Gold stars are awarded to cadets and students who have earned a grade point ratio of 3.7 or higher.
Those cadets and veteran students will be recognized at the awards parade on Jan. 24, where they will be presented their gold stars, which they may wear on their uniforms throughout the semester following their academic achievement.
The Citadel will also honor veteran and active duty students who received gold star recognition with a black blazer, gold star pin and challenge coin.
A gold star recognition certificate is awarded to non-cadet students who meet the requirements.
To learn more about the South Carolina Corps of Cadets, click here. For more information on The Citadel Graduate College, click here.
The following are cadets and students who received the honor for their work accomplished in the fall semester of 2024:
South Carolina Corps of Cadets
First name | Last name |
Dylan | Acosta |
Melton | Adams |
Elizabeth | Agostino |
Ariel | Aguirre |
Aidan | Alexander |
Robert | Alexander |
Angela | Angela |
Cooper | Ankney |
Thomas | Armaly |
Mason | Ayers |
Everett | Babcock |
Bryant | Bacu |
Francis | Badala |
James | Bagwell |
Edward | Bagwell |
Walter | Baker |
Brooks | Baker |
John | Banner |
Samantha | Barnes |
Michael | Barnes |
Bryson | Barrett |
Colin | Bartley |
Reece | Beckendorf |
Eric | Becker |
Grahame | Behie |
Jameson | Bell |
Analiese | Bell |
Morgan | Bellamy |
Jeffrey | Bellino |
Kameron | Bennett |
Timothy | Berg |
Ciara | Bernard |
Raymond | Berryhill |
Jazziya | Bessent |
Benjamin | Bessinger |
Ryan | Binstock |
Tristan | Bisbano |
John | Bitonti |
Chase | Blanton |
Jacob | Blaser |
Giovanni | Bollettieri |
Meghan | Bostic |
Alexia | Bothers |
Nicholas | Boulware |
Caden | Box |
Luca | Bracale |
Christopher | Bray |
Christian | Brenner |
Mason | Brierton |
Johnathon | Brockelbank |
Patrick | Brophy |
Joseph | Brown |
Kamar | Brown |
Marshall | Brown |
Alex | Browne |
James | Bruner |
Timothy | Bula |
Jackson | Burgess |
Jacob | Burgess |
Payton | Burns |
Charles | Burton |
Davis | Byrd |
Aaron | Candreva |
John | Cappello |
Charles | Carlberg |
Franklin | Carlton |
Tristan | Carney |
Pierce-Tate | Carpenter |
Noah | Casa |
Matthew | Case |
Kirin | Chaplin |
Robert | Chapman |
Samuel | Cherichello |
Hsin-Hua | Chiang |
Peter | Chumbris |
Ilsa | Cisneros |
Eoin | Clarke |
Ethan | Clinton |
Jacob | Coates |
Mitchell | Coe |
Josh | Cole |
Joseph | Combs |
Joseph | Comey |
Richard | Conner |
Sullivan | Conroy |
Elliott | Cont |
Jack | Cooper |
Kylie | Coulston |
Gavin | Coulter |
Hayden | Courchaine |
Christion | Cox |
Paul | Cozart |
Ryan | Craig |
Kaelan | Crawford |
Mattox | Crawford |
Edmund | Crites |
Michael | Csipkay |
Joseph | Curtis |
Howard | Cushman |
Antoinette | Dacey |
Faith | Dalton |
Jonah | Dalton |
Phillips | Daniels |
Caiden | Davis |
Jeb | Dawson |
John | Deal |
Jake | Debenport |
Joseph | Debney |
Logan | Delahanty |
Blake | Delahanty |
Peter | Delgaizo |
Alex | Deming |
Reece | Demsey |
William | Dennard |
Tierney | Denny-Lybbert |
Jordan | DePaul |
Ella | Derrick |
Carson | DesRosier |
Grayson | Dewald |
Micah | DiCarlo |
Dudley | Dickson |
Tate | Didion |
Anthony | DiSalvo |
William | Dow |
Ainsley | Dowling |
William | Drake |
Jake | Driscoll |
James | Drohan |
Collin | Dryden |
Daniel | DuBose |
James | Duke |
Jean | Dure |
Brock | Durham |
Houston | Dykes |
