Gold stars are awarded to cadets and students who have earned a grade point ratio of 3.7 or higher.
Those cadets and veteran students will be recognized at the awards parade on Sept. 20, where they will be presented their gold stars, which they may wear on their uniforms throughout the semester following their academic achievement.
The Citadel will also honor veteran and active duty students who received gold star recognition with a black blazer, gold star pin and challenge coin.
A gold star recognition certificate is awarded to non-cadet students who meet the requirements.
Academics at The Citadel are divided between five schools: the Tommy and Victoria Baker School of Business, the School of Engineering, the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Swain Family School of Science and Mathematics and the Zucker Family School of Education. To learn more about the South Carolina Corps of Cadets, click here. For more information on The Citadel Graduate College, click here.
The following are cadets and students who received the honor for their work accomplished in the spring semester of 2024:
South Carolina Corps of Cadets
First name | Last name |
Melton | Adams |
Elizabeth | Agostino |
Ariel | Aguirre |
Robert | Alexander |
William | Allen |
Isaiah | Allgeyer |
Ryan | Almstadt |
Paul | Anderson |
Angela | Angela |
Cooper | Ankney |
Brianna | Arguello |
Thomas | Armaly |
Jehanne Marie | Arnal |
Thomas | Aycock |
Mason | Ayers |
Jillian | Aylsworth |
Everett | Babcock |
Logan | Bach |
Hayden | Back |
Francis | Badala |
Edward | Bagwell |
James | Bagwell |
Matthew | Bailey |
Evans | Banks |
John | Banner |
Michael | Barnes |
Phillip | Barnes |
Samantha | Barnes |
Colin | Bartley |
Jake | Basile |
Caroline | Bates |
Eric | Becker |
Morgan | Bellamy |
Kameron | Bennett |
William | Bilsback |
Tristan | Bisbano |
Harrison | Bishop |
Tyler | Blackwell |
Jacob | Blaser |
Robert | Blok |
Louise | Bonnimond |
Meghan | Bostic |
Kenyaz | Boston |
Caden | Box |
John | Boyd |
Audrey | Brabham |
Luca | Bracale |
James | Brady |
Hunter | Bramley |
Christian | Brenner |
Nicholas | Brescia |
Johnathon | Brockelbank |
Patrick | Brophy |
Joseph | Brown |
Kaleb | Brown |
Marshall | Brown |
Ryan | Brozek |
James | Bruner |
Bridget | Buckley |
William | Buffum |
William | Bush |
Finian | Butcher |
Keanan | Butler |
Cyla | Byrd |
Preston | Canady |
Aaron | Candreva |
John | Cappello |
Charles | Carlberg |
Cameron | Carter |
Kirin | Chaplin |
Robert | Chapman |
Hsiao Wei | Chen |
Hsin-Hua | Chiang |
Theron | Childress |
Michael | Christmas |
Bryce | Christy |
Peter | Chumbris |
Eoin | Clarke |
Andrew | Cline |
Ethan | Clinton |
Mitchell | Coe |
William | Coffey |
Joseph | Combs |
Brendan | Conway |
Grace | Cooper |
Jack | Cooper |
Carter | Copeland |
John | Copeland |
William | Coppel |
Jalen | Cormier |
Landon | Cornell |
Kylie | Coulston |
Gavin | Coulter |
Paul | Cozart |
Corey | Craft |
Ryan | Craig |
John | Cramer |
Jacob | Cranshaw |
Zoe | Crecos |
Nicholas | Crews |
Ella | Crider |
Edmund | Crites |
Micah | Crosby |
Caitlin | Curmode |
Howard | Cushman |
Faith | Dalton |
Jonah | Dalton |
Phillips | Daniels |
Caiden | Davis |
Campbell | DeHoll |
