Gold stars are awarded to cadets and students who have earned a grade point ratio of 3.7 or higher.
Those cadets were recognized on Sept. 9, when they were presented their gold stars, which they may wear on their uniforms throughout the semester following their academic achievement. A gold star recognition certificate is awarded to non-cadet students who meet the requirements; veteran and active duty students are also awarded challenge coins.
Academics at The Citadel are divided between five schools: the Tommy and Victoria Baker School of Business, the School of Engineering, the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Swain Family School of Science and Mathematics and the Zucker Family School of Education.
The following are cadets and students who received the honor for their work accomplished in the spring semester of 2022:
South Carolina Corps of Cadets
First name | Last name |
Benidict | Abalos |
John | Acker |
Camden | Adams |
Noah | Alberry |
Jackson | All |
Anthony | Allen |
William | Allen |
Isaiah | Allgeyer |
Khalil | Al-Nakhala |
Paul | Anderson |
Angela | Angela |
Brianna | Arguello |
Shannon | Arias |
Thomas | Aycock |
Hayden | Back |
Bryant | Bacu |
Christopher | Baker |
Austin | Bamberg |
James | Banko |
Evans | Banks |
John | Banner |
Madelaine | Barbee |
Bakary | Barton |
Joshua | Baxa |
Porter | Beal |
Eric | Becker |
Matthew | Beitel |
Jeffrey | Bellino |
James | Berg |
Logan | Billings |
Wilhelm | Birkholz |
Tristan | Bisbano |
Graham | Blondes |
Louise | Bonnimond |
Kenyaz | Boston |
Nicholas | Boulware |
Joseph | Bowers |
John | Boyd |
William | Boyd |
Johnathon | Brockelbank |
Marshall | Brown |
Payton | Burns |
Mark | Burton |
William | Bush |
Finian | Butcher |
John | Cahill |
Toya | Canteen |
John | Cappello |
Logan | Carr |
Albert | Castro |
Jonah | Charles |
Hsiao | Chen |
Theron | Childress |
John | Clark |
Eoin | Clarke |
Joshua | Cockrell |
William | Coffey |
Randolph | Coker |
Hannah | Collee |
Trevor | Compton |
Tristan | Conner |
William | Connor |
Zoey | Conrad |
Brennan | Conway |
Grace | Cooper |
John | Copeland |
Gavin | Coulter |
Jeffery | Courtney |
Arista | Couture |
Ryan | Craig |
Nicholas | Crews |
Edmund | Crites |
Brandon | Cruz |
Caitlin | Curmode |
Chad | Dailey |
Scott | Dale |
Andrew | Darby |
Andrew | Davis |
Jake | Debenport |
Nicholas | DeConto |
Campbell | deHoll |
Bryan | Dela Cruz |
Nathaniel | Denne |
Micah | Dersch |
Joshua | Devine |
Ayden | Devlin |
Grayson | Dewald |
Jackson | Dorris |
Tyler | Duben |
Ryan | Duffelmeyer |
Marcus | Duncan |
James | Dunn |
Sean | Durham |
Houston | Dykes |
Leo | Eckhardt |
Trey | Edelstein |
Seth | Edwards |
Jaelynn | Elgert |
Travis | Elliott |
Chase | Elsesser |
Cole | England |
Connor | Erwin |
Savannah | Fisher |
Thomas | Fitzpatrick |
John | Fly |
Brent | Forrest |
Heidi | Fortin |
Andrew | Frazier |
Slateon | Frederick |
Lydia | Freeman |
Tyler | Furches |
Kenneth | Galsgaard |
Donald | Garbade |
Blake | Garwood |
Bayleigh | Gentieu |
Riley | Geoghegan |
Franklin | Gettys |
Joshua | Gibson |
Julius | Gibson |
Thomas | Giles |
William | Ginn |
Daniel | Gladwell |
Asher | Goar |
Samuel | Goldenstein |
Sadie | Gomez |
Andre | Gonzalez |
Kyle | Goodwin |
Jarrod | Gorczynski |
Ethan | Goswick |
Wesley-William | Gotsch |
Landon | Gregory |
Matthew | Guerriero |
