Citadel constituents asked to weigh in by Jan. 31, 2020
Photo above: vintage postcard with aerial view illustration of The Citadel’s iconic Charleston, South Carolina campus
The campus environment plays a critical role in supporting The Citadel’s mission, culture and tradition which is why the college is developing a long range plan to assess and address the physical infrastructure of the campus.
The Citadel Campus Master Plan will incorporate physical and financial priorities developed through a studied process that includes input from campus constituents and development experts.
Not to be confused with the college’s strategic plan, Our Mighty Citadel 2026, the campus master plan will establish a long-term vision for the physical campus and guide near-term decisions about facilities investments. It will serve as the road map for the college’s capital projects for the next 15 years.
“The Citadel Campus Master Plan presents an exciting opportunity for the college to create a vision for the physical campus that reflects our shared values and supports all elements of cadet and student development,” said Gen. Glenn M. Walters, USMC (Ret.), president of The Citadel. “The plan will weigh all aspects of the physical campus holistically, as it is now and as it needs to evolve to meet future demands.”
The Citadel Campus Master Plan team is led by Jeff Lamberson, P.E., vice president of Facilities and Engineering, with the support of architectural development consultant Ayers Saint Gross.
What’s involved?
The master plan development process began with open forums on campus in the fall of 2019 and is expected to conclude by the end of 2020.
The multi-phase project includes assessing campus buildings, landscapes and infrastructure to determine what currently serves the needs of the college and where there are opportunities for improvement and expanded utilization. Concepts for growth and change will be explored while impacts to the campus community will be weighed prior to selecting a final direction.
The last stage of the process: developing a road map for the implementation of the overall vision.
How to weigh in
Members of The Citadel community are asked to provide input through an online forum by Jan. 31, 2020.
Citadel faculty and staff are able to contribute to the plan on this comment link.
The Citadel Campus Master Plan will incorporate physical and financial priorities developed through a studied process that includes input from campus constituents and development experts.
Alumni wishing to comment on the plan should go to this link.
For an aerial view of campus, view the video below.