Approximately 400 graduate and evening undergraduate students accepted diplomas during The Citadel Graduate College’s commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 4 in McAlister Field House.
Graduates accepted their diploma from Citadel alumnus Gen. Glenn W. Walters, USMC (Ret.), who was officiating as president for the first time.
The top graduate programs for the Class of 2019 included a education, business administration and project management. The top evening undergraduate programs for the graduating class included business administration, nursing and electrical engineering.
The 20 men and women who earned Bachelor of Science in Nursing degrees were the first class to graduate from the CGC’s new evening undergraduate nursing program.
The following students were among the graduating class:
Last name | First name | Last name | First name | |
Achilles | Shelby | Laffey | Shawn | |
Aiello | Mary | Lantagne | Jayson | |
Aites | Klintan | Lasky | Katherine | |
AL | Mashhadany | Lawyer | Nancy | |
Alewine | Jacob | Lisek | Samantha | |
Alexis | Nancy | Litten | Tres | |
Altman | Langley | Little | Chad | |
Ambrose | Courtney | Loeser | Gregory | |
Anderson | Genevieve | Lumpkin | Alvin | |
Anderson | Rachel | Martin | Elizabeth | |
Andrews | Dalton | Matthews | Sarah | |
Armstrong | Sarah | Maza-Collins | Veronica | |
August | Diana | Maza-Collins | Lindey | |
Backus | Christopher | McCall | Joslyn | |
Bailey | Amanda | McCall | Wylie | |
Baker | James | McClary | Margaret | |
Banks | Emily | McClellan | Christopher | |
Barnes | John | McDaniel | Lindsey | |
Barnes | Lauren | McDevitt | Maura | |
Barnette | Michael | McGrain | Evan | |
Barnhill | Grady | McGrath | Melanie | |
Barron | Frank | McIntosh | George | |
Barrows | Jeremy | McKenzie | Gary | |
Bartek | William | McLean | Michael | |
Begley | Maureen | McNamara | Jordan | |
Berk | Alison | McQuain | David | |
Biggs | Brandon | Mears | Kaity | |
Blanton | Brian | Medunjanin | Medo | |
Bocook | Clarence | Mendonca | Henriques | |
Bottari | Joseph | Mercado | Warren | |
Bowers | Tory | Merriweather | Curtis | |
Brady | Sarah | Messick | Rachael | |
Bray | Christopher | Mickens | Jimmisha | |
Bren | Austin | Middleton | Tommie | |
Bromley | Priscilla | Miller | Kyle | |
Broome | Adrian | Milone | Matthew | |
Brouillette | Dan | Moore | Lauren | |
Brown | Arthur | Moran | Robert | |
Brown | Ashia | Morgan | Tara | |
Brown | Jamita | Morocco | Joshua | |
Brown | Max | Morris | Robert | |
Brown | George | Morris | Taylor | |
Brown | Christopher | Navarro | Christian | |
Brown | Kenneth | Netherland | Michael | |
Brown | Robert | Neukuckatz | Paulina | |
Brown | Anthony | Nichols | John | |
Bruce | Henry | Noisette | Anthony | |
Budd | Aaron | Nolen | Kaleigh | |
Buerkley | Mallory | Norcross | Joseph | |
Callery | Juliann | Norris | Matthew | |
Camp | Meagan | O’Brien | Terry | |
Carney | Kathleen | O’Dell | Sandra | |
Carter | Rachael | Ohene-Bekoe | Eric | |
Carter | Tyus | O’Kane | Erin | |
Cashion | Caroline | Olson | Joseph | |
Cason | James | Overeem | Alex | |
Chisolm | Maxine | Oyler | Robert | |
Chitwood | Eric | Pallagi | Elizabeth | |
Christensen | Gary | Palomo | Kimberly | |
Clement | Hayden | Pawlowski | David | |
Collins | Apryl | Peeples | Jack | |
Collins | Matthew | Penington | Jason | |
Coltrane | Karen | Perry | Robert | |
Combs | Kyle | Perry-Moultrie | Javonna | |
Condon | Catherine | Petrone | Jennifer | |
Connell | Zachariah | Pfeffer | Shawn | |
Cook | Rebecca | Phillips | Michelle | |
Cooney | Patrick | Pinckney | Anthony | |
Corney | Daniel | Pohl | Emily | |
Corrigan | Marquel | Polk | Carey | |
