(Above) Former Vice President Joe Biden says goodbye to his longtime friend Fritz Hollings after delivering the eulogy at the funeral of the late former South Carolina Senator at Summerall Chapel on the campus of The Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina in Charleston, S.C., Tuesday, April 16, 2019
UPDATE April 16
Link to pool camera still photos is here and will be active for two weeks:
UPDATE April 15
- NEW time. SCETV live stream will now begin at 10:30 a.m. Eastern, showing arrival of funeral procession and guests. https://www.scetv.org/
- Outside media position. The designated media area outside of the chapel (#5 on http://www.citadel.edu/virtualtour/map) will be directly across the Ave. of Remembrance in the roped off section).
- Inside chapel. There are three reserved pews in the chapel for media who have requested in advance to be inside. Email kkeelor@citadel.edu to make a request by 5 p.m. today.
- Live stream viewing room. There is a viewing room with the live stream just a few steps away from the chapel on the first floor of the Daniel Library, #7 on our virtual map, for anyone who is not inside the chapel.
- WiFi is Citadel Guest – no code required.
- Live truck parking. Live trucks and/or satellite trucks must be parked behind the bleachers on Jones Ave. along the curb, bleacher-side. You can run cables onto the field #4 on the map, if needed. The chapel is #5.
- General media parking. Please see parking information for standard vehicles in the information below.
The Hollings funeral bulletin can be found here.
Media Advisory April 9
The funeral service for former Senator Ernest Fritz Hollings will be held in Summerall Chapel on The Citadel campus in Charleston, South Carolina, at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, April 16. Hollings was a member of The Citadel Class of 1942 with a degree in business administration. He demonstrated dedication to and love for his alma mater from the day he matriculated, until the end of his life.
In accordance with the wishes of the Hollings family, the following media protocols will be in place.
Video pool camera, live stream and satellite coordinates
SCETV (South Carolina pubic broadcasting and education network) is providing the pool camera, live stream and live satellite feed at the request of the Hollings family.
- The live stream will be shown on SCETV.org.
- The live feed satellite coordinates are available by emailing kkeelor@citadel.edu or jcauthen@scetv.org. The engineer for technical issues is Kevin Jordan at (803) 491-5017.
Still photography pool camera
The Citadel’s professional photographer, Louis Brems, will serve as the pool camera for still photography. His photos will be made available via dropbox upon request following the service. Requests for the link should be directed to kkeelor@citadel.edu.
Media coverage on site
There will be a media staging area outside of Summerall Chapel, across from the Ave. of Remembrance, which will be closed to traffic. The chapel is number 5 on the virtual campus map.
No videos or photos may be taken inside the chapel, including with cell phones.
Credentialed members of the media wishing to attend the service inside the chapel are asked to email kkeelor@citadel.edu by noon on Monday, April 15. Credentials must be worn and displayed at all times.
Media Parking
Media parking will be accessed by entering Hampton Park which abuts campus and is separated by a fence. Please park in the grass, nose of vehicle toward the fence. A walk-through gate will be open there. See number 5 on the map, and the park behind the chapel on the virtual map.
Context on Hollings and The Citadel
“Here at The Citadel in the discipline of life, you observe. You study yourself. You develop values. Here on The Citadel campus values are preeminent. As Horace wrote, “discipline strengthens the heart.” there comes a declaration of purpose, a rhythm of life. You learn what to take seriously and you learn to work hard and enjoy it, and you learn to relax at play. You can’t last long around here without developing a sense of humor. Most of all, you develop a sense of duty.” Sen. Fritz Hollings addressing The Citadel Class of 1983 at commencement
- Read the 1959 press release announcing Hollings as Corps Day speaker, just prior to him taking office as Governor here.
- View the presidential campaign brochure used during Hollings’ bid for the Democratic party nomination for president in 1984, here.
- Learn about the building named for Fritz Hollings, Hollings Hall here
- Hollings honored at PT Barracks dedication in 2004
- President’s Leadership Award
- Dropbox link for photos from the Daniel Library archives
Sen. Fritz Hollings with cadet and Citadel bulldog mascot