The South Carolina Corps of Cadets Class of 2024 are now part of the Long Gray Line.
Nearly 1,000 cadets and students from The Citadel accepted their degrees during the commencement ceremonies on Saturday, May 4.
The day before commencement, approximately 30% of the graduating cadets accepted commissions as officers into the U.S. Armed Services.
Awards are presented to cadets and active duty students in recognition of their outstanding accomplishments during the awards convocation on Thursday, May 2.
During the 2024 commencement, three awards were given out to the First Honor Graduate, Second Honor Graduate and the John O. Wilson Ring. First Honor Graduate went to Cadet Aekchanin Iamborisut. Cadet Caroline Weeren was named Second Honor Graduate. The John O. Wilson Ring went to Cadet Col. Sullivan Newsome.
Also on Thursday, The Citadel Graduate College held an awards ceremony to recognize members of the graduating class who excelled during their time at the college, as well as some of the outstanding faculty who helped educate them.
The top academic programs for the Class of 2024 included Intelligence and Security Studies, Business Administration, Mechanical Engineering, Criminal Justice and Civil Engineering.
For the graduate program, top academic programs included a Master of Business Administration, Master of Arts in Intelligence and Security Studies, Master of Science in Project Management, Master of Education in Counselor Education and a Master of Science in Leadership.
Graduates accepted their diploma from President of The Citadel Gen. Glenn W. Walters, USMC (Ret.), Class of 1979.
Recordings of both commencement ceremonies, as well as the Joint Commissioning Ceremony, can be viewed here.
Prints of photos from this year’s commencement events will be available for purchase through The Citadel’s photo store; they will also be available for free digital download at the same link.
Graduates who completed their degree requirements are listed below.
The SCCC graduating class includes:
Jose | Acevedo |
Camden | Adams |
William | Allen IV |
William | Allen V |
Isaiah | Allgeyer |
Zyhnue | Alvarado Ramos |
Paul | Anderson |
Wells | Anderson |
Makayla | Ard |
Noah | Axtell |
Thomas | Aycock |
Hayden | Back |
Bryce | Baglia |
Isaiah | Bailey |
Robert | Bain IV |
Caden | Baker |
James | Banko |
Evans | Banks |
Michael | Bartilucci |
Caroline | Bates |
Andrew | Beard |
Harold | Bennett |
James | Berg |
Kyle | Bernier |
Jeremiah | Berry |
Zachary | Blanchard |
Luke | Blankenship |
Robert | Blok III |
Graham | Blondes |
Royce | Bolanos |
Gavin | Bond |
Kenyaz | Boston |
Jack | Bowen |
Jack | Bowles |
John | Boyd Jr. |
William | Braddy III |
James | Brady |
Gavin | Branyon |
Walker | Brigham |
Calvin | Brodersen |
Samuel | Brown |
David | Brunetz |
Kathleen | Bula |
Isaiah | Burrier |
Mark | Burton |
William | Bush |
Finian | Butcher |
Elias | Buttrey |
Arch | Bynum III |
Cyla | Byrd |
William | Caldwell |
Daniel | Camp |
Joseph | Cannavaro |
Ryan | Cannon |
Toya | Canteen |
Colton | Capps |
Jasmine | Carbon |
Sebastian | Carlin |
Logan | Carr |
Craig | Carr Jr. |
Tyler | Carricato |
Brian | Carroll |
Jonah | Charles |
Hsiao | Chen |
Tyler | Cherry |
William | Childress |
William | Clark |
Joseph | Clement |
Mark | Clement Jr. |
Daniel | Clingenpeel |
Tromaine | Cobbs |
Joseph | Cole |
Caroline | Collins |
