Cadets reflect on their experiences from study abroad experience in Oxford

The Citadel’s new study abroad program at Brasenose College in Oxford outlined the beginnings of a rich relationship between the two great institutions.

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From South Carolina to the Netherlands: Citadel cadets visit the Royal Military Academy in Breda

Over the summer, six Citadel cadets chose to spend their break at the Royal Military Academy in Breda, Netherlands.

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After a semester at The Citadel, four Ukrainian exchange students reflect on their experience

Four Ukrainian citizens are back home after spending the spring 2024 semester as exchange students at The Citadel through the Global Undergraduate Exchange (UGRAD) Program.

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French exchange officers meet the Corps of Cadets

The Citadel recently hosted two second lieutenants in the French Army who came for a four-week visit through an exchange program sponsored by The Citadel Center for International and Special Programs.

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