During Friday’s parade on Feb. 14, two Citadel cadets were each presented with an esteemed award. Cadet Lt. Col. Madison Henning was awarded the Society of the Cincinnati Medal and Cadet Col. Sam Wilson was presented with the General Douglas MacArthur Cadet of the Year Award.
The Society of the Cincinnati Medal is given every year to the senior cadet officer who best exemplifies the combined qualities of a good soldier and good citizen, characteristics that were evident in the patriots who fought to win American’s freedom.
This year’s award was given to Cadet. Lt. Col. Madison Henning, who has excelled throughout her tenure as a cadet.

A native of Greer, South Carolina, and a political science major, Henning has distinguished herself in academics, fitness and leadership. She has earned gold starts for six semesters, dean’s list for seven semesters in a row, as well as recognition on the President’s List and Commandant’s List multiple times. Henning has earned recognition in Pi Sigma Alpha, the national political science honor society, and is a member of The Citadel’s Honors Program. As a cadet, Henning has served in multiple leadership positions, from squad corporal and company clerk as a sophomore, as regimental command sergeant major during her junior year and now, as a senior, Henning serves as the Fourth Battalion commander in the Corps of Cadets. She also leads within the Coast Guard auxiliary as the unit commander and is ranked number two nationally of all Coast Guard cadets pursing their highly competitive direct commissioning program.
Due to Henning’s superior performance, initiative and leadership, she will join other Society of the Cincinnati recipients whose names are engraved on the plaque located in the entrance lobby of Bond Hall.
The Medal of the Society of the Cincinnati Award bears the name of a Roman farmer, Cincinnatus, who left his farm to take up arms and fight for his city. A successful general, he was an acclaimed dictator, but chose instead to return to civilian life. The officers who served in the Continental Army formed the Society. Their charter members included George Washington, Alexander Hamilton and Marquis de Lafayette. The South Carolina chapter, established in 1783, is one of the six original state societies that have been in continuous existence since that time.
The General Douglas MacArthur Foundation presents the MacArthur Cadet of the Year Awards to the most outstanding cadets from the 12 colleges and universities comprising the Association of Military Colleges and Schools. This year, Cadet Col. Sam Wilson was presented the prestigious award.

From Carlisle, Iowa, Wilson is a double major in English and history and has earned gold stars and dean’s list every semester of his cadet career, while also earning President’s List and Commandant’s List honors multiple times. As a Killam-Fulbright fellow, Wilson was selected to study at the Royal Military College of Canada during the fall 2023 semester. His performance within the Army ROTC department was highlighted by his successful completion of the Special Forces Combat Diver qualification course and number 12 ranking nationally out of 5,000 at Cadet Summer Training. Wilson has also received the Lt. Col. Harvey M. Dick United States Army sword for his exceptional performance. Wilson has exhibited superior leadership and bearing throughout his cadet career, holding leadership positions of increasing importance each year. As Fourth Battalion Sergeant Major, Wilson established a reputation as a firm but fair leader among peers, subordinates and superiors. His superior performance and dedication also led to his selection as Regimental Commander – a job he approaches with an unrivaled work ethic and contagious positive attitude. Wilson is a member of The Citadel Honors Program and The Citadel’s Distinguished Scholars Program.
The objective of the General Douglas MacArthur Cadet of the Year Award is to encourage the students of the member institutions to emulate the qualities exemplified by General Douglas MacArthur when he was a cadet at the West Texas Military Institute and the United States Military Academy at West Point. The award is given to the senior class cadet at each of the schools with the most soldierly performance with consideration for academics, athletics and leadership in accordance with the standards of each respective institution.