Antonio | Colon |
Jacob | Compton |
Tristan | Conner |
Grayson | Conrad |
William | Cooke |
Jonathan | Coon |
John | Coons |
Grace | Cooper |
John | Copeland |
Samuel | Corley |
Robert | Cox Jr. |
Kyle | Cranshaw |
Nicholas | Crews |
Joshua | Crosby |
William | Crowther |
Caitlin | Curmode |
Shannon | Curtis |
Scott | Dale |
Patrick | d’Anjou |
William | Dargan IV |
Ashton | Darracott |
Andrew | Davis |
Jalen | Davis |
Matthew | DeCarlo |
Campbell | deHoll |
Mark | Delatte |
Hampton | Dennis |
Ayden | Devlin |
Anthony | Diaz |
Cecily | DiVirgilio |
Daniel | Dockins III |
William | Doherty |
Jackson | Dorris |
Mason | Draxton |
Jonathan | Dreier |
David | DuBose Jr. |
William | Duggan Jr. |
Jackson | Dulay |
James | Dunn |
Mecadeez | Durham |
Leo | Eckhardt |
Carter | Eddlemon |
Trey | Edelstein |
Kenneth | Edge |
Blake | Edmunds IV |
Jaelynn | Elgert |
Blake | Ellen |
Jackson | Ellington |
Travis | Elliott |
Joseph | Emde |
Carlton | Enes |
Connor | Erwin |
William | Falcocchio |
Henry | Faulkenberry |
John | Fly |
Andrew | Forester |
Gavin | Franklin |
Slateon | Frederick |
Jackson | Fuller |
Jack | Gamble |
John | Gaston Jr. |
Charles | Geiger |
Bayleigh | Gentieu |
Tyler | Gethers |
Franklin | Gettys |
Julius | Gibson |
Benjamin | Gilman |
Paul | Goldman |
Sadie | Gomez |
Robert | Goodwin |
Gavin | Gostomski |
Ethan | Goswick |
Cameron | Graham |
Daniel | Graham |
Dalton | Hager |
Graham | Haigood |
William | Hall |
Fred | Hamilton |
Hunter | Hamilton |
Collin | Hamilton |
Kohl | Hammer |
Stafford | Hanna |
Andrew | Hanson |
Charles | Hardin |
Thomas | Haren |
Nicolas | Harpey |
John | Harris |
Caleb | Hasty |
James | Hayes III |
Dalton | Hazelwood |
Charles | Heaton |
Tavin | Heisig |
Wilson | Hendricks |
Gavin | Hentschel |
Emily | Hickey |
Charles | Hill |
Christian | Hines |
Khang | Hoang |
James | Hodges |
Carson | Holroyd |
Brandon | Hooks |
Colton | Horvath |
Mercer | Howard |
Graham | Howle Jr. |
Po-Shuo | Hung |
Benjamen | Hutchins |
Aekchanin | Iamborisut |
Megan | Ikeda |
James | Inabinet |
Elias | Irizarry |
Isaiah | Iverson |
Mecca | Jackson |
Allan | Jacobs |
Ryleigh | Jenkins |
Samuel | Jenkins |
Vivienne | Johnson |
Hayden | Johnson |
Nicholas | Johnson |
Desmin | Jones |
Colin | Jones |
Bryson | Jones |
Ronald | Joye III |
Hunter | Kackley |
Benjamin | Kahn |
Sebastian | Kamieniecki |
David | Kaufmann |
William | Keck |
Charles | Kellett |
Youngho | Kim |
Faith | Kimpell |
Dawton | King |
Kubwimana | King |
Luke | Kissenberth |
William | Knox |
Spencer | Kohlmyer |
Stephen | Kraeling |
Jackson | Kretzing |
Samuel | LaFrage Jr. |
Robert | Lauer |
Fletcher | Law |
Fernando | Ledbetter |
Joseph | Lewis Jr. |
Addy | Liu |
Justin | Lively |
Porter | Lochner |
Madison | Locklear |
Elizabeth | Lockridge |
Amy | Lorentzos-Lobo |
Alexander | Loser |
Caleb | LoVerde |
Brendan | Luginbuhl |
Dylan | Lyda |
Steven | Lynch |
Douglas | MacKay III |
Nicholas | Mahon |
Henry | Manley |
Vincent | Massaro |
Caleb | Matthews |
Trevor | Mayes |
Hunter | McCoy |
Andrew | McCullough |
John | McElveen |
Cameron | McGinnis |
Caleb | McHargue |
Joshua | McKinley |
Joseph | McLamb |
David | McMillen |
William | McNay |
Jake | McPherson |
Taylor | Merrell |
Walker | Merritt |
Chandler | Messer |
Adam | Meyers |
Anthony | Milani DelPino |
Annabelle | Miller |
Richard | Milling Jr. |
Jayln | Mitchell |
