- Total: 516
- Men: 90 percent
- Women: 10 percent
Legacy graduates (parent or grandparent in the Citadel Graduate College or South Carolina Corps of Cadets)
- Total: 54
Military commissions
- Total: 163 (33 percent)
- Army: 100
- Air Force: 30
- Marines: 20
- Navy: 13
Active duty graduates
- Total: 3
- American Indian or Alaskan Native: 29
- Asian or Pacific Islander: 22
- Black or African American: 46
- Hispanic: 36
- White: 389
- Unknown: 4
Top states
- South Carolina: 291
- North Carolina: 40
- Georgia: 35
- Florida: 25
- Virginia: 21
- Other countries: 6
Academic honors
- Distinguished Military Commissioning Cadets: 26
- Honors Program: 18
- Summa Cum Laude: 24
- Magna Cum Laude: 44
- Cum Laude: 56
- Phi Kappa Phi: 22
- Omicron Delta Kappa: 45
Degrees by school
Tommy and Victoria Baker School of Business
- Total: 158
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Total: 175
- Criminal Justice: 78
- English: 7
- History: 17
- Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures: 9
- Political Science: 49
- Psychology: 15
School of Science and Mathematics
- Total: 91
- Biology: 27
- Chemistry: 6
- Computer Science: 7
- Exercise Science: 29
- Health, Exercise and Sport Sciences: 1
- Physical Education, Health and Wellness: 1
- Mathematics: 3
- Physics: 9
- Sport Management: 2
- Total: 76
- Civil and Environmental: 28
- Electrical and Computer: 11
- Mechanical: 37
Zucker Family School of Education
- Total: 2