
Summerall Field, The Citadel campus
Free, open to the public
On Thursday, April 7, The Citadel community and guests will have an opportunity to learn more about how the Army treats wounded soldiers during battle.
Two Black Hawk MEDEVAC helicopters, piloted by alumni, will land on Summerall Field. Cadets, students and visitors will get a chance to see the helicopters up close. In addition, there will also be a MRAP Ambulance — something like a mobile emergency room — on campus.
The event, in conjunction with Army Medical Command-Charleston Station, will be part of a recruiting event hosted by The Citadel’s Army ROTC Palmetto Battalion.
Student Excellence Day
Friday, April 8
8:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Deas Hall gymnasium
Free, open to The Citadel community
Each spring at The Citadel, top cadets and students share their scholarship at the annual Student Excellence Day.
This year’s event will be held in-person in the Deas Hall gymnasium on Friday, April 8, from 8:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Cadets and students will be presenting posters that represent the research they’ve conducted over the past year.
The Citadel Graduate College open house
Tuesday, April 12
5:30 – 7 p.m.
Holiday Alumni Center
Free, open to the public
The Citadel Graduate College and College Transfer Program is hosting an open house for potential and enrolled students on Tuesday, April 12, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the Holliday Alumni Center.
The open house gives prospective students a chance to learn about the more than 70 non-cadet programs offered by The Citadel. They will also have the chance to meet with program directors and staff from locations such as: Admissions, Financial Aid, the Student Success Center, Daniel Library and the Career Center.
To register for the open house, click here.
Corps-wide field meet, the Octathon
(rescheduled to) Wednesday, April 13
3:30 – 5:30 p.m.
Summerall Field, The Citadel campus
Free, open to the public
On Friday, April 8, The Citadel’s iconic military review parade will be replaced with a Corps-wide competition that will include a chariot race.
Cadet companies will compete against each other in eight different stations.
Events will include:
- 4 x 400 relay race
- Sprint drag carry relay
- Tire flip relay
- Javelin throw
- Ammo can relay
- Log lift competition
- Tug of War
- 100-meter chariot race
Each of the company’s chariots were built by cadets in that company, and they will be pulled by cadets during the competition.
The goal of the field meet is to foster esprit de corps, teaming building and inspire competition.
The 12th Annual Henry Dale Smith Public Speaking Competition
Tuesday, April 19
3 p.m.
Bastin 104
Free, seating limited
Every cadet and student at The Citadel has a story to tell — and one of the annual traditions on campus is a competition where they tell it.
The final round of the 12th Annual Henry Dale Smith Corps-Wide Public Speaking Contest will held on Wednesday, April 12 at 3 p.m.
Finalists, and their speech topics, include:
- John Acker – “Why We Call It The Citadel”
- William Harris – “Mission First, People Always”
- Ashlyn Howard – “Seize Your Identity Crisis”
- Ben Ligons – “Everyday Time Machine”
- Shiloh Smiles – “From Me To You”
- Jackson Turner – “The Rebuilding Spirit”
The speaking competition is hosted by The Patricia McArver Public Speaking Lab, where students, faculty and staff can polish their public speaking skills. From timid talkers to confident communicators, The Public Speaking Lab works one-on-one with a variety of individuals to create great presenters.
Accepted Student Day
Saturday, April 23
8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.
The Citadel campus
Free, open to students accepted to The Citadel
For the first time ever, The Citadel will host Accepted Student Day on Saturday, April 23. It will give students, accepted to The Citadel for fall 2023, a chance to further explore the opportunities they will have as a cadet.
The goal of Accepted Student Day is to help prospective cadets understand what cadet life is like.
Visitors will have a chance to connect with future classmates, learn more about their major, watch a physical training demonstration, learn about different ways to pay for college, eat lunch in the mess hall and more.
To register for Accepted Student Day, click here.
Bulldog Challenge
Saturday, April 23
8 a.m.
