The President’s List is one of the most distinguished cadet awards presented by The Citadel. It indicates excellence in academics and military duties. The list is a combination of the Dean’s List and the Commandant’s Distinguished List and is composed of cadets who contribute the most to their companies while maintaining excellent military and academic records.
The cadets were recognized at the awards parade on Jan. 28 where they were presented their ribbon, which they may wear on their uniforms throughout the semester following their achievement.
To learn more about the South Carolina Corps of Cadets, click here.
The following cadets have been recognized for their outstanding work during the fall 2021 semester:
First name | Last name |
Ryan | Aiton |
Juan | Alejandro |
Jace | Baer |
Caden | Baker |
Harold | Bennett |
Wilhelm | Birkholz |
Zachary | Bishop |
Jackson | Blase |
Kenyaz | Boston |
Justin | Brannon |
Chia-Feng | Chiang |
Trevor | Compton |
Elliott | Cont |
Ashley | Coplo |
Nathaniel | Denne |
Micah | Dersch |
Kyle | DiLiddo |
Maximilian | Donegan |
Ryan | Downing |
James | Dunn |
Luke | Eafano |
Jack | Fawcett |
Thomas | Fitzpatrick |
Isabel | Flores |
Trenton | Gambrell |
Charles | Geiger |
Julius | Gibson |
Collin | Gleco |
William | Greene |
Ryan | Harper |
Charles | Heaton |
Tavin | Heisig |
Sebastian | Herbert |
Blake | Hill |
Olivia | Hime |
Anthony | Hopkins |
James | Jeffcoat |
Brandon | Johnson |
Brandon | Johnson |
Abigail | Kanewske |
Charles | Kellett |
Brian | Kelley |
Sebastian | Klincewicz |
Caleb | Matthews |
Madison | Matthews |
Ava | McLaughlin |
Luke | Meetze |
Drake | Miller |
Philip | Newman |
Sullivan | Newsome |
Blake | O'Quinn |
Timothy | Overend |
Isaac | Patterson |
Noah | Pearson |
Noah | Plunkett |
Jaret | Price |
John | Quarterman |
Merritt | Reeves |
Samuel | Rieger |
John | Rourke |
William | Sargent |
David | Seymour |
Brianna | Sikes |
John | Simone |
Daniel | Smith |
Sarah | Smith |
Joseph | Stilwell |
Brady | Stone |
Samuel | Stravolo |
David | Stringer |
Carl | Sullivan |
William | Templeton |
Karrina | Tremblay |
Noel | Turner |
Roger | Vera |
Jack | Walker |
Patrick | Walsh |
Braxton | Weaver |
Braxton | Weaver |
Justin | White |
Mason | Wilkinson |
Sam | Wilson |
Dylan | Wood |