Jordan | DePaul |
Jake | Debenport |
Joseph | Debney |
Peter | Delgaizo |
Tatiana | Demcovich |
William | Dennard |
Carson | DesRosier |
Grayson | Dewald |
Daniel | Dockins III |
William | Dow |
Jonathan | Dreier |
James | Drohan |
Madison | Dryden |
Daniel | DuBose |
Steven | Duff |
James | Dunn |
Jean | Dure |
Houston | Dykes |
Samuel | Eich |
Adaya | El-Sherif |
Aiden | Elder |
Travis | Elliott |
Chase | Elsesser |
Cooper | Emler |
Carlton | Enes |
Cole | England |
Connor | Erwin |
Anthony | Fairchild |
Amber | Fairfax |
Jack | Fallon |
Bennet | Fenton |
Wilfred | Fields |
Sarah | Fink |
Shelton | Fiore |
Savannah | Fisher |
Zachary | Fisher |
Thomas | Fitzpatrick |
George | Floyd |
Keegan | Foley |
Jasmine | Franklin |
Luke | Frazier |
Charles | Freidhof |
Brody | Funk |
Dylan | Gaffney |
Joseph | Gaglione |
James | Gainey |
Connor | Gale |
James | Gantt |
Jesus | Garcia |
Hampton | Gaskins |
Bayleigh | Gentieu |
Nathan | Givens |
Sadie | Gomez |
Elizabeth | Goodson |
Ethan | Goswick |
Katerina | Govorova |
Chad | Graham |
Chandler | Greene |
Sienna | Greenfield |
Zachary | Gremling |
William | Griffin |
Matthew | Guerriero |
Brendan | Guinee |
Christian | Gunter |
Clayton | Gurley |
Gabriel | Gusmao |
Sutter | Guttery |
Matthew | Haas |
Christopher | Haddad |
Jamille | Hagan |
Liam | Haggerty |
Graham | Haigood |
Alexis | Haire |
Fred | Hamilton |
James | Hammond |
Rhiannon | Hampton |
Stafford | Hanna |
Nicolas | Harpey |
James | Harrison |
Michael | Hart |
Jack | Harvey |
Dalton | Hazelwood |
Charles | Heaton |
Tavin | Heisig |
Noah | Helton |
Maya | Hemo |
Caden | Henderson |
Tucker | Hendrix |
Jake | Hennelly |
Madison | Henning |
Thomas | Hester |
Emily | Hickey |
Elisabeth | Hindman |
Christian | Hines |
John | Hinton |
Austin | Hitt |
Khang | Hoang |
David | Hobgood |
Ethan | Hong |
Spencer | Hooker |
Brandon | Hooks |
Johnrobert | Hoover |
Kyle | Hopkins |
James | Horne |
Colton | Horton |
David | Hoskins |
Christian | Howell |
Chengqi | Huang |
Gavin | Hucks |
Jack | Hughes |
Jason | Hutto |
John | Hyatt |
Aekchanin | Iamborisut |
Corey | Ibrahim |
Miles | Israelow |
James | Ives |
Howard | Jennings |
Eric | Joerger |
Cooper | Johns |
Camden | Johnson |
Hayden | Johnson |
Jenavee | Johnson |
Joshua | Johnson |
Katherine | Johnson |
Maya | Johnson |
Thomas | Johnson |
Colin | Jones |
Desmin | Jones |
Graham | Jones |
Maximilian | Jordan |
Benjamin | Journey |
Landon | Kahl |
Abigail | Kanewske |
Safia | Karimi |
Joseph | Kellahan |
Charles | Keller |
Charles | Kellett |
James | Kelley |
Sean | Kelly |
Tyler | Kelly |
Patrick | Kenny |
Joshua | Kent |
Youngho | Kim |
Kanjanika | Kincaid |
Steven | Kirby |
Thomas | Kleinhenz |
Noah | Klepper |
Sebastian | Knight |
William | Knox |
William | Knuth |
Timothy | Kolb |
Kailynn | Koozer |
Jack | Kornfeind |
Jace | Kraftchick |
Diego | Ladino Alvarez |
Jacob | Laffey |
Richard | Lander |
Parker | Langenberg |
Grace | Laws |
Caden | Leckelt |
Brandon | Lee |
Silas | Lee |
Michael | Legens |
Ryan | Legg |
Aidan | Lenz |
Benjamin | Lesesne |
Weston | Lever |
Ainslee | Leverett |
James | Libby |
McKorell | Liddle |
Ryan | Liester |
Jia-He | Lin |
Bryson | Lindeman |
Emily | Lindler |
Jaylen | Link |