Tristan | Eberbach |
Brennan | Egan |
Samuel | Eich |
Aiden | Elder |
Elliot | Elder |
Zoey | Ellison |
Adaya | El-Sherif |
Nathan | Erwin |
Samuel | Evans |
Davis | Evans |
Jack | Fallon |
Olena | Fedinova |
Bennet | Fenton |
Talan | Ferrante |
Conner | Fetzer |
Sarah | Fink |
Shelton | Fiore |
Zachary | Fisher |
Thomas | Fitzpatrick |
Patrick | Flaherty |
Thomas | Flanagan |
Luke | Frazier |
Luke | Frazier |
Oona | Freeman |
Charles | Freidhof |
Zih-Syun | Fu |
Robert | Fulmer |
Tyler | Furches |
Timothy | Gabriel |
Timothy | Gabrielov |
Joseph | Gaglione |
James | Gainey |
Connor | Gale |
Colin | Gallagher |
Nicolas | Gallego |
Alison | Gallegos |
James | Gantt |
Jesus | Garcia |
Justice | Gibson |
Paul | Giliberto |
Burke | Gilkison |
Adrianna | Gill |
Justice | Gilliard |
Joseph | Girsh |
Nathan | Givens |
William | Goerlich |
Katerina | Govorova |
Chad | Graham |
Destin | Green |
Chandler | Greene |
Sienna | Greenfield |
Hudson | Gregg |
Zachary | Gremling |
William | Griffin |
Wayland | Gruber |
Matthew | Guerriero |
Brendan | Guinee |
Clayton | Gurley |
Sutter | Guttery |
Matthew | Haas |
Christopher | Haddad |
Liam | Haggerty |
Michael | Hamel |
James | Hammond |
Samuel | Hardin |
Dan | Hardy |
Daniel | Harper |
James | Harrison |
Jex | Harrison |
Jack | Harvey |
Noah | Haynes |
Edward | Healey |
Maya | Hemo |
Cheyene | Hencely |
Tucker | Hendrix |
Jake | Hennelly |
Sebastian | Herbert |
Connor | Hill |
John | Hinton |
Austin | Hitt |
Jackson | Holderbaum |
Thomas | Holt |
Johnrobert | Hoover |
Anthony | Hopkins |
Colton | Horton |
Aaron | Houston |
Christian | Howell |
Chengqi | Huang |
William | Hudson |
Andrew | Huffman |
Theron | Hull-Walton |
Jason | Hutto |
John | Hutto |
Leonard | Huxford |
Stefan | Hyjek |
Carlos | Iruegas Maldonado |
Miles | Israelow |
James | Ives |
Carter | Jacobs |
Gabriel | Jager |
Gabriel | Jauregui |
Christian | Jenkins |
Howard | Jennings |
Eric | Joerger |
Cooper | Johns |
Jesse | Johnson |
Maya | Johnson |
Evan | Johnson |
Thomas | Johnson |
Jenavee | Johnson |
Timothy | Johnson |
Nicholas | Jolly |
Jonathan | Jordan |
Benjamin | Journey |
Landon | Kahl |
Brady | Kam |
Brendan | Kane |
Abigail | Kanewske |
Sofia | Kasten |
Joseph | Kellahan |
Brian | Kelley |
James | Kelley |
Tyler | Kelly |
Patrick | Kenny |
Joshua | Kent |
Darien | Kesler |
Prinyawut | Khamchai |
Kanjanika | Kincaid |
Anders | King |
Grant | Kinlaw |
Steven | Kirby |
Thomas | Kleinhenz |
Noah | Klepper |
Sebastian | Klincewicz |
Braylon | Knauth |
Sebastian | Knight |
William | Knuth |
Timothy | Kolb |
Kailynn | Koozer |
Jace | Kraftchick |
Zachary | Kramer |
Jacob | Laffey |
Richard | Lander |
Grace | Laws |
Andrew | Lawton |
Varney | Layman |
Caden | Leckelt |
Talon | Lee |
Stella | Lee |
Mwaku | Lengi |
Benjamin | Lesesne |
Wilson | Lesslie |
Weston | Lever |
Olivia | Lewandowski |
Kathryn | Lewis |
Chih | Li |
James | Libby |
Gracelyn | Libby |
Tzu-Yang | Lin |
Jia-He | Lin |
Bryson | Lindeman |
Emily | Lindler |
Jaylen | Link |
Olivia | Liquori |
Ethan | Lisenby |
Matthew | Lively |
Clayton | Lohr |
Tanner | Long |
Woodrow | Long |
Robert | Lore |
Wei | Lu |
Sarah | Lucovsky |
Caden | Lumm |
Tyson | Lurie |
Blake | Lyon |
McKenna | Magin |
Kevin | Mahoney |
Alexandra | Maldonado |
Ethan | Maranto |
Robert | Marcrum |
Jessica | Martin |
Karla | Martinez |
Paul | Maskery |
John | Mauriello |
Samuel | May |