Creeden | Brigid | Porter | Matthew | |
Culler | David | Preuss | Andrew | |
Cummings | Megan | Pringle | Candace | |
Cunningham | Michael | Pruitt | Terry | |
Curtis | Elisabeth | Quedevez | Jaciara | |
Darnell | Avery | Reid | Jessica | |
Davenport | Oshay | Rentz | Taylor | |
Detrich | Jonathan | Revan | Ashton | |
Dillahey | Danielle | Richardson | Delores | |
Doney | Cherie’ | Richoux | Patrick | |
Donohue | Michael | Rickenbaker | William | |
Downing | Meagan | Rinehart | Lacie | |
Duke | Christopher | Roach | Steven | |
Dukes | Bryan | Roberts | Benjamin | |
Duncan | Katie | Robinette | Justin | |
Ecklund | Daniel | Roch | Leah | |
Edwards | Michael | Rogers | William | |
Egelson | Daniel | Ruby | Peter | |
Ellis | Carmen | Russell | Ashley | |
Evans | Lushen | Russell | Richard | |
Fairbourne | Deanna | Russell | Trevor | |
Fernandez | Thomas | Ryan | Ashley | |
Ferrigan | Parker | Ryan | Jonathan | |
Fladger | Candace | Salem | Madelyn | |
Ford | Gregory | Schaefer | Thomas | |
Ford | Nichole | Schaefer | John | |
Formichella | Alyson | Scott | Caitlin | |
Fox | Andrew | Scott | Suzanne | |
Foxworth | Chesley | Scott | Jason | |
French | Jonathan | Serencsits | William | |
Fullbright | Erica | Short | Kevin | |
Fulmer | Aimee | Siders | Russell | |
Gallagher | Jacqueline | Silvers | Trenton | |
Gary | April | Sistare | Stephen | |
Gilbert | Lauren | Skyers | Cierra | |
Glasscock | Chad | Small | Ryan | |
Grahek | Matthew | Smalls | Tonya | |
Grandi | Matthew | Smith | Austin | |
Graves | Mary | Smith | Ashley | |
Greb | Jonathan | Smith | Thomas | |
Grech | Ashley | Smith | Chelsea | |
Greene | Kathleen | Smith | Steven | |
Greene | Stephanie | Smith | Kendra | |
Grimsley | Chaunee | Sooter | Taylor | |
Gruno | Valentine | Spence | Nicola | |
Gureley | Katie | Spurgeon | Jeremiah | |
Guthrie | Justin | Stack | Phillip | |
Hanna | Rebecca | Stephens | Selwyn | |
Hansis | Carly | Sternfeld | Tamar | |
Harper | Nicholas | Stevens | Rebeccah | |
Harper | Emily | Stillwagoner | Deidra | |
Harrington | Anne | Stokes | James | |
Hedrick | Amanda | Stone-Danahy | Rebecca | |
Hensley | Teresa | Sztankovics | Csilla | |
Hess | Hunter | Taylor | Katherine | |
Hickman | Joshua | Taylor | Sammie | |
Hines | David | Taylor | Megan | |
Hinson | Victoria | Thickens | Emily | |
Hoffman | Jeremy | Thompson | Lauren | |
Hoisington | Brittany | Tillman | Talmadge | |
Hooks | Elizabeth | Tolbert | Chelsea | |
Hovey | Matthew | Torres | Andres | |
Howard | Jenelle | Tran | Vu | |
Hudson | Jordan | Tran | Chau | |
Huger | Nycole | Trivett | Tristen | |
Hui | Sze | Turner | Neil | |
Hussen | Nejmudin | Veytsman | Aleksandr | |
Irizarry Del Valle | Priscilla | Viteri | Jose | |
Jacobs | Jeremiah | Weeks | Thomas | |
Jarrell | Jonathan | Westberry | Nicole | |
Jefferson | Ramona | Westberry | Ryan | |
Jeffords | Jill | Whirley | Rachel | |
Jenkins | Katherine | White | Justin | |
Johnson | Talbott | White | Teandra | |
Junkins | Christina | Wilkerson | Marlaina | |
Kaiser-Parlette | Terri | Willard | Robert | |
Kantala | Kenrick | Williams | Derek | |
Kassab | Amanda | Williams | Ben | |
Kazda | Jarrod | Williams | Kelly | |
Kazda | Manda | Williams | Brittney | |
Keelor | Kimberly | Willis | Damian | |
Kennedy | Jennifer | Wilson | Ashley | |
Kerrigan | Sean | Wilson-Ochoa | Sasha | |
Kerver | Suzanne | Winn | Jessica | |
King | Danielle | Wohlrab | Steven | |
King | Corey | Wood | Micah | |
Kirkpatrick | Jessica | Woodard | Hayward | |
Kitchens | Jeremy | Wright | Davon | |
Kitt | Demario | Yablinsky | Malena | |
Kupper | Eric | Young | Rachel | |
Ladson | Eric | Zubel | Lindsey |