![Parade honoring fall 2018 award winners](https://today.citadel.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/parade-honoring-award-winners-1024x683.jpg)
The dean’s list is a recognition given to cadets and students who are registered for 12 or more semester hours and whose grade point average is 3.20 or higher, with no grade of I (Incomplete) and no grade below C for work in a semester.
The following are cadets and students named to the dean’s list for their work accomplished in the fall semester of 2018:
Last | First |
Aaron | Cameron |
Abernathy | Samuel |
Achterkirch | Peter |
Adams | Carson |
Adams | Jackson |
Adams | Montele |
Adams | Steven |
Adcock | Jenna |
Addy | Skyler |
Adkins | Ryan |
Akers | Michael |
Alday | Juan |
Alejandro | Juan |
Allen | Kentavius |
Al-Tamimi | Isaac |
Anderson | Charles |
Anderson | Jacob |
Anderson | Jordan |
Anderson | Marshall |
Arline | Oscar |
Armstrong | Christopher |
Armstrong | James |
Arroyo | Katherine |
Askins | John |
Atwater | Graham |
Austin | Brody |
Bachelor | Brent |
Baghdady | Mohamed |
Baguer | Cristian |
Bailey | Chase |
Bailiff | Carleton |
Baker | Andrew |
Baker | Heath |
Baker | John |
Balding | Kenneth |
Baldwin | Claude |
Ballard | Nathaniel |
Banach | Brandon |
Banda | Kevyn |
Barber | Daniel |
Barberena | Daniel |
Barbot | Jenifer |
Barnes | William |
Barnett | Riley |
Barone | Luke |
Bartolo | Matthew |
Bartrum | Braeden |
Baslot | Joel |
Baucom | Taylor |
Bauknight | Paul |
Beal | Jason |
Beall | Lucas |
Bearden | Charles |
Bearden | Evan |
Beasley | Jack |
Bechtold | Thomas |
Beier | Booker |
Bennett | Autumn |
Bennett | Cade |
Benore | Joseph |
Bent | Christian |
Benton | Noah |
Benton | Rivers |
Besancon | Hunter |
Bianco | Cory |
Bickley | James |
Bickley | Robert |
Bilitski | Ryan |
Binstock | Jaydon |
Black | Daniel |
Black | Jordan |
Blackburn | Jack |
Blackburn | Zachary |
Blair | Matthew |
Blakely | James |
Blankenship | Adam |
Blankenship | Jacob |
Blase | Christian |
Blase | Jackson |
Blumer | Samuel |
Bobel | Michael |
Bogdan | Andrew |
Bolchoz | Brian |
Boorda | Harrison |
Bord | Nathan |
Borneman | Conrad |
Bourlet | Keara |
Boyd | Jackson |
Boyette | Benjamin |
Boyles | Miller |
Brabston | Robert |
Bracht | Jared |
Bradfield | Matthew |
Bradshaw | Jared |
Brawley | Aaron |
Brechtel | Donald |
Bridenbaugh | Donald |
Bridges | Devlen |
Bridges | Jackson |
Brinkley | Charles |
Broach | Bryce |
Broad | Breana |
Brooks | Rowan |
Brooks | Shiloh |
Brown | Hayden |
Brown | Henry |
Brown | Rhaei |
Brown | Robert |
Brown | Taurus |
Brownlee | Connor |
Bruner | Colby |
Brunet | Michael |
Bryant | Mitchell |
Buchanan | Parker |
Buda | Jackson |
Buddenberg | Alex |
Buddendorff | Evan |
Bunch | Benjamin |
Burckhalter | Andrew |
Burdette | Nolan |
Burger | Sean |
Burgess | Elena |
Burgess | Halen |
Burgess | Tyler |
Burke | Cole |