Christian | Gunter |
Clayton | Gurley |
Joshua | Hage |
Liam | Haggerty |
Jackson | Haguewood |
Collin | Hamilton |
Henry | Hamilton |
Jackson | Handlin |
Stafford | Hanna |
Andrew | Hanson |
David | Hardcastle |
Tyler | Harper |
Nicolas | Harpey |
James | Harrison |
James | Hart |
Dalton | Hazelwood |
Charles | Heaton |
Justin | Hedges |
Madison | Henning |
Sebastian | Herbert |
John | Hibbitts |
Karessa | Hill |
Christian | Hines |
Collin | Hinkle |
Khang | Hoang |
George | Honiotes |
Aaron | Houston |
Mercer | Howard |
William | Howl |
Sara | Hume |
Christopher | Hummel |
Sarah | Humphries |
Jason | Hutto |
Aekchanin | Iamborisut |
Jacob | Ingoe |
Elias | Irizarry |
James | Ives |
Ashley | James |
Ernest | James |
Ian | Jenkins |
Julian | Jenkins |
Howard | Jennings |
Cullen | Johnson |
Joshua | Johnson |
Mason | Johnson |
Nicholas | Johnson |
Thomas | Johnson |
Todd | Jones |
Elijah | Joseph |
Benjamin | Journey |
Hunter | Kackley |
Abigail | Kanewske |
Blake | Keffer |
Charles | Kellett |
Brian | Kelley |
Jack | Kelley |
Sydney | Kemp |
Jacob | Kenison |
Patrick | Kenny |
Youngho | Kim |
Faith | Kimpell |
Dylan | King |
Rudy | Kirven |
Jordan | Kish |
Sebastian | Klincewicz |
Timothy | Kolb |
John | Kroske |
Laura | Kuhlmann |
Samuel | LaFrage |
John | Lanier |
Marie | Le Gallo |
Caden | Leckelt |
Anthony | Lee |
Pierceson | Lee |
Benjamin | Lesesne |
Weston | Lever |
Joseph | Lewis |
Chih | Li |
Benjamin | Ligons |
Nathanael | Ling |
Ethan | Lisenby |
Chase | Loggins |
Avery | Lollis |
Alexander | Loser |
Will | Lott |
Brendan | Luginbuhl |
Emily | Lund |
Blake | Lyon |
Nathan | Malloy |
Henry | Manley |
Brock | Martin |
Jacob | Martin |
Tyler | Martin |
Vincent | Massaro |
Caleb | Matthews |
Madison | Matthews |
Trevor | Mayes |
Robert | McCaffrey |
Ireland | McConnell |
Andrew | McCullough |
Hunter | McDonald |
Lauren | McDonald |
Dylan | McDowell |
Ryan | McInerney |
Ethan | McKenzie |
Joshua | McKenzie |
Joseph | McLamb |
Jake | McPherson |
Cyrus | Mendez |
Chasey | Mercado |
Chotipat | Metreethummaporn |
William | Metts |
Logan | Michael |
Austin | Miles-Curtsinger |
Wyatt | Miller |
Richard | Milling |
Cameron | Moewe |
Celeste | Montero |
Hayden | Moore |
Thomas | Mordarski |
Gabriel | Morgan |
John | Morris |
Jack | Mozley |
Natalie | Mullen |
Logan | Murray |
Brian | Mutua |
Pierce | Myrick |
Evan | Nader |
Riley | Neiders |
Noah | Neitlich |
Lyman | Newman |
Philip | Newman |
Sullivan | Newsome |
Treonte | Newton |
William | Noonan |
Sean | O'Brien |
Mitchell | O'Connor |
Tiziana | Ortega |
Henry | Osborne |
Griffin | O'Shields |
Timothy | Overend |
Hunter | Page |
Andrew | Palmer |
Stephanie | Parris |
Mason | Patnoude |
Noah | Pearson |
Damirelys | Perez |
Jacob | Perkins |
Edgar | Perry |
Jonathan | Petrovich |
Lucy | Pincus |
Thomas | Pipkins |
Keshawn | Pitts-Bermudez |
Joseph | Poole |
Isaiah | Poppe |
Robert | Portegello |
Jackson | Price |
Benjamin | Prins |
Jacob | Proctor |
James | Pruskowski |
Jesse | Quimby |
Gianna | Rabassi |
Benjamin | Race |
Perry | Raines |
David | Ramey |
Daniel | Rathbun |
Hampton | Rea |
Elissa | Reckdenwald |
Sawyer | Reeves |
Briggs | Rehome |
Walker | Rhue |
Peter | Riazzi |
Samuel | Rieger |
Lucas | Robins |
Conor | Rom |
John | Ropp |
Jack | Rose |
John | Ross |
Matthew | Rothkopf |