Cameron | Moewe |
Noble | Moore |
Gabriel | Morgan |
Andrew | Morrisey |
Kristina | Mullen |
Aidan | Murray |
Leah | Murray |
Ethan | Nader |
Robert | Nastase |
Isaac | Nawabi |
Sullivan | Neal |
Noah | Neitlich |
Zahria | Nesmith-Miller |
Graham | Newboult |
Marcus | Newman |
Sullivan | Newsome |
Jessica | Newton |
James | Nickles |
Denzel | Nwanze |
Vernon | Nye IV |
Sean | O’Brien |
Mitchell | O’Connor |
Blakeley | Odom |
Alma | Orozco-Rico |
Tiziana | Ortega |
Griffin | O’Shields |
Gavin | Otillio |
Alexander | Ott |
Timothy | Overend |
Bryson | Overton |
Brianna | Owens |
Hunter | Page |
Houston | Palmiter |
Richard | Parker Jr. |
Hayden | Parks |
Joseph | Paslawski |
Cameron | Payne |
Anthony | Pellegrini |
Robert | Perrecone |
Kenneth | Pierce Jr. |
James | Platte |
Noah | Plunkett |
Joseph | Poole |
Dominick | Poole |
Jenna | Power |
Connor | Powers |
Jeremie | Prograis |
John | Quattlebaum |
Ashley | Rabaca |
Gianna | Rabassi |
Evan | Radley |
Ethan | Ramsey |
Meth | Ranaweera |
Daniel | Rathbun |
William | Ray Jr. |
Julius | Reed |
Sawyer | Reeves |
Jalend | Rhodes |
Cooper | Rhue |
Walker | Rhue |
Edward | Ritchie III |
Vincent | Rivera |
Je’Mazin | Roberts |
John | Roberts |
Lucas | Robins |
Ja’Marcus | Robinson |
Jessica | Roginski |
John | Ropp IV |
John | Rosenblum |
Rachel | Ross |
Matthew | Rothkopf |
Lyle | Ruchi |
Elliott | Ruoff |
John | Rush III |
Charles | Sackett |
Shaun | Sample |
Alec | Samsel |
William | Sargent |
Cody | Sauls |
Ashley | Schellinger |
Zachary | Schellinger |
Thomas | Schemm |
Madeline | Schmuck |
Lawrence | Scott |
Jeffrey | Scott |
Luke | Segee |
Rohan | Shah |
Daniel | Shapiro |
Gabriella | Shea |
Zachary | Shell |
Griffin | Shelton |
Adam | Shingler |
John | Shirley |
John | Shirley |
Brooke | Shively |
Hayden | Shoemake |
Jared | Shortt |
Mario | Sias III |
Jonathan | Sigmon |
Samuel | Simmons |
Jacob | Simmons |
Brian | Sims |
Chadd | Smart |
Kailyn | Smith |
Daniel | Smith |
Nathan | Smith |
Weston | Smith |
Corbin | Snavely |
Zachary | Sowards |
Michael | Spencer |
Keaton | Spitser |
Wyatt | Spurrier |
Rinzee | Stansberry Jr. |
Benjamin | Stemmet |
Joseph | Stilwell |
Samuel | Stravolo |
Mac | Strunk |
John | Stubing Jr. |
Richard | Stuckey IV |
William | Summers |
Garrison | Swan |
David | Sykes Jr. |
Allen | Szczepek III |
Yi | Tang |
Wayne | Taylor III |
William | Templeton |
Caleb | Thompson |
Jaden | Thurber |
Alexander | Tiberghien |
Maximillian | Tiberghien |
Joshua | Tolbert |
Keagan | Trahan |
Spencer | Tripp |
Tyson | Trottier |
David | Turasov |
Aquilla | Turk IV |
Anderson | Turner |
Matthew | Unden |
Graeson | Underwood |
John | Utley |
William | Varn |
Braden | Walker |
Bryant | Wallace |
Arthur | Walter III |
Mary | Watkins |
Ethan | Watts |
Justin | Weaver |
Caroline | Weeren |
Brandon | Welch |
Charlotte | Welsh |
Gabriel | Wentworth |
Robert | Whalley |
Hadley | White |
John | Whyte IV |
Luke | Wiggins |
Joshua | Williams |
Andrew | Wilson |
James | Wilson |
Carson | Winchester |
Samuel | Wingard |
Robert | Winterstein |
Gabriel | Woodhull |
William | Workman V |
Stephen | Woytek |
Banks | Wright |
Chase | Wright |
Tyquan | Wright |
Christopher | Wulfhorst |
Alexander | Wulfhorst |
Justin | Wyatt |
William | Wyman |
John | Wysong |
Tucker | Young |
Jaden | Young |
Jesse | Young |
Andrew | Youngblood |
Edward | Zack |