The Citadel campus and downtown Charleston
Registration required, open to the public
It’s not your average 10k. After the pandemic prevented it from happening for a few years, The Citadel Bulldog Challenge is back.
The Bulldog Challenge is a unique, nationally-known endurance race that borrows from all facets of the U.S. Marine Corps ROTC training exercises. The race stretches from The Citadel campus all the way down to the MUSC parking garage and the sand volleyball courts. Teams of competitors cross obstacles like tire flips, a simulated casualty evacuation, a mud pit and much more.
The race, organized by the Semper Fi Society at The Citadel, gives active duty service members, ROTC units from across the country, first responders, cadets, students and anyone else the chance to come together for a friendly but grueling competition. Funds raised by the Bulldog Challenge support annual scholarships for cadets or active duty Marines within the college’s Naval ROTC Unit, as well as funding time-honored traditions like Mess Night and the Marine Corps Birthday Ball.
This is the second year runners have the option to run the race with a two-person team, as well as the traditional four-person team.
To register for the race, click here.
Ethics Colloquium
Saturday, April 23
8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Bastin Hall, Room 104
Free, open to the public
On Saturday, April 23, the Krause Center for Leadership and Ethics will host an Ethics Colloquium focused on Democracy versus Marxism.
The event will open with a small lecture by Robert Craig, Ph.D., on the topic “Reinhold Niebuhr’s critique of Marxism.” After, attendees will be split into one-hour sessions for presentations and discussions. A small breakfast and full lunch will be provided.
Cadets and students were invited to submit an abstract (a title and small paragraph) for a five to ten minute presentation. They can argue in favor of either the democratic or Marxist position.
Those interested in attending are asked to RSVP to Ginger O’Neill at voneill@citadel.edu by Tuesday, April 19.
Every year the Krause Center for Leadership and Ethics sponsors an Ethics Colloquium, which consists of a one-day seminar on a pre-selected topic related to ethics. Past Colloquium topics included “Liberty and Slavery,” “The Ethics of Identity,” “Artificial Intelligence” and “Ethics and Cyber Warfare.”
Experts from The Citadel discuss Russia’s war in Ukraine
Monday, April 25
5:30 p.m.
Johnson Hagood Stadium, 4th Floor
Free, open to the public; registration required
Members of the local community will have an opportunity to learn more about the Russian war in Ukraine at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, April 25,
The Citadel’s School of Humanities and Social Sciences will host an expert panel discussing the historical context of the Russian invasion.
The event, titled “Russia’s War in Ukraine: The Historical Context,” will be moderated by Citadel professor David Preston, Ph.D., the General Mark W. Clark Distinguished Chair of History and Director of the online Master’s in Military History program.
Panelists include:
- Jacob Hagstrom, Ph.D., Department of History
- Dan Giblin, Ph.D., Department of History
- Jack Porter, Ph.D., Department of Political Science
The panel is free and open to the public, but registration is required. To register, click here.
From The Citadel Athletics
To purchase tickets, please call 843-953-3647 or visit citadelsports.com/tickets. Media should contact John Brush, Assistant AD for Athletic Communications
The Citadel Baseball vs. Charleston Southern University
Wednesday, April 6
6 p.m.
Joseph P. Riley Jr. Ballpark
Tickets starting at $12
The Citadel Tennis vs. ETSU
Thursday, April 7
Time: TBA
Earle Tennis Center
Free admmission
The Citadel Baseball vs. College of Charleston
Tuesday, April 12
1 p.m.
Joseph P. Riley Jr. Ballpark
Tickets starting at $12
The Citadel Baseball vs. Western Carolina
Friday, April 22 at 6 p.m.
Saturday, April 23 at 2 p.m.
Sunday, April 24 at 1 p.m.
Joseph P. Riley Jr. Ballpark
Tickets starting at $12
The Citadel Baseball vs. UNCG
Friday, April 29 at 6 p.m.
Saturday, April 30 at 2 p.m.
Joseph P. Riley Jr. Ballpark
Tickets starting at $12