More than 150 Citadel cadets accept commissions during joint ceremony
The United States Armed Forces now have more than 150 new officers.
In a joint commissioning ceremony — held on Friday, May 7 — approximately 27% of the South Carolina Corps of Cadets Class of 2021 accepted commissions into the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps.
Though ceremonies are usually held in different locations and at different times on campus, this year’s joint ceremony was held in McAlister Field House.
The joint ceremony included the now-officers reciting their oath, as well as having gold bars pinned on their uniforms by their sponsors.
Immediately following the ceremony, the commissionees gathered on Summerall Field where they received their first salutes as officers.
The Class of 2021 has 116 cadets accepting Army commissions, 28 accepting Air Force commissions, 15 accepting Navy commissions and 12 accepting Marine Corps commissions.
The commencement ceremony for the South Carolina Corps of Cadets is held the day after the commissioning ceremonies.

The 116 cadets accepting Army commissions include:
Carson Adams | Harrison Hemminghaus |
D’Andre Adams | Liam Henderson |
Jenna Adcock | Catherine Hill |
Allyson Ansell | Michael Hocutt |
Heath Baker | Matthew Hurtt |
Michelle Banzon | Jonathan Jarrett |
Andrew Barnes | Patrick Johnson |
Jack Beehler | Jacob Josepher |
Christian Bent | Wesley Kelley |
Adam Blankenship | Tanner Kennaw |
Brian Bolchoz | Jeffrey Kidner |
Ruby Bolden | John Kidner |
Robert Brabston | Jacob Knapp |
Donald Brechtel | James Kober |
Louis Bulnes | Joseph Lucarelli |
Tamia Burch | James Maddox |
Patrick Camatcho | James Maddray |
Andrew Caron | William Martin |
Garrett Christie | Hunter Mills |
William Clements | Hunter Neeley |
Micah Cohen | Houston Osborne |
Keegan Connolly | Kenslee Padgett |
Darien Cooper | William Peeler |
Theodore Coppola | William Rathke |
Delson Coward | Benjamin Richardson |
Jesse Crook | Derrick Robertson |
William Curtis | Jonathan Robinson |
Michael Curtis | Krishawn Royal |
Christian Dejong | Adam Russell |
Matthew Devine | Pedro Sharpe |
Parker Dickson | James Shields |
Matthew Dixon | Douglas Smith |
John Eggers | Halston Smith |
Tyler Ellison | Zion Smith |
Aaron Fannin | Ethan Stanley |
Robert Fenney | Ian Stephan |
Miles Filippis | Yudai Stout |
Robert Fisher | Clifford Swindel |
Samuel Fohn | Connor Thomas |
Etienne Fonteneau | Evan Timpner |
Nicholas Fricchione | Cody Turner |
Christopher Fricke | Robert Tywater |
Christopher Furmanick | Benjamin Walker |
Timothy Gillette | Matthew Wall |
William Grant | Corey Watson |
Alfred Gregg | Colton Webster |
Thomas Hammerstone | Chase Wengerd |
Joshua Hardesty | Jonathan Westmoreland |
Hamilton Hardman | Ryan Williams |
Bryce Harrington | Justice Woods |
Conner Hays | Ronald Zappendorf |

The 28 cadets accepting commissions into the Air Force include:
Conrad Borneman | John Kreisler |
Kevin Brown | Lillian Layden |
Taurus Brown | Michael Lopouchanskiy |
Robert Crawford | Charles Marsh |
Riley Davis | Marshall Mckee |
Simon de Oleo | Caleb Moseley |
James Dixon | Timiebi Ogobri |
Owen Dunne | Olivia Rentz |
William Fenlayson | Christian Seidler |
Justin Friedlander | Cameron Thomas |
Noah Hammond | James Walker |
Daniel Haydel | Joanna Winborn |
Garry Haywood | Brian Wise |
Karl Knizek |

The 15 cadets accepting Navy commissions include:
Isaac Al-Tamimi | Nick Piacentini |
Andrew Brabazon | Ethan Powers |
Daniel Esteban | Logan Scronce |
Aaron Gilberto | Garrett Sebold |
Joshua Gorczynski | Peter Tillman |
Ulysses Grisette | Jacob True |
Katryn Hollingsworth | Phillip Wellons |
Roman Kokowsky |

The 12 cadets accepting commissions into the Marine Corps include:
Andrew Desjardins | Regina Miles |
Samantha Engel | Samuel Poulin |
Joseph Field | Sean Reen |
Jeremy Gentle | Gunnery Sgt. Ronald Reid |
John Lassiter | Alexei Severnyak |
Brock Mehl | Charles Thorne |