Michael | Mayo |
Lucy | McArthur |
Jack | McCall |
Kenzie | McCallum |
Justin | McCarty |
Declan | McComb |
Lauren | McDonald |
Hunter | McDonald |
William | McDonnell |
Liam | McGrady |
Ian | McGrath |
George | McLaughlin |
Brody | McLaury |
William | McLean |
Michael | McMillan |
Montgomery | Meade |
Grady | Meeks |
Sophie | Meilman |
Daniel | Melnikov |
Roberto | Mendez-Garcia |
Daniel | Mengedoht |
August | Mertens |
Calvin | Milam |
Jacob | Miller |
Stephen | Miller |
Noah | Miller |
Charles | Millinor |
Kameron | Mingo |
Ethan | Mitchell |
Meghan | Mix |
Seth | Moeder |
Ryan | Mollison |
Peter | Monaco |
Shane | Monaghan |
Connor | Moran |
Thomas | Mordarski |
Alathea | Morse |
John | Morton |
Dominic | Moschella |
Vansh | Motiani-Rincon |
John | Mullis |
Luke | Murphy |
Zander | Murray |
Brian | Mutua |
Celeste | Nader |
Jonathan | Nance |
Tucker | Neeley |
Gabriel | Nelson |
Darius | Nettles |
Jackson | Nevil |
Asa | Neville |
Timothy | Nevin |
Douglas | Newlin |
Tyler | Nguyen |
Gabriel | Nowak |
Samuel | Nutting |
Gavin | O’Brien |
Andrew | Oliver |
Doreen | Ontiveros |
Ethan | Osborn |
Anthony | Osipov |
Keghun | Ostrander |
Osbourne | Owens |
William | Owens |
Aleksander | Pach |
Joshua | Page |
Andrew | Palmer |
Devin | Parker |
Margaret | Parmer |
Aryan-Brijesh | Patel |
Luke | Patton |
Fisher | Paulsen |
Evan | Peppiatt |
Brennan | Perkins |
James | Pernula |
Edgar | Perry |
Austin | Perry |
Nicholas | Pessillo |
James | Petry |
Fischer | Phillips |
Ashton | Phillips |
Nicholas | Piccuta |
Colton | Pilgrim |
Peyton | Pilgrim |
Larsen | Plunnecke |
Carmen | Ponce |
Isaiah | Poppe |
Nicholas | Pototskii |
Robert | Powell |
Briggs | Powell |
Jackson | Preacher |
Robert | Price |
Thomas | Purdy |
James | Putnam |
Marcos | Quinn |
Sebastian | Quinteros |
Aiden | Raab |
Smith | Ragsdale |
William | Ragsdale |
Siddharrth | Rajagopalan |
James | Ralis |
William | Randall |
Mackenzie | Raniowski |
Harris | Ranson |
Dylan | Rasin |
Jason | Raub |
Owen | Reber |
Meredith | Reed |
Brock | Reeves |
Briggs | Rehome |
Tyler | Reichel |
Rachel | Reininger |
Matthew | Reitenbaugh |
Nicholas | Renner |
Montana | Rhodes |
Gabriel | Riddick |
Nicholas | Riechers |
Trenton | Riffe |
Makayla | Riley |
Austin | Robb |
Cody | Robbins |
David | Rodriguez |
Gavin | Rokosz |
Nathaniel | Rooney |
Zachary | Rooney |
David | Ropp |
John | Ross |
Griffin | Ruff |
Richard | Rush |
Luke | Russell |
Jing-Kai | Rutland |
Tai-Hui | Rutland |
Myles | Rutland |
Isaac | Salcedo-Sotelo |
Connor | Salch |
Jayden | Salley |
Zoe | Santos |
Steven | Saridakis |
Bryce | Scambler |
Paul | Scarpa |
Micah | Schaeffer |
Joseph | Schenk |
Stephanie | Schnite |
Matthew | Schwab |
Miles | Scott |
Preston | Scott |
Charlotte | Seay |
Gabrielle | Secrest |
Bradford | Segal |
Aidan | Sheehy |
Holden | Shellnutt |
Grant | Sheridan |
Iris | Shy |
Braeden | Simmons |
Grange | Simons |
Kaleb | Sluss |
Aidan | Smith |
Aniyah | Smith |
Nathaniel | Smith |
Elijah | Smith |
Bennett | Smoak |
Victoria | Snook |
Elisabeth | Southern |
William | Spires |
Bayliss | Spivey |
Carolyn | Staples |
Daniel | Steffee |
Ethan | Steward |
Landon | Still |
Rylan | Stillmunkes |
Jarrett | Stoll |
Caleb | Stone |
Luka | Stouffer |
Philip | Stracke |
Kyle | Straubel |
Luke | Stringfield |
Nicholas | Stroumpis |
Winston | Sturak |
Tyler | Sunderlin |
Sutthikiat | Sungkeetanon |