Burkholder | Taylor |
Busche | John |
Butler | Ian |
Butler | Jamme |
Butler | John |
Buttle | Austin |
Byrd | Parker |
Campbell | Bennett |
Campbell | Coleman |
Campbell | Drew |
Campbell | Matthew |
Campbell | Peyton |
Campbell | Thomas |
Candela | Vincent |
Capers | Christina |
Capogrosso | Frank |
Carbajal | Antonio |
Carney | Paul |
Caron | Andrew |
Carpenter | Logan |
Carraway | James |
Carter | Bradley |
Carter | Craig |
Cass | Kameron |
Cassell | Michael |
Cates | Jason |
Causey | Aaron |
Causey | Hampton |
Cavender | Jordan |
Cecil | Zachary |
Celli | Christopher |
Cervi | Joseph |
Chaisang | Porntep |
Chapman | Charles |
Chapman | Edward |
Chapman | Jacob |
Chapman | Marshall |
Charles | Samuel |
Chen | Boey |
Chen | Yen-Ru |
Cherrier | Ryan |
Cherry | Cody |
Chiang | Chia-Feng |
Ching | Hsin-Yun |
Chiu | Cheng-Yu |
Choi | Mark |
Choppa | Jacob |
Chow | Dillon |
Christensen | Andrew |
Christianson | Christian |
Christmas | Caleb |
Christmas | Kathryn |
Chu | Chun-Jung |
Churchill | Stephen |
Clark | Alexander |
Clark | Cameron |
Clark | David |
Clark | Timothy |
Cleland | Cole |
Clement | Robert |
Cline | Matthew |
Coats | Joshua |
Cobb | Cameron |
Cochran | Edward |
Coffey | William |
Cohen | Micah |
Coker | John |
Collins | Matthew |
Coluccio | Salvatore |
Conde | Michael |
Congdon | Hunter |
Conley | Charley |
Conley | Victoria |
Conner | Grant |
Connolly | Gavin |
Connolly | Keegan |
Connolly | Shane |
Contreras | Maria |
Cook | Richard |
Copeland | Brandon |
Coppola | Matthew |
Corbett | Connor |
Corbitt | Tyler |
Cornelio-Ruiz | Maria |
Coste | Charles |
Costello | Sean |
Costley | Dashawn |
Courtney | William |
Cox | Jefferson |
Cox | Joel |
Cramer | Christopher |
Cranfill | Ashley |
Crawford | Braxton |
Crawford | Jacob |
Crawford | Robert |
Crawley | Hunter |
Cribb | Jonathan |
Crimminger | Jackson |
Croft | John |
Crook | Jesse |
Crosswhite | William |
Crowson | Damian |
Cucinotta | Nicolas |
Culler | Holden |
Cummings | Richard |
Cunningham | Joseph |
Curtis | Joseph |
Curtis | Michael |
Dahlen | Matthew |
Dalenburg | Samuel |
Daley | Alexandra |
Daninger | Aaron |
Darling | Luke |
Davidson | Robert |
Davis | Alexander |
Davis | Jonathan |
Davis | Kaleb |
Dawes | Preston |
Dawkins | Evan |
Days | David |
De | Jesus |
De | Oleo |
Deans | Conor |
Deaver | Charles |
Deaza | Odalys |
deJong | Christian |
Delao | Kevin |
Delpizzo | John |
DeMarre | Robert |
Dennen | Kaitlyn |
Dennis | Christopher |
Denzine | Victor |
Derrick | Daxton |
Desjardins | Andrew |
Desser | Margaret |
DeStefano | John |
Deveau | Katlyn |
Devine | Matthew |
DeWolff | Jack |
Diegel | Andrew |
Diehl | Paul |
Diggs | Taylor |
Dill | Jacob |
DiNovo | Anna |
Dion | Hannah |
DiPaolo | Mitchell |
DiSabatino | Jacob |
Dittrich | Matthew |
Dix | Logan |
Dixon | James |
Dixon | Matthew |
Dobin | Mitchell |
Dobrich | Sarah |
Doherty | Oliver |