Olivia | Liquori |
Ethan | Lisenby |
Connor | Little |
Caleb | LoVerde |
Porter | Lochner |
Chase | Loggins |
Tanner | Long |
Woodrow | Long |
Alexander | Loser |
Wei Shan | Lu |
Sarah | Lucovsky |
Brendan | Luginbuhl |
Tyson | Lurie |
Steven | Lynch |
Blake | Lyon |
Kevin | Mahoney |
Alexandra | Maldonado |
William | Mansfield |
Jacob | Martin |
Vincent | Massaro |
John | Mauriello |
Samuel | May |
Trevor | Mayes |
Lucy | McArthur |
Jack | McCall |
Kenzie | McCallum |
Justin | McCarty |
Jack | McCullen |
Hunter | McDonald |
John | McElveen |
Liam | McGrady |
Ian | McGrath |
Ava | McLaughlin |
George | McLaughlin |
Whitley | McMurry |
Jake | McPherson |
Grady | Meeks |
Carter | Mekanik |
Roberto | Mendez-Garcia |
Daniel | Mengedoht |
Jacob | Miller |
Noah | Miller |
Bradey | Minnich |
Ethan | Mitchell |
Ryan | Mollison |
Peter | Monaco |
Gabriel | Morgan |
Alathea | Morse |
John | Morton |
Vansh | Motiani-Rincon |
Natalie | Mullen |
John | Mullis |
Luke | Murphy |
Christian | Naddy |
Jonathan | Nance |
Daniel | Nasson |
Noah | Neitlich |
Darius | Nettles |
John | New |
Sullivan | Newsome |
Quinn | Nielsen |
Samuel | Nutting |
Gavin | O’Brien |
Sean | O’Brien |
Blakeley | Odom |
Andrew | Oliver |
Doreen | Ontiveros |
Tiziana | Ortega |
Osbourne | Owens |
Aleksander | Pach |
Andrew | Palmer |
Richard | Parker |
Aryan-Brijesh | Patel |
Devin | Patel |
Luke | Patton |
Fisher | Paulsen |
Bentley | Payne |
Kamryn | Peebles |
Anthony | Pellegrini |
Bryson | Peppers |
Brennan | Perkins |
Edgar | Perry |
Davonyae | Pettis |
Lewis | Phillips |
Colton | Pilgrim |
Carmen | Ponce |
Isaiah | Poppe |
Rhyder | Poppell |
Soliana | Porter |
Robert | Powell |
Jackson | Preacher |
Joshua | Prebor |
James | Putnam |
Marcos | Quinn |
Joseph | Rae |
David | Ramey |
William | Ramos |
Meth | Ranaweera |
Daniel | Rathbun |
Jason | Raub |
Owen | Reber |
Walt | Reber |
Meredith | Reed |
Sawyer | Reeves |
Briggs | Rehome |
Tyler | Reichel |
Nicholas | Renner |
Cooper | Rhue |
Trenton | Riffe |
Makayla | Riley |
Manuel | Rios |
Paolo Josef | Rivero |
Cody | Robbins |
Lucas | Robins |
Derrick | Robinson |
Ja’Marcus | Robinson |
Elijah | Rodriguez |
Gavin | Rokosz |
Conor | Rom |
Dillon | Roman |
David | Ropp |
John | Ropp |
John | Ross |
Lyle | Ruchi |
Griffin | Ruff |
Jing-Kai | Rutland |
Myles | Rutland |
Tai-Hui | Rutland |
Charles | Sackett |
Armaan | Saini |
Isaac | Salcedo-Sotelo |
Connor | Salch |
Jayden | Salley |
William | Sargent |
Bryce | Scambler |
Paul | Scarpa |
Joseph | Schenk |
Madeline | Schmuck |
Stephanie | Schnite |
Matthew | Schwab |
Preston | Scott |
Bradford | Segal |
Luke | Segee |
Daniel | Shapiro |
Zachary | Shell |
Griffin | Shelton |
Grant | Sheridan |
John | Shirley |
Samuel | Simmons |
Brian | Sims |
Abigail | Sitarik |
Aidan | Smith |
Aniyah | Smith |
Joseph | Smith |
Kailyn | Smith |
Weston | Smith |
Bennett | Smoak |
Corbin | Snavely |
Chad | Souders |
Elisabeth | Southern |
Bayliss | Spivey |
Jeremiah | Stanmore |
Daniel | Steffee |
Rylan | Stillmunkes |
Jarrett | Stoll |
Caleb | Stone |
Luka | Stouffer |
Kyle | Straubel |
Luke | Stringfield |
Richard | Stuckey |
Thomas | Sumner |
Sutthikiat | Sungkeetanon |
David | Sykes, Jr. |
