The United States Armed Forces now have more than 180 new officers. Held on Friday, May 5, during a joint commissioning ceremony, approximately 30% of the Class of 2023 accepted commissions into the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Space Force. This year’s joint ceremony was held in McAlister Field House.
The ceremony included the now-officers reciting their oath, as well as having gold bars pinned on their uniforms by their sponsors. Following the ceremony, the commissionees gathered on Summerall Field where they received their first salutes as officers.
Photos from this year’s commencement events will be available for purchase through The Citadel’s photo store by the end of May.
A recording of the Joint Commissioning Ceremony can be viewed here.
The commencement ceremony for the Corps is held the day after the commissioning ceremonies.
Those accepting Army commissions include:
Trevor Atkins | Robert Lowe |
Jace Baer | Jett Lucas-Murphy |
Adam Balawi | Paul Marshall |
Collin Beck | Tyler Martin |
Zachary Bieda | Emma McCorkle |
Wilhelm Birkholz | Colin McKee |
Bradley Blankenship | Cyrus Mendez |
Benjamin Boyd | Chasey Mercado |
Justin Brannon | Logan Michael |
Tyler Burgess | Nathanael Milby |
Jarret Butzer | John Miller |
Albert Castro | Olivia Montgomery |
Thomas Chapman | Andrew Murphy |
Nathan Chastain | Pierce Myrick |
Josue Chegue | Treonte Newton |
Patrick Cherry | Michael O’Brien |
Sarai Chestnut | Johnathan O’Cain |
Henry Clarke | Henry Osborne |
Nathan Clerc | Stephanie Parris |
Joshua Cockrell | Mason Patnoude |
Cameron Cole | Spencer Phillips |
Hannah Collee | Caleb Raab |
William Connor | Adam Randolph |
Gabriel Cooper-Feldt | Andrew Randolph |
John Curtis | Joseph Ravago |
Carl Custer | Hampton Rea |
Michael Darcy | Joseph Reaney |
Nathaniel Denne | Reginald Reynolds |
Maximilian Donegan | Peter Riazzi |
Diego Duarte | Samuel Rieger |
Marcus Duncan | Noah Rodgers |
John Orville Eamiguel | Christopher Rohrer |
Seth Edwards | Jack Rose |
Triston Freeberg | John Rourke |
North Gaines | Dante Rovere |
Chayse Garrett | Abigail Sansbury |
Mia Gervais | Nico Savino |
Daniel Gladwell | Ian Schultz |
Sienna Gonzalez | Maxwell Sibley |
Kyle Goodwin | Brianna Sikes |
William Hahn | Camille Simmons |
Wyatt Hallman | Kaleis Spaulding |
Henry Hamilton | Brendan Sullivan |
Hunter Hartman | Taylor Swiger |
Nicholas Herzler | Garrison Swope |
Jackson Hills | Ethan Taddy |
Miranda Hinderliter | Nathan Tirpak |
Brian Hipp | Logan Treiber |
Anna Hughes | Steven Valentine |
Tyler Hughes | Kellen von Hoven |
Sara Hume | Patrick Walsh |
Payton Jones | Steven Warren |
Stephen Kaiser-Parlette | Caleb Watson |
Calista Kenowski | Jason Wheeler |
Samuel Kreis | Steven White |
Alvin Le | Kevin Williams |
Marie Le Gallo | Madelyn Wojciechowski |
Anthony Lee | Grace Wolfe |
Benjamin Ligons | Maximillian Zappendorf |
Tyler Long | Michael Zavala |
Those accepting commissions into the Air Force include:
Everett Barkley | Emily Lund |
Charles Corte | Edward Maxted-Sorensen |
Arista Couture | Blayne Pennartz |
Tyler Duben | Jacob Poole |
Todd Jones | Sharize Roper |
Sidney Locke | Dallas Shreeve |
Avery Lollis | Eric Wilson |
Aaron Love | Jack Winter |
Those accepting Space Force commissions include:
AnnaLeigh Runion | Javonte’ Spratley |
Those accepting Navy commissions include:
Robert Bernzott | Austin Mims |
Alexandria Carter | James Moore |
Trevor Compton | Jacob Novack |
Andrew Finkle | Chase Nugnes |
Thomas Blake Giles | Noah Pearson |
Frank Hale | Nicholas Pohlabeln |
Elijah Holder | Benjamin Prins |
Jacob Ingoe | Jacob Proctor |
Ernest James | Richard Reuter |
Dylan Johnson | Kallan Stephens |
Jordan Kish | Logan Thompson |
Christopher Manley | Michael Voorhees |
Stephen McLaughlin | Dylan Wood |
Aaron Melton |
Those accepting commissions into the Marine Corps include:
Christian Chekroun | John Kroske |
Dylan Christmas | Cody Martin |
Thomas Conrad | Jack Mozley |
Austin Curtsinger | Isaac Patterson |
Dyce Duckworth | Kevin Revuelta |
Thomas Grealy | Nathan Riley |
Kevin Haddad | Juan Ruiz |
Matthew Hart | Natalie Stewart |
Benjamin Knight | Christopher Sullivan |