The Citadel’s cadet uniforms vendor recently informed us they are experiencing supply chain issues and will not be able to provide the class of 2026 with their full standard-issue clothing at the beginning of the semester.
Though this issue is not of our making, we are actively working to mitigate the impact while maintaining the standards of the Corps.
Members of the Class of 2026 were issued two duty shirts and two duty trousers when they arrived on campus this Saturday.
For that reason, the Corps of Cadets will temporarily wear ACU/OCPs three days a week: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.
We are working with the vendor and plan to resolve this issue by the end of the semester. Once remedied, the Corps will return to the original uniform schedule, wearing ACU/OCPs on Monday and Thursday and duty uniforms on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
For the upper-class cadets: As you prepare to return to campus, I ask you to bring back your uniforms from previous years, including bathrobes and other Citadel-issued apparel. Doing so will ensure the entire Corps is able to manage throughout this temporary inconvenience. Additionally, there are uniforms available in the cadet thrift store should you need to replace any of your previously issued clothing.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. I look forward to your return.
Very Respectfully,
Col. Tom Gordon, USMC (Ret.), ’91
The Citadel
Commandant of Cadets