Getting here for Matriculation Day: A message from the Commandant of Cadets

The Citadel Photo

To the Class of 2026,

We are looking forward to your arrival on campus August 13.

Matriculation Day is the first, and one of the most significant, milestones from your time in the South Carolina Corps of Cadets. It is a day you will remember years after you leave this campus with a degree in your hand and a Band of Gold around your finger.

Because of nationwide transportation issues, especially delayed or cancelled flights, we want to ensure you have the support you need to make it to campus on time.

If you have any concerns about making arrangements, or if any issues come up as you are traveling, you should contact the Office of Admissions immediately. You can reach them by phone at 843-953-5230 or by email at

We will do what we can to ensure you are here for Matriculation Day.

Carpooling is an option. If you are having trouble booking a flight, we can try to connect you with other cadets near your hometown. It is also important for us to know who may arrive later than expected, in order to make the proper accommodations.

With luck, you will have no trouble making it to Charleston and the airline issues will be resolved by August. But we are prepared if they are not.

You are only 26 days and a wake up away from the start of a transformational experience, one that will forge you into the kind of leader you want to be.

It is an honor to be part of your journey, and we are excited to welcome you into the Corps of Cadets.

Very Respectfully,

Col. Tom Gordon, USMC (Ret.), ’91
The Citadel
Commandant of Cadets