Jeffrey | Zeigler Jr. |
Samuel | Zeron |
John | Zitcovich IV |
The CGC graduating class includes:
Joseph | Addison |
Jodie | Accor |
Ryan | Adkins |
Bambie | Aghukwa |
Raymond | Aiello |
Jordan | Aiken |
Jackson | All |
Alyssa | Allen |
Randolph | Allen Jr. |
Sarah | Althen |
Nikita | Anand |
Deirdre | Appleby |
Jose | Arroyo-Mora |
Ege | Arslaner |
Elizabeth | Ash |
Nathan | Bailey |
Grayson | Bainbridge |
Joseph | Barnette |
Michael | Barrineau |
Kai | Becker |
Max | Beilke |
Katlynn | Bellotti |
Daniel | Bennett |
Brandon | Bent |
Courtney | Birch |
RayQuan | Blount |
Leona | Bonds |
Jonathan | Boswell |
Brett | Bowden |
Travis | Boyles |
Carter | Brand |
Jason | Brandon |
Graysen | Brewer |
Langley | Brimm |
Jonathan | Brown |
Jana | Bruton |
Charles | Bunton |
Shiloah | Burbage |
Charlotte | Burlos |
Dennis | Burns |
Nathaniel | Cabell III |
David | Calhoun |
Courtney | Callicutt |
Caleb | Campbell |
Alejandro | Canales |
Manuel | Carranza Vazquez |
Melissa | Carrick-Lane |
Mark | Chaid |
Madeline | Chamness |
Jacob | Chapman |
Eliza | Chase |
Julie | Chave |
Cahlin | Clow |
Darrian | Cole |
David | Cole |
Matthew | Coleman |
Jennifer | Coleman |
Vernard | Collins |
Gabriel | Colon |
Katherine | Colston |
Katie | Cook |
Amanda | Cosby |
James | Cowart |
John | Cox |
Ashley | Cranfill |
Laura | Curran |
Ezekiel | Curry |
Brenna | Curtin |
Nur | Dagistanli |
Mathew | Daugomah |
Joshua | Davidson |
Rebecca | Deas |
Daniela | Delpino |
Jordan | Dennis |
Mark | DeRee |
Hayley | Dettenmayer |
Heather | Dickson |
Mitchell | Downs |
Kiana | Dozier |
Shandra | Drayton |
Philip | Dunford |
Seth | DuRoss |
Shawn | Edwards |
Aurel | Edyvean |
Travis | Eldell |
Amin | Elgazar |
Jelani | Ellington |
Samantha | English |
Samuel | Erickson |
Amber | Evans |
David | Evans |
Alexander, | Fabiola |
Brittany | Farbo |
Krista | Farley |
Markeus | Farrand |
Christopher | Federici |
Kathryn | Felkel |
Samantha | Flor |
Jeremiah | Fouch |
Kevin | Founds |
Jerel | Frazier |
Parker | Free |
Katherine | Fryman |
Justin | Gainey |
Meriwether | Galloway |
Nina | Gampe |
Nicholas | Gehlmann |
Solomon | Ghosh |
Mary | Gibbs |
Donald | Gibson |
Brandon | Gielow |
Alec | Ginther |
Quinton | Glover |
Carla | Goncalves |
Delilah | Goodale |
Shamar | Goodridge |
Carla | Gossell-Roe |
Charles | Gramaglia |
Caitlin | Grant |
Kevin | Greene Jr. |
Cynthia | Greenlow |
Michael | Griesemer |
Daniel | Groce |
Robert | Gurley |
Brittany | Guthrie |
Braden | Hall |
Michael | Hamilton Jr. |
Hallie | Hammond |
Patrick | Hand |
David | Hardcastle |
Chance | Harper |
David | Hayes |
Drake | Head |
Blythe | Hehmeyer |
Sarah | Helmick |
Alexandra | Henry |
William | Herring |
James | Hess |
Joseph | Hickey |
Tristan | Hill |
Barbara | Hill |
Jill | Hinds |
Megan | Holtkamp |
Brian | Horn |
Courtney | Horowitz |
Ashlyn | Howard |
Riley | Huckaby |
Rosario | Huerta-Cardenas |
Anthony | Hunt |
Taylor | Hutchcraft |
Matthew | Ivester |
Michaiah | Jackson |
Ronnie | Jacobs Jr. |
Mary | Jacobsen |
Latrell | Jenkins |
Erin | Johnson |
Morgan | Johnston |
Kaeley | Johnston |
Ryan | Jones |
Tyler | Jones |
Nicholas | Jones |
Christopher | Jones |
Ashley | Kahn |
Brian | Karl |
Ryan | Karohl |
Caelin | Kelly |
Shajeeuddin | Khan |
Colby | Kintner |
Emily | Kirkland |
Adam | Kirkwood |
Brian | Klein |
Waldemar | Kornahrens |
Julia | Korneeva |
Nicholas | Kraftor |
