
Recognizing the academic successes of Citadel cadets and students is a special tradition each semester, even one as atypical as this. But these cadets and students earned their grades in unique circumstances and were able to focus on their studies while transitioning to virtual learning in March 2020.
Gold stars are awarded to cadets and students who have earned a grade point ratio of 3.7 or higher.
The following are cadets and students who received the honor for their work accomplished in the spring semester of 2020:
South Carolina Corps of Cadets
First | Last |
Fletcher | Abee |
Jenna | Adcock |
Adrian | Alizadeh |
Isaac | Al-Tamimi |
Christal | Altidor |
Allyson | Ansell |
Shannon | Arias |
Brent | Bachelor |
Jace | Baer |
Emma | Baguer |
Chase | Bailey |
Carleton | Bailiff |
Christopher | Baker |
Heath | Baker |
John | Baker |
Mary | Ballentine |
Everett | Barkley |
William | Barnes |
Joel | Baslot |
Joshua | Baxa |
Jason | Beal |
Porter | Beal |
Jennifer | Beare |
Rivers | Benton |
Ryan | Bilitski |
Wilhelm | Birkholz |
Jack | Blackburn |
Kingsland | Bland |
Christian | Blase |
Marquise | Blount |
Samuel | Blumer |
Brian | Bolchoz |
Ruby | Bolden |
Jayden | Bossian |
Robert | Brabston |
Myna | Brainos |
Justin | Brannon |
Robert | Braucht |
Jackson | Bridges |
Connor | Brownlee |
Michael | Brunet |
Tamia | Burch |
Nolan | Burdette |
Tyler | Burgess |
Cole | Burke |
Ian | Butler |
Mirabella | Calabrase |
Cameron | Camacho |
Matthew | Campbell |
Thomas | Campbell |
Avery | Canady |
Alexandria | Carter |
Albert | Castro |
Jordan | Cavender |
Christopher | Celli |
John | Charles |
Christian | Chekroun |
Yen-Ru | Chen |
Sean | Cherney |
Chia-Feng | Chiang |
Christian | Christianson |
Dylan | Christmas |
Kathryn | Christmas |
Cameron | Clark |
Robert | Clement |
William | Clements |
Micah | Cohen |
Hannah | Collee |
Trevor | Compton |
Gavin | Connolly |
Keegan | Connolly |
William | Connor |
Maria | Contreras |
John | Cooke |
Tyler | Corbitt |
Arista | Couture |
Braxton | Crawford |
Robert | Crawford |
Jonathan | Cribb |
Jackson | Crimminger |
Carl | Custer |
Jonathan | Cyrus |
Luke | Darling |
Andrew | Davis |
Riley | Davis |
Evan | Dawkins |
Dylan | DeCosty |
Christian | deJong |
Bryan | Dela Cruz |
Robert | DeMarre |
Micah | Dersch |
Hayley | Dettenmayer |
Matthew | Devine |
Taylor | Diggs |
Hannah | Dion |
Matthew | Dittrich |
Logan | Dix |
James | Dixon |
Matthew | Dixon |
Mya | Dollard |
James | Dorman |
Grant | Dowis |
Leonardo | Plooy |
Tyler | Duben |
Jacob | Dukes |
Michael | Dulin |
Owen | Dunne |
Luke | Eafano |
Rebekah | Earhart |
Seth | Edwards |
Maya | Elassal |
Samantha | Engel |
Sean-Thomas | Faulkner |
John | Feeney |
William | Fenlayson |
Robert | Fenney |
Joseph | Field |
Evan | Fish |
Jason | Flowers |
Ronald | Flowers |
Etienne | Fonteneau |
Annika | Ford |
Jackson | Ford |
Brent | Forrest |
Kennedy | Fravel |
Nicholas | Fricchione |
Davis | Fuhrman |
Cameron | Fuller |
North | Gaines |
Trenton | Gambrell |
Jackson | Gammons |
Bryce | Garcia |
Blake | Garwood |
Grayson | Gasque |
Zavier | Gebrayel |
Joshua | Gibson |
Thomas | Giles |
William | Ginn |
Daniel | Gladwell |
Thomas | Gomes |
Kyle | Goodwin |
Michael | Goodwin |
Garrett | Graettinger |