John | Rourke |
Dante | Rovere |
Griffin | Ruff |
Elliott | Ruoff |
Charles | Sackett |
Alec | Samsel |
William | Sargent |
Aubrey | Schaffer |
George | Schlageter |
Luke | Segee |
David | Seymour |
Rohan | Shah |
Samuel | Sharnas |
Zachary | Shell |
John | Shirley |
Christopher | Shorkey |
Brianna | Sikes |
Camille | Simmons |
Jacob | Simmons |
Samuel | Simmons |
Brian | Sims |
Aidan | Smith |
Andrew | Smith |
Canyon | Smith |
Daniel | Smith |
Matthew | Smith |
Victoria | Snook |
Gray | Sobel |
Lucas | Sotile |
Chad | Souders |
Elisabeth | Southern |
Kaleis | Spaulding |
Brady | Spence |
Jacob | Sperry |
Jackson | Stancell |
William | Stanley |
Benjamin | Stemmet |
Kallan | Stephens |
Natalie | Stewart |
Brady | Stone |
Richard | Stuckey |
Brendan | Sullivan |
Carl | Sullivan |
Tyler | Sunderlin |
Sutthikiat | Sungkeetanon |
David | Sykes |
Chase | Taylor |
Wayne | Taylor |
William | Templeton |
Claire | Thomas |
Cody | Thomas |
Alexander | Tiberghien |
Gage | Timberlake |
Keagan | Trahan |
David | Turasov |
Travis | Turley |
Jackson | Turner |
Nicholas | Tuzzolino |
Matthew | Unden |
Adger | Vanadore |
Frederick | Vogel |
Charles | Walker |
Jack | Walker |
Cooper | Wallace |
Donald | Wallace |
Joshua | Wallen |
Patrick | Walsh |
Alexander | Wang |
Yu-Ching | Wang |
Braxton | Weaver |
Caroline | Weeren |
Thomas | Weese |
William | Welch |
Charlotte | Welsh |
Robert | Whalley |
Jason | Wheeler |
Justin | White |
Steven | White |
John | Whyte |
Gillian | Wiggins |
Mason | Wilkinson |
Sam | Wilson |
Alisa | Wilson-Ruffin |
Austin | Winburn |
Jack | Winter |
Parker | Wloch |
Dylan | Wood |
Jacob | Wood |
Gabriel | Woodhull |
Stephen | Woytek |
Banks | Wright |
Christopher | Wulfhorst |
Justin | Wyatt |
John | Wysong |
Jesse | Young |
John | Zitcovich |
Non-cadet undergraduate and graduate students
First name | Last name |
Steven | Ahlers |
Travis | Barrow |
Elijah | Bass |
John | Bauman |
Michael | Behrends |
Riki | Benton |
Robert | Bernzott |
James | Bevis |
Eric | Burchfield |
Madia | Burchfield |
Zachery | Campbell |
Steven | Canaday |
Erin | Carrino |
John | Clayton |
Jacey | Cobb |
Thomas | Conrad |
Kenneth | Cuming |
Brenna | Curtin |
Forrest | Dangerfield |
Joshua | Davidson |
Eric | Davis |
Chayne | Dawley |
Melissa | Devenney |
John | East |
Aurel | Edyvean |
Amin | Elgazar |
Ashlynn | Gallagher |
Salvatore | Gandolfo |
Lee | Garcia |
Shamar | Goodridge |
Kevin | Haddad |
Avery | Hanulcik |
Matthew | Hart |
Jacob | Hartzheim |
Randall | Harville |
Nathan | Henigan |
Sybil | Hensley |
Kenneth | Hill |
Ashlyn | Howard |
Rosario | Huerta-Cardenas |
Samuel | Iverson |
Seth | James |
Roman | Khayat |
Benjamin | Knight |
Yuko | Kojimoto |
Hollie | Lacey |
Austin | Lash |
Jonathan | Lehman |
Juan | Lorduy |
Christopher | Manley |
Bethany | Manseau |
Cody | Martin |
Matthew | McDaniel |
Christopher | McGinnis |
Barry | Morehart |
Conor | Nuelle |
Danielle | Olivetti |
Aaron | Panos |
Matthew | Parris |
Bernard | Patton |
Richard | Perez |
Jacob | Rasure |
Maria | Rivera |
Jesse | Rog |
Nicko | Salem |
Brianna | Smeriglio |
Brandon | Smith |
Courtney | Smith |
Blake | Stewart |
Aaron | Suttles |
Sean | Sweeney |
Jeremy | Thomson |
David | Turner |
Tristan | Vietzke |
Travis | Volmert |
Benjamin | Warner |
Randall | Welton |
Christopher | Werder |
Robert | Wright |