Noelle | Kristan |
Griffin | Kuntz |
Kelly | Lambrakos |
Joshua | Laney |
Justin | Laney |
Garrett | Larson |
Austin | Lash |
Zeniyah | Lawrence |
Brooke | Lawrence |
Jamel’ | Lawton |
Taylor | Leaphart |
Robert | Ledford Jr. |
Pamela | Lee |
Aaron | LePine |
Alexander | Levitov |
Samuel | Liedtka |
Eric | Lilling |
Eric | Lipscomb |
James | Livingston |
Leisha | Lopez-Ortiz |
Juan | Lorduy |
Shannon | Loughran |
Austin | Lucas |
Rosa | Luna |
Brittaney | Maples |
Brennah | Martik |
William | Martin |
Kaleb | Martin |
Haley | Martinez |
Richard | Matheny |
William | Matthew |
Joshua | Maund |
Sara | McAlister |
David | McClure |
Michael | McDowell |
Jason | McFarland |
Christopher | McGinnis |
Jordan | McIntire |
Chloe | McKellar |
Kala | McLauren |
David | McLawhorn IV |
Arissa | McNeal |
Gerald | Meetze |
Caleb | Melton |
Caleb | Melton |
Manuel | Millare |
Elizabeth | Miller |
Christopher | Mitchell |
Tamika | Moorer |
Elijah | Morgan |
Matthew | Morris |
Osby | Mosley Jr. |
Houston | Motz Jr. |
Eric | Murrell |
Karthik | Nair |
Deborah | Nelson |
Joseph | Nguyen |
Delayne | Nickles |
Car | Noda |
Dana | Norton |
Danielle | Olivetti |
Jorge | Olmos |
Andreas | Osvath |
Matthew | Oswald |
Richard | Owings Jr. |
Matthew | Paiva |
Allison | Papadopoulos |
Matthew | Parris |
Mitesh | Patel |
Patrick | Patti |
Parker | Paul |
Zachary | Perry |
John | Pesavento |
Camille | Petersen |
Bailey | Peterson |
Nathaniel | Peterson |
Paige | Phillips |
Thomas | Plichta |
Matthew | Powell |
Joseph | Pueschner |
Sarah | Quinn |
Katherine | Rabuske |
Ion | Radu |
Erik | Rasmussen |
Christopher | Reyes |
Angela | Reynolds |
Michael | Richey |
Nicholas | Robichaux |
Amirah | Robinson |
Rantaisha | Robinson |
Catherine | Rodriguez |
Jesse | Rog |
Tripper | Rogers |
Alaysha | Rogers |
Hayley | Rondeau |
Michael | Rossi |
Linda | Russell |
Mitchell | Russell |
Jennifer | Ruth |
Karim | Salem |
Chad | Sanders |
Matthew | Savage |
Matthew | Schlipper |
Luke | Schmitz |
Cameron | Schrimpf |
Kennedy | Schultz |
Gustavus | Schwarting IV |
Connor | Seay |
Susan | Seckinger |
Olivia | Sekyi |
Joseph | Senecal |
James | Short II |
Joshua | Shymanski |
Gabriel | Simion |
Shaun | Simmons |
River | Simpson |
Sarah | Smith |
Jason | Smith |
Darrell | Smith |
Brandon | Smith |
Jesse | Soares |
Hailey | Sobota |
William | Spires |
Trey | Stevens |
Blake | Stewart |
Catherine | Stewart |
Shelby | Stice Pringle |
Ryan | Stone |
Andrew | Streetman |
Haley | Stuart |
Aaron | Suttles |
Samuel | Swygert |
Mark | Szlachetka |
Omar | Tactuck |
Adel | Telab |
William | Tharpe |
Willow | Thornton |
David | Turner Jr. |
Jacob | Ulmer |
Justin | Urick |
Marin | Vander Schaaf |
Illya | Vogel |
Craig | Walker II |
Travon | Wallace |
Tabytha | Walls |
Carson | Walter |
Amy | Walters |
Benjamin | Warner |
Paul | Washington |
Billy | Washington |
Wilhelmena | Washington |
Clarissa | Weber |
Randall | Welton |
Jacob | Wernicke |
Kathleen | West |
Jeffrey | West |
Kara | Whitmore |
Kristopher | Wilber |
Scott | Wildermuth |
Jessica | Wilkinson |
Savannah | Williams |
Rebecca | Williams |
Kennedy | Williamson |
Taylor | Windham |
Patrick | Withers |
Brighton | Wood |
John | Woods |
Jacqueline | Woods |
Richard | Wooten |
Sylvia | Wright |
JaQuetta | Wright |
Robert | Wright |
Megan | Yale |
Andrew | Young |
Shaniya | Zamora |
AnneMarie | Zur |