How cadets and students can make the most of their Merits

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Free platform to promote Citadel-verified list of accomplishments

There is something distinctive about those who choose to study at The Citadel. They want a transformative education. They want to test themselves. They want to become leaders.

Cadets and students at The Citadel are often goal-oriented, ready for a challenge and prepared to put in the work.

That’s likely one reason so many cadets and students accomplish so much during their time here. It’s also a reason why the college wants to help make sure those achievements are recognized and compiled into one place.

If you are a current cadet or student, you have a Merit account. It’s used to celebrate the great things you do while enrolled.

Merit is a way to make your achievements known in a professional, comprehensive, and verified manner.

It does more than help you get a job after graduation. Merit will also send your achievements to your hometown newspapers, families, former teachers, local legislators and more. You can also connect it to your personal social media accounts.

During the fall 2021 semester alone, more than 2,300 cadets and students — from 46 states — were recognized on Merit. Those achievements were sent to:

  • 4,000 parents
  • 1,700 government representatives
  • 1,500 hometown news outlets

“I strive to not be a boastful person. We learn at The Citadel that leaders should not be attention seekers, and I hope that I accept my accomplishments with humility,” said Cadet Olivia Hime, Regimental Public Affairs NCO. “However, I know what my achievements mean to my family members, who are my biggest supporters. Merit releases allow those I love to keep track of my involvement in multiple aspects of cadet life at The Citadel. It is also great to know that I will have a college-verified list of accomplishments that I can use post-graduation for career reference or continuing education”

When you enroll at The Citadel, your Merit page is automatically created, though it’s mostly blank. A major key to making the most of your Merit profile is to claim your page and submit your own achievements.

The college creates the achievements for major feats — such as the Dean’s List, Gold Stars, President’s List, Commencement and more — which are automatically added to students’ accounts.

But what makes a Merit profile truly stand out are things like:

  • a profile picture
  • short biography
  • previous work or educational experience
  • smaller, personal achievements that you deserve to be recognized for

When you import your own achievement, it’s sent to the college for verification — that way, future employers will know they can trust what they see on your Merit profile.

All achievements — both self-submitted and from the college — are showcased by categories and in chronological order on the Merit profile. It serves as a virtual portfolio, or resume, and can come in handy when applying for jobs or internships.

Amplify your achievements

To sign in, click the link in any email from Merit or follow these steps:

  1. Go to; search for your name and click the link to your page.
  2. Click “Is this you?” under the profile picture.
  3. Enter your Citadel email address and submit the form.
  4. Claim your Merit page by clicking on the link in the email you receive.
  5. Customize your Merit page by adding your picture, job experience, volunteer work and high school education, and be sure to connect your page to your social media accounts.

More information is available on The Citadel’s Merit resource page.

If you have any questions about Merit, please email