Citadel Family,
With numerous announcements and adjustments having happened this week, the purpose of this COVID-19 update is to consolidate many developments into one for your convenience.
- The Student Success Center is assisting cadets and students with virtual tutoring, go here for more information.
- The Daniel Library’s Ask Us chat function is available, or email reference@citadel.edu for help.
- The Center for Excellence and Innovation in Teaching, Learning and Distance Education (CEITL&DE) can be contacted at ceitlde@citadel.edu (or after hours at 843-953-1113) with questions concerning CitLearn.
- CEITL&DE is also offering tips for online learning and online teaching.
- The Citadel ITS HELP line is available for challenges with online learning technologies (843) 953- HELP.
- Maymester and Summer I programs will be online coursework, with no face-to-face classes. Course offerings may be adjusted from previous plans.
- All summer study abroad programs are cancelled through June 30.
- Register for next semester through Lesesne Gateway
Corps Registration Dates:
- Apr. 13 Priority registration for Fall 2020 begins.
- Apr. 20 Seniors (1A/1B) may begin registering for Fall 2020.
- Apr. 21 Juniors (2A/2B) may begin registering for Fall 2020.
- Apr. 22 Sophomores (3A/3B) may begin registering for Fall 2020.
- Apr. 23 Freshmen (4A/4B) may begin registering for Fall 2020.
CGC/CTP Registration Dates:
- Mar. 30 Current students begin registration for fall 2020.
- Apr. 6 All students begin registration for fall 2020.
For all Students and Cadets:
- Gen. Walters’ recorded Facebook session from March 25 can be seen here.
- Both commencement ceremonies, the Corps of Cadets’ and the separate Citadel Graduate College’s commencement, will be conducted virtually with details and dates to come soon.
- The Citadel will offer opportunities for graduates to return to campus to celebrate graduation and capture diploma photos with General Walters or legacy presenters. The college will publicize these dates through The Citadel’s website and social media platforms. Dates will be determined later, when social distancing measures are relaxed.
- Degrees for all academically qualified Class of 2020 cadets and students will be conferred as previously scheduled May 9.
- The Citadel Career Center is ready to help those who have jobs and aren’t sure how the pandemic will impact them, as well as those seeking employment or internships. Schedule a virtual Zoom session with a career center expert by emailing careercenter@citadel.edu.
Corps of Cadets:
- Cadets needing to come to campus to collect something essential from their room should contact their TAC officers for arrangements.
- We expect to enable clearing of barracks rooms on a staggered schedule, with set times for each company. Cadets that are not able to make their assigned time will be given make-up dates/times. Cadets that will not be able to return for extenuating circumstances should contact the TACs.
- Mrs. Walters wrote an open letter to the Corps offering encouragement that can be read here.
- The Citadel’s Department of Human Resources has developed a working from home page with tools to make telework more efficient and effective.
- Employees working from home are encouraged to complete a daily log of their activities.
- All Citadel-funded employee travel is curtailed until further notice.
COVID-19 general updates:
- Campus remains closed
- Charleston City Council passed a “stay at home” ordinance March 26 for a two-week period. The Citadel will comply with the ordinance, which allows for exceptions for employees that are mission essential to higher education. If you have any questions, contact HR at hr@citadel.edu.
QUESTIONS? Members of The Citadel Community with questions can email healthalerts@citadel.edu