Yi | Tang |
Kameron | Taylor |
William | Templeton |
Lance | Thacker |
Barrett | Thompson |
Gage | Timberlake |
Peter | Torinese |
Robert | Torres |
Annika | Trochesset |
Aquilla | Turk |
Travis | Turley |
Matthew | Unden |
Graeson | Underwood |
Alexis | Van Brocklin |
Noah | Van Dyke |
Clayton | Vande Burgt |
Sofia | Vargas |
William | Varn |
Frederick | Vogel |
Benjamin | Waldron |
Charles | Walker |
Zachary | Walker |
Campbell | Wall |
Donald | Wallace |
Quentin | Walsh |
Caleb | Waters |
Mary | Watkins |
Caroline | Weeren |
Thomas | Weese |
Jack | Weil |
Colin | Weldon |
Charlotte | Welsh |
Colin | White |
Sarah | White |
Michael | Whitesell |
Luke | Wiggins |
Danielle | Williams |
George | Williams |
Robert Isaac | Williams |
Dillon | Wilson |
Logan | Wilson |
Sam | Wilson |
Luke | Winterble |
Aidan | Wiseman |
Parker | Wloch |
Amanda | Wolford |
Carson | Wood |
Jacob | Wood |
John-Preston | Wood |
Walter | Wooten |
Kaley | Worley |
Stephen | Woytek |
Christopher | Wulfhorst |
Jonathan | Wyble |
Oakley | Wykstra |
Limin | Xu |
Aidan | Yampey |
Charles | Young |
Jesse | Young |
Steven | Young |
Ryan | Zigo |
William | Zion |
Non-cadet undergraduate and graduate students
First name | Last name |
Connor | Amon |
Claudia | Anderson |
James | Anderson |
Logan | Bacsal |
Mackenzie | Baker |
Cameron | Barrett |
Elijah | Bass |
Evangel | Baxter |
Meara | Becotte |
Michael | Behrends |
Aaron | Beste |
Zachary | Blanchard |
Jack | Bormet |
Shane | Brennan |
Langley | Brimm |
Madison | Byrne |
Jonathan | Carfora |
Jordan | Cashwell |
Andrew | Cassin |
Leigha | Clayton-Cornell |
Gabriel | Colon |
Ezekiel | Curry |
Evelyn | Diaz Garcia |
Madeline | Dos Santos |
Mitchell | Downs |
Aurel | Edyvean |
Samuel | Erickson |
Max | Fogel |
Jeremiah | Fouch |
Brandon | Gammons |
Nina | Gampe |
Joseph | Garruto |
Jacob | Golanec |
Carla | Goncalves |
Shamar | Goodridge |
Francisco | Grajeda |
David | Gray |
Kevin | Greene |
James | Hagan |
Robert | Harris |
Drake | Head |
Jacob | Hendrix |
Nathan | Henigan |
Erika | Hernandez |
Michael | Holliday |
Ashlyn | Howard |
Rosario | Huerta-Cardenas |
Vance | Hurley |
Samuel | Iverson |
Seth | James |
Rolando | Jimenez |
Brandon | Kentolall |
Matthew | Kinsman |
Kaid | Kravat |
Gary | Lain |
Austin | Lash |
Natalie | Lau |
Daniel | Lewis |
Daniel | Lewis |
Jesse | McClure |
Chloe | McKellar |
Blake | Mcnally |
James | Moore |
Houston | Motz |
Natalie | Mueller |
Delayne | Nickles |
Bernard | Patton |
Lev | Peschykhin |
Cole | Platt |
Harrison | Presley |
Ricardo | Quintero |
William | Ridenour |
William | Roberts |
Catherine | Rodriguez |
Thomas | Rollauer |
Kevin | Rossini |
Morgan | Roy |
Grace | Saboe |
Nicko | Salem |
David | Schley |
Joseph | Senecal |
Daniel | Sin Zuniga |
Nicholaus | Sitzer |
Brandon | Smith |
Haven | Sowell |
James | Stachura |
William | Stachura |
Andrew | Streetman |
Zlata | Tabachna |
Omar | Tactuck |
Derrick | Talley |
David | Ulit |
Jacob | Ulmer |
Justin | Urick |
Tristan | Vietzke |
Vladyslav | Voloshyn |
Benjamin | Warner |
Chance | Weise |
Randall | Welton |
Annastasha | Wenzel |
Joshua | Wetmore |
Elisha | Wright |
Robert | Wright |
Denys | Yashchuk |
David | Yoo |
Andrew | Young |