Jan 21 update
Due to anticipated inclement weather, The Citadel will close at 2 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 21. All afternoon classes which occur after 2 p.m. have been moved to a virtual format.
Essential services for cadets on campus will remain, including the dining facility, infirmary and Daniel Library. Employees: if your department closes at 2 p.m., depart campus; if you are essential, follow supervisor’s instructions.
Today’s parade is cancelled. Uniform for the day has been adjusted to OCU/ACP.
Corps’ SMI and pre-knob visit are not cancelled.
Scheduled athletics addressed on a case-by-case basis, direction supplied by Athletic Department .
This change is accordance with the college’s required process to abide by Charleston County government closures.
Please continue to check The Citadel’s Facebook and Twitter pages and www.citadel.edu.
Jan 20 update
Due to anticipated inclement weather, The Citadel will move all Friday afternoon classes which occur after 2 p.m. to a virtual format.
Friday’s dress parade is cancelled. Uniform for the day has been adjusted to OCU/ACP.
Employees should report to work as normal, unless they hear otherwise from their supervisor. As local school districts have moved to entirely online instruction for Friday, supervisors are also asked to remain flexible for employees affected by the change.
Campus locations closing at 2 p.m tomorrow include:
- The Citadel Bookstore and Convenience Store (reopens at 12 p.m. Saturday)
- Cadet Store
- Barber Shop
- Starbucks and Chick-fil-A (reopens at 11 a.m. Saturday)
- Laundry Services
- Tailor Shop
Essential services for cadets on campus will remain as scheduled, including the dining facility, infirmary and Daniel Library.
The cadets’ Saturday Morning Inspection (SMI), as well as the pre-knob visit, are not cancelled.
Scheduled sporting events are being addressed on a case-by-case basis, updates will be announced by the Athletic Department.
Please continue to check The Citadel’s Facebook and Twitter pages, www.citadel.edu and local news for updates as needed.