Joseph | Taormino |
Kameron | Taylor |
Jerad | Temple |
Cheng-Yu | Teng |
Thomas | Termini |
Lance | Thacker |
Abigail | Thiessen |
Jacob | Thompson |
Barrett | Thompson |
Dylan | Thompson |
Alexander | Tielens |
Vitale | Tillman |
Gage | Timberlake |
Greyson | Tindal |
Dylan | Tipton |
Constance | Toldo |
Jackson | Tompkins |
Peter | Torinese |
Robert | Torres |
Adrienne | Trerotola |
Annika | Trochesset |
William | Trogdon |
Aleah | Turney |
Hana | Uraizee |
Tomas | Valdivia |
Chad | Van Slooten |
Zane | Van Vleet |
Clayton | Vande Burgt |
Lucius | Varn |
Chris | Vego |
Peter | Vipperman |
Benjamin | Waldron |
Charles | Walker |
Campbell | Wall |
Jack | Walter |
Garrett | Warman |
Donald | Warren |
Caleb | Waters |
Caleb | Waters |
William | Watson |
Paige | Watt |
Thomas | Weese |
Jack | Weil |
Sean | Welch |
Colin | Weldon |
Kelly | Wendt |
Colin | White |
Sarah | White |
Michael | Whitesell |
Charles | Whitlock |
Ethen | Wielebinski |
Clayton | Williams |
Mason | Williams |
George | Williams |
Robert | Williams |
Julia | Williamson |
Weldon | Williamson |
Westel | Willoughby |
Logan | Wilson |
Magan | Wilson |
Ray | Wilson |
Caleb | Wilson |
Sam | Wilson |
Dillon | Wilson |
Aidan | Wiseman |
Parker | Wloch |
John-Preston | Wood |
John | Wood |
Jacob | Wood |
Jabraivon | Woodard |
Joshua | Wooding |
Jaxon | Wooten |
Walter | Wooten |
Kaley | Worley |
Brady | Wright |
Jonathan | Wyble |
Oakley | Wykstra |
Limin | Xu |
Aidan | Yampey |
Aaron | Yarnell |
Jude | Yates |
Caleb | Yon |
Timothy | Youmans |
Eoin | Youngblood |
William | Zion |
Non-cadet undergraduate and graduate students
First name | Last name |
Edward | Anderson |
Jacob | Anderson |
James | Anderson |
Johanna | Andersson |
Eric | Arnold |
Trevor | Axford |
Logan | Bacsal |
Jamie | Baker |
Mackenzie | Baker |
Cameron | Barrett |
Elijah | Bass |
John | Bauman |
Brittany | Bayley |
Meara | Becotte |
Michael | Behrends |
Riki | Benton |
Ronald | Berry |
Aaron | Beste |
Jack | Bormet |
Bennett | Bucher |
Madison | Byrne |
Noah | Cadiz |
Jonathan | Carfora |
Byron | Carter |
Jordan | Cashwell |
Theron | Childress |
Elliott | Cihlar |
Leigha | Clayton-Cornell |
Rick | Cunningham |
Darrell | Earhart |
Brandon | Gammons |
Jacob | Golanec |
Andrew | Goossens |
Francisco | Grajeda |
Camden | Gray |
David | Gray |
James | Hagan |
Robert | Harris |
Nathan | Henigan |
Erika | Hernandez |
Daniel | Honan |
Austin | Hronek |
Justin | Hudson |
Marcus | Huff |
Vance | Hurley |
Samuel | Iverson |
Tajjay | Jackson |
Seth | James |
Branden | Jefferson |
Rolando | Jimenez |
Gregory | Kaczorowski |
Logan | Kennedy |
Brandon | Kentolall |
Devin | Kimmey |
Matthew | Kinsman |
Brenda | Koech |
Robert | Lane |
Natalie | Lau |
Daniel | Lewis |
Mariah | Lowry |
James | Mallory |
Shane | Maryk |
Jesse | McClure |
Charles | Miller |
John | Monaco |
James | Moore |
William | Morris |
Holly | Parris |
Cornel | Patterson |
Bernard | Patton |
Carl | Peter |
Adley | Piccolo |
Alexander | Pratt |
Ayris | Randolph |
Keyzhaun | Ray |
Kevin | Rossini |
Morgan | Roy |
Grace | Saboe |
Nicko | Salem |
Mario | Santiago |
Morgan | Simmons |
Daniel | Sin Zuniga |
Nicholaus | Sitzer |
Christopher | Sparano |
James | Stachura |
Hung | Ta |
Derrick | Talley |
Glencora | Thompson |
Jordan | Thompson |
James | Use |
Annastasha | Wenzel |
Joshua | Witt |
Elisha | Wright |
Thevin | Zirkle |