William | Graham |
Colton | Gray |
Thomas | Grealy |
Cody | Green |
Stephen | Griffin |
Catherine | Guenther |
Sylvester | Guillermo |
Henry | Hamilton |
Mitchell | Hamm |
Thomason | Hand |
Jesse | Harbaugh |
Jacob | Hardee |
Alec | Hart |
Conner | Hays |
Justin | Hedges |
Devon | Heisler |
Harrison | Hemminghaus |
Ryan | Henrickson |
Joshua | Hewey |
Olivia | Hime |
Collin | Hinkle |
Michael | Hocutt |
Elijah | Holder |
Allen | Holladay |
Kienen | Holmes |
Michael | Hooks |
Matthew | Horvath |
Mao-Xiang | Hou |
Bennett | Howard |
Ja'vier | Howard |
William | Howl |
William | Hudson |
Hunter | Hutton |
Jacob | Ingoe |
Omar | Itani |
Grayham | Ives |
Ethan | Jackson |
Malcolm | Jackson |
Ashley | James |
Ernest | James |
Jonathan | Jarrett |
James | Jeffcoat |
Ian | Jenkins |
Robert | Jennings |
William | Jensen |
Jared | Johnson |
Mason | Johnson |
Andrew | Jones |
Steven | Jones |
Christopher | Jordan |
Jackson | Joye |
Joseph | Justis |
Thomas | Keller |
Wesley | Kelley |
Sydney | Kemp |
Tanner | Kennaw |
Benjamin | Kicklighter |
Mellanie | King |
Griffin | Kistler |
Garrett | Klein |
Jacob | Knapp |
James | Kober |
Roman | Kokowsky |
Patrick | Kress |
Kyle | Kretzer |
Richard | Krug |
Thomas | Kyte |
Angelea | Lance |
Joseph | Landstreet |
John | Lanier |
Emma | Larsen |
Emory | Latimer |
Marie | Le Gallo |
Anthony | Lee |
David | Lee |
Benjamin | Ligons |
Eric | Lilling |
Andrew | Lindenmeyer |
Nathanael | Ling |
Samuel | Little |
Avery | Lollis |
Jackson | Long |
Travis | Lott |
Pei | Lu |
Josefino | Lubang |
Bennett | Lucas |
Emily | Lund |
Harrison | Martin |
William | Martin |
Madison | Matthews |
Kaytlynne | McCord |
Emma | McCorkle |
Cullen | McCoy |
William | McDannald |
Marshall | McKee |
William | Mckenzie |
Kenneth | McSheehan |
Chasey | Mercado |
Chotipat | Metreethummaporn |
William | Metts |
Logan | Michael |
Melanie | Mikoy |
Regina | Miles |
Austin | Miles-Curtsinger |
Annabelle | Miller |
Tyler | Miller |
Celeste | Montero |
Zachary | Mooney |
Hayden | Moore |
James | Moore |
William | Moorman |
William | Moran |
John | Morris |
Caleb | Moseley |
Chase | Muehl |
Jesse | Murdaugh |
Christian | Najjar |
Kevin | Nakai |
Dustin | Neumann |
Treonte | Newton |
Brooks | O'Brien |
Brandon | Oerman |
Adebowale | Oladimeji |
Jerald | Oliver |
Kaitlynn | O'Melia |
Robert | O'Neal |
Nathan | Orosco |
Bo | Pan |
Ansley | Pantsari |
Colton | Parcell |
Jie | Park |
Mason | Patnoude |
Isaac | Patterson |
Garrett | Peal |
Noah | Pearson |
William | Peeler |
Nathan | Perry |
Patrick | Peters |
Nicholas | Piacentini |
Lucy | Pincus |
Akhil | Prathipati |
Jaret | Price |
Benjamin | Prins |
Jacob | Proctor |
Hayes | Pruitt |
James | Pruskowski |
Aidan | Puzzio |
Jesse | Quimby |
Phillip | Quinn |
Caleb | Raab |
William | Rathke |
John | Raynor |
Kian | Razzaghy |
Elissa | Reckdenwald |
Merritt | Reeves |
Vanessa | Reyes |
Peter | Riazzi |
Nicholas | Roberson |
Clark | Roberts |
Ian | Rodgers |
Blake | Rogers |
Christopher | Rohrer |
Joseph | Roland |
Robert | Roser |
Hannah | Roth |
John | Rourke |
Dante | Rovere |
Krishawn | Royal |
Ashley | Ruiz |
Ryan | Salter |
Josiah | Schainblatt |
Evan | Schickel |
George | Schlageter |
Jack | Schwartz |
Alexei | Severnyak |
David | Seymour |
Samuel | Sharnas |
Brandon | Shively |
Brianna | Sikes |
John | Simone |
Eric | Skinner |
Shiloh | Smiles |
Andrew | Smith |
Dante | Smith |
Sarah | Smith |
Luke | Solomon |
Madison | Somogyi |
Grant | Speer |
Brady | Spence |
Nicole | Spohn |
John | Sprinkle |
Jackson | Stancell |
Ethan | Stanley |
William | Stanley |
Hayden | Stansbury |
David | Stem |
Alexander | Stensland |
Ian | Stephan |
Benjamin | Stephens |
Kallan | Stephens |
Gavin | Stewart |
Samuel | Stockdale |
Gabriel | Stokes |
Jonathan | Stone |
Emma | Strong |
Garett | Summers |
Matthew | Swain |
Adam | Swanson |
Taylor | Swiger |
Clifford | Swindel |
Ethan | Taddy |
Jacob | Taunton |
Amanda | Teague |
Martynas | Tendzegolskis |
Tucker | Thaggard |
Jacquelyn | Theriault |
Cameron | Thomas |
Connor | Thomas |
Seth | Thomas |
Charles | Thorne |
Peter | Tillman |
Charles | Tompkins |
Ivan | Tran |
Karrina | Tremblay |
Noel | Turner |
Derek | Vande |
Jackson | VanHerwynen |
Eric | Vettel |
Luke | Vettel |
Jeremy | Walker |
Matthew | Wall |
Cooper | Wallace |
Joshua | Wallen |
Yu-Ching | Wang |
Corbet | Warren |
Philip | Watson |
Braxton | Weaver |
Matthew | Weaver |
Harrison | Wedgeworth |
Katerina | Welby |
Chase | Wengerd |
Daniel | Wentley |
Jonathan | Westmoreland |
Christian | Weyrich |
Steven | White |
Garrett | Whitfield |
Laith | Williams |
Sydney | Williams |
JoAnna | Winborn |
Madelyn | Wojciechowski |
Dylan | Wood |
Benjamin | Yeatrakas |
Zachary | Young |
Ronald | Zappendorf |
Justin | Zeilstra |
Samuel | Zuschlag |
Non-cadet undergraduate students
First | Last |
Cade | Adams |
Daniel | Adams |
Parker | Bass |
Curtis | Baynes |
Danielle | Beck |
Nicholas | Beveridge |
Jacqueline | Bigach |
William | Bishop |
Drexyl | Blair |
Taylor | Blanton |
Laura | Bonilla |
Ty | Bouscal |
Catherine | Brooks |
Joshua | Brown |
Steven | Buckwalter |
Eric | Burchfield |
Zachery | Campbell |
Joshua | Castillo |
Raquel | Clark |
Christopher | Clifton |
Thomas | Conrad |
Joshua | Davidson |
Brett | Davis |
Sharlissa | De Jesus Lopez |
Jahdiel | de la Torre Palermo |
Brittney | Deckard |
Joseph | Demelis |
Ezekiel | Durand |
John | East |
Zachary | England |
Brianne | Fredericks |
Gary | Garner |
Michael | Greco |
Adam | Guercio |
Kevin | Haddad |
Avery | Hanulcik |
Matthew | Hart |
Nicholas | Horton |
Benjamin | Knight |
Leinyuy | Laisin |
Andrew | Mappus |
Courtney | Marsh |
Charles | Martin |
Cody | Martin |
Allyson | McRae |
Dustin | Miller |
Barry | Morehart |
Logan | Nelson |
Craig | Niswender |
Conor | Nuelle |
Kevin | Nye |
Meghan | Nyers |
Jason | Park |
Lyndsay | Pires |
Colby | Poplin |
Jason | Rajabi |
John | Ray |
Ronald | Reid |
Brianna | Rice |
Cameron | Richard |
Tyrone | Richardson Tanco |
Grant | Ritter |
Abby | Rovick |
Nicholas | Scholly |
Ryan | Skibicki |
Kyle | Smith |
Justin | Staley |
John | Stork |
Sara | Surrett |
Jonathan | Swartz |
Ashley | Towers |
Taylor | Tugya |
Tiernan | VanDyke |
Bryce | Wasser |
Christopher | Weddell |
Brandon | Welch |
Phillip | Wellons |
Trevor | West |
Jonathan | Workman |
Landen | York |
Graduate students
First | Last |
Matthew | Blair |
Jesse | Brooks |
Elena | Burgess |
Corey | Byrd |
Michael | Kahly |
David | McDonald |