Nearly 200 Citadel cadets accept commissions during campus ceremonies
Approximately 35% of the South Carolina Corps of Cadets Class of 2019 are now officers in all branches of the United States Armed Forces.
The commissioning ceremony for cadets going into the Army was held in McAlister Field House, while the ceremonies for the cadets going into the Air Force, the Navy and the Marines was held in Summerall Chapel.
The Class of 2019 has 104 cadets accepting Army commissions, 34 accepting Air Force commissions, 28 accepting Marine Corps commissions, 19 accepting Navy commissions, and one accepting a Coast Guard commission.
The commencement ceremony for the South Carolina Corps of Cadets is held the day after the commissioning ceremonies.
The 104 cadets accepting Army commissions include:
Jonathan Adams | Alexander Johnson |
Michael Akers | Richard Johnson |
Logan Allman | Talmadge Johnson |
Christopher Armstrong | Evan Kent |
Kenneth Balding | Matthew Kraftsow |
Matthew Bartolo | Joshua Kreitzer |
Braeden Bartrum | Stephan Kulick |
Lucas Beal | Cameron Lambert |
Daniel Black | Christopher Lewis |
Nicholas Brace | Gabriel Lewis |
Trevor Brown | Austin Llera |
Parker Buchanan | Jace Martin |
Parker Byrd | Michael McGaffic |
Paul Calcagno | Samuel McQuitty |
Jacob Chapman | Mark Miele |
Cole Cleland | Maxwell Miller |
Brandon Copeland | Abigail Murn |
Matthew Coppola | Peter Neil |
Thomas Dalrymple | John O’Rourke |
Richard Dekold | Tanner Osborne |
Kevin Delao | Ryan Palmer |
Victor Denzine | Rucker Pierce |
Devin Dewitt | Clarence Richardson |
Andrew Diaz | Patrick Rigby |
Maxwell Eager | Bradford Saunders |
Alexis Edwards | Nathaniel Scoggins |
Koby Eklund | Nicholas Sloan |
Richard Flender | Andrew Snoke |
Samuel Flippin | James Snyder |
Kylie Flynn | James Stackhouse |
Logan Fox | Matthew Subervielle |
Riley Franks | Eric Swanson |
Trevor Getreu | Hayden Tankard |
Jeffrey Godwin | Christopher Taylor |
Alexandra Goldhorn | Jonathan Taylor |
Avery Grizzle | Maxwell Thompson |
Aaron Gurley | Summer Thompson |
Kyle Hammond | Christopher Thorsen |
Weston Hayes | Garrett Usrey |
Matthew Henson | Seth Viveiros |
Ralph Herzler | Martayez White |
Andrew Hudak | Matthew Wilder |
James Hurley | Devan Wilson |
Christopher Ivy | Dylan Ynclan |
Anthony Januchowski | Sarah Zorn |
Lucas Jendrasiak |
The 34 cadets accepting commissions into the Air Force include:
Adrian Beaput | Kendred Manceaux |
Hunter Besancon | Ethan McAllister |
Jordan Black | Marcus Milhouse |
Andrew Burckhalter | Hannanh Murray |
Coleman Campbell | Aaron Newton |
Christina Capers | Austin Newton |
Patrick Clancy | Luke Osburn |
Samuel Dalenburg | Abraham Preddy |
David Days | Jonathan Reaves |
Kirk Faris | Temon Reed |
Michael Farnham | Bethany Reeves |
Andrew Foor | Lake Riddle |
Philip Frazee | Caleb Sapp |
Joshua Ganezer | Josef Summers |
Blayne Hayes | Joseph Townsend |
Austin Jowers | Preston Wilson |
Tai Lum | Xavier Young |
The 28 cadets accepting commissions into the Marine Corps include:
Samuel Abernathy | Peter Leto |
Juan Alday | John Mctigue |
Jacob Anderson | David Mitchell |
Jamie Butler | Joshua Moore |
Andrew Christensen | Byron Parmely |
Nicholas Cucinottta | Damon Susanke |
Bradley Galbraith | Sebastian Tamblyn |
Adam Gannah | Anthony Vandiver |
Noah Garvey-Fonvil | Adam Wheat |
Brandon Hickey | Amber Wilder |
Katherine Keller | Ugonna Wosu |
Ryan Kirby |
The 19 cadets accepting commissions into the Navy include:
Charles Anderson | Sarah Kardohley |
Graham Atwater | James Lott |
logan Barber | Jacob Mathis |
Cedric Barnes II | Jonathan Plant |
Margaret Desser | Joseph Scerbo |
Matthew Dymond | Andrew Shugan |
Mitchell Felt | Thomas Simrill |
Michael Hopersberger | Ian Tucker |
Keelan Kane-Yearman | Katherine Walker |
(Note: Some cadets accept their commissions later in the year after completing summer training.)