Matriculation information for the freshmen class
Members of The Citadel Class of 2026 — which will be one of the largest classes in the college’s history — will arrive on campus Saturday, Aug. 13.
The new members of The Citadel Family will be coming to Charleston, South Carolina from approximately 38 states and 10 different countries.
From 7 – 10 a.m., the approximately 800 cadet-recruits will begin their Citadel journey at the Holliday Alumni Center (number 56 on the college’s virtual map) where they will pick up their company assignment packets before going to their barracks.
Vehicles will line up for check in at the Johnson Hagood Stadium parking lots near the HAC. The best address to enter the line will be 266 Fishburne St. Traffic will be heavy and parking will be limited, so families are asked to restrict themselves to one car per incoming cadet; additional vehicles may go directly to the main campus for parking.

At the barracks, The Citadel Family Association will have parents of upper-class cadets helping move the freshmen into their rooms. Parents of incoming cadet-recruits are also welcome to accompany their cadets to their rooms on the upper floors of each of the five barracks. All parents and visitors must be out of the barracks by 10 a.m.
Watch the Oath Ceremony livestream
The Oath Ceremony for The Citadel Class of 2026 will be live streamed on the college’s Facebook and on YouTube beginning at 5:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 15. The class will stand on Summerall Field and take an oath pledging to abide by the college’s core values of honor, duty and respect as future members of the South Carolina Corps of Cadets.
Before arriving on Saturday
Click here for list of items, provided by the Office of the Commandant, that incoming cadet-recruits should bring with them.
- Twelve [12] white, cotton, crew-neck tee shirts
- Twelve [12] pairs of white cotton underwear
- One [1] pair of “long johns”
- Six (6) pairs of black crew length socks – cotton socks are recommended
- Six (6) pairs of plain white athletic ankle socks – (socks must be void of visible logos or color, and must cover the protruding anklebone)
- Four (4) pairs of Boot Socks – Dri-Comfort Combat Over the Calf Padded Leg Boot Socks – Coyote Brown
- One [1] bathing suit, solid black or navy blue (female: conservative one piece)
- One [1] pair of shower shoes (black)
- Six [6] white, cotton towels
- Six [6] washcloths
- Six [6] white handkerchiefs
- One [1] iron with ironing board (full or travel size)
- One [1] pair of good running shoes in a subdued color such as white, navy or black (may have contrasting trim)
- Three [3] pairs of black compression shorts (cotton spandex) for wear with physical training uniform (optional)
- One [1] overnight bag for additional items that will be kept on top of the full press (may not exceed 24″L x 12″H x 18″W)
- One [1] pair of conservative style pajamas (optional)
- Two [2] mouthpieces
- Bedding: All cadets are required to furnish their own bed linens except for the bedspread and blanket, which will be issued.
- Four [4] white, non-fitted sheets for a regular size single (twin) bed mattress. You may use regular or extra-long sheets. Additionally, we do not recommend purchasing very expensive sheets
- One [1] standard sized pillow
- Four [4] white pillow cases
- Toiletries
- School supplies
- Additional items for female cadets:
- Five [5] white, beige, or skin-colored regular bras
- Five [5] white or beige sports bras
- Labeling clothes:
- As a time saving measure, though not mandatory, it would be helpful to write your last name and first two initials in your clothing using a permanent marker. The location of the name should be inconspicuous when the garment is worn
- Household linens such as towels, sheets, and pillowcases should not be labeled. The Cadet Laundry will affix a permanent label to these items
For more information on what items are required or optional, click here and select “Annex A.” More information to prepare for Matriculation Day may also be found at that link.
Information for media
Members of the media are welcome on campus Matriculation Day (with an escort from The Citadel Office of Communications and Marketing) from 7:15 – 10:00 a.m. on Saturday Aug. 13. Before arrival, please contact Zach Watson at zwatson2@citadel.edu, or text or call 843-814-9410 to get parking and meeting locations.