America’s Intelligence Community gains 85 new professionals from the South Carolina Corps of Cadets

Intelligence and Security Studies professor Michael Brady conducting a class for members of the South Carolina Corps of Cadets at The Citadel

Photo: Intelligence and Security Studies professor Lt. Col. Michael Brady, USA (Ret.), ’90, former Director, Presidential Emergency Operations Center in the White House (2001 – 2002), leading a class for members of the South Carolina Corps of Cadets at The Citadel in 2019.

The Citadel ignites careers for mission-driven, global problem solvers

As the number and types of positions within the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) continue to expand, those earning degrees from The Citadel are in high demand. For decades, The Citadel has been known by America’s IC leaders as a top producer of young professionals for intelligence roles.

In 2017, The Citadel formalized this career pathway, founding the first Department of Intelligence and Security Studies and corresponding undergraduate degree in South Carolina. Now it’s one of the most in-demand majors at The Citadel. There are 18 organizations in the IC, and Citadel alumni are serving in those agencies as intelligence analysists; inspection, investigation and compliance professionals; field agents and supervisors; cybersecurity officers; business and finance experts; facilities design; set up and logistic experts; or visual information specialists, to name just some of the many intelligence job functions.

The Class of 2022 includes 85 cadets who studied Intelligence and Security Studies. Below, some of them share thoughts about their career goals along with advice for younger students considering studying intelligence at The Citadel.

Joshua Babcock, South Carolina Highway Patrol Academy
Hometown: Johnson City, New York

Joshua Babcock, The Citadel Class of 2022

As a highway patrol officer, I will provide equitable service and protection, and uphold the laws of the constitutions of the United States and the state of South Carolina in order to promote a safe and secure environment for the public.

After gaining professional experience with the South Carolina Highway Patrol, I plan on using my degree to join an intelligence organization.

I believe the best reason to attend The Citadel is that it will forge you into a better leader. It will make you more mature, confident, physically fit and will challenge you to become a better version of yourself that you may have never thought was possible.”

2nd Lt. Christian Blase, U.S. Army
Hometown: North Augusta, South Carolina

2nd Lt. Christian Blase, The Citadel Class of 2022

Preparing physically before you arrive at The Citadel for knob year is very important.

Come focused on wanting to learn and grow as a leader.

The structure you follow day to day as a member of the South Carolina Corps of Cadets will help if you choose to apply it to your daily life later.

2nd Lt. Gregory Chaves, U.S. Marine Corps, intelligence officer
Hometown: Los Angeles

The Citadel helped me focus on learning and thinking for myself. The friendships and experiences of cadet life help us all grow, preparing us to meet our goals.

Ensign Collin Gleco, U.S. Navy, submarine officer
Hometown: Shavertown, Pennsylvania

Collin Gleco, The Citadel Class of 2022

Double major: Spanish, Political Science, minor in Intelligence and Security Studies.

The Citadel provided the opportunity to build my leadership philosophy before being commissioned as an officer in the Navy. The ROTC programs are excellent.

In high school, I would never have believed that I would attend The Citadel, become a double major, first sergeant, company commander and an ensign in the Navy.

Jarett King, Department of Defense
Hometown: Sumter, South Carolina

When I was academically accepted to The Citadel, I was elated. I found out afterwards about the height/weight requirement for cadets and was worried that I would not be granted admission. During my senior year of high school, I reflected on what was important to me and why I wanted to attend The Citadel. That inspired me to lose 100 pounds before becoming a knob.

Attending The Citadel was probably one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life. The Citadel will teach you what type of follower you wish to be, what type of leader you wish to be. It will help you focus on your goals and aspirations and it will provide a sense of comradery that cannot be rivaled.

2nd Lt. Angelea Lance, U.S. Army, military intelligence officer
Hometown: Fort Worth, Texas

My goals are to stay in the Army past my scholarship obligation and fulfill my passion of serving others and my nation in the best way possible.

For those considering attending The Citadel, know that it creates a solid foundation for your future by challenging you to be the best you can be.

2nd. Lt. David McBain, U.S. Army Aviation Center, pilot
Hometown: Damascus, Maryland

The best reason to attend The Citadel is the structure of the Corps and the many requirements that teach time management, plus the focus on academics afforded to the cadets.

Phillip Quinn, Department of Defense
Hometown: Highland Park, Texas

Double major: Intelligence and Security Studies, Political Science, minor in Cybersecurity.

I selected The Citadel to push myself.

Those deciding to come here must arrive knowing knowing you need to just keep your head down and enjoy the grind. You can’t make it at The Citadel alone. That’s the whole point of being in the Corps. You must work together with your classmates — that’s what makes the difference.

2nd Lt. Steven Reisinger, U.S. Marine Corps cyber officer, Quantico, Virginia
Hometown: Millerton, Pennsylvania

The Citadel sets you apart from your future competition in life. The interpersonal skills and ethics you learn from your time here transform you into the kind of leader this country so desperately needs.

And — the many friends you make here will become family for life.

Learning Intelligence and Security Studies at The Citadel

There are numerous ways to learn Intelligence and Security Studies at The Citadel. There is a South Carolina Corps of Cadets program and a non-cadet online undergraduate program which includes veteran and active duty students.

There are five areas of concentration for undergraduates to select when majoring in Intelligence and Security Studies at The Citadel. They include:

  • Business Intelligence
  • Chinese Area Studies
  • Counterterrorism
  • General Intelligence
  • Military Intelligence

There is also an option for cadets and students to use their tuition from one semester to study in Washington, D.C., through The Citadel in DC program.

The Citadel Graduate College offers a (non-cadet) Master of Arts in intelligence and Security Studies. There are close to 60 students in that program, learning online, with the options of selecting concentrations in Cybersecurity or Leadership. The Class of 2022 included 17 master’s level graduates.

For more information about Intelligence and Security Studies programs at The Citadel and how to apply, visit this webpage, email