My Ring Story: a lifelong dream


Meet Jacob Lane Rush, Class of 2022

Photo above from left to right: Avery Canady, Jacob, Porter Beal, Tim Toomer, Marie Le Gallo, Blake Durden, Evan Lambrecht, George Mock and Colby Bennett.

MSG Jacob Lane Rush is from Concord, North Carolina, is majoring in Business Administration. and has earned gold stars for academic achievement. After graduation he plans to attend law school to eventually become a corporate attorney.

Q. What quote is engraved inside your ring and what is its significance?

A. Inside my ring I have the Bible verse Colossians 3:23 which says “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” This is a hugely significant verse to me because I believe that everything we do must be done to the best of our ability to glorify God, and my Citadel experience was no different.

Q. Did you ever envision the day you’d earn your ring?

A. I have honestly envisioned this moment all my life. I have dreamt about earning the ring since I was very young, and it has always been a goal of mine.

Q. Who inspired you to begin/continue your journey here at The Citadel?

A. I would definitely say that my parents were a huge inspiration to me. They were the ones that introduced me to the school from a very young age, and they always said I had what it took to make it at The Citadel. My mom was especially inspirational. She always told me that she thought I was “born to go to The Citadel,” and that simple statement carried me through many ups and downs during my experience.

“This is my family on my first Parents Weekend, Oct 4, 2019. From left to right you’ll see my brother, Jackson, mom, Tamara and dad, Jeff.”

Q. What is a song that describes your emotions leading up to this time in your college career?

A. The song that runs through my head the most often is Country Roads by John Denver. Not only does this song make me think about my late grandfather, who serves as an inspiration and role model, but it also makes me think about the journey that I’ve been on.

Q. What are three things The Citadel taught you that you wouldn’t have learned at another college?

A. One of the main things that I have learned is how much I have to be thankful for. Knob year was a huge eye opener about how lucky I am, and it has seriously changed my views when I return home. Additionally, I’ve learned that you always have a little more to give than what your mind tells you. More times than I can count I have been in situations here when I thought I was was giving 100 percent, but then when needing to dig even deeper, The Citadel taught me how to summon the energy I needed to get through the challenge. Finally, and most importantly, The Citadel taught me how to let go and trust God in my life. It goes without saying that every day is filled with challenges, and I learned that I couldn’t deal with all these on my own and that I needed to tell my troubles to God and he would get me through them.

Q. What will you miss most about your time here?

A. I am already beginning to realize that what I will miss the most is the friendships. It hit me recently that while we will be lifelong friends, in a few short months, we will never be able to joke around on the galleries or go to mess together again. There will be no more marching in parades or staying up all night to clean for an inspection. I think I will miss that more than anything in the world.

About The Citadel Class of 2022 Ring Stories

Left to right: MSG Olivia Hime, Regimental Public Affairs NCO, and MAJ Samantha Walton, Regimental Public Affairs Officer, Class of 2022

The Class of 2022 Ring Presentation Ceremony was held on Friday, Oct. 1. The stories presented here are the result of the leadership of Regimental Public Affairs officer, Major Samantha Walton, and Regimental Public Affairs Non Commissioned Officer, Cadet Olivia Hime. Both women will also receive their rings and will graduate in May.

Walton, who is from Macon, Georgia, attends The Citadel on an U.S. Army scholarship and will accept a commission to become an officer upon graduating. She is majoring in Political Science and holds the Charles Foster Scholarship.

Hime, who is from Holly Springs, North Carolina, is a junior and a member of The Citadel Honors Program. She is majoring in Biology, has repeatedly earned gold stars and President’s List positions for academic excellence. Hime will graduate in May, a year early, and plans to attend medical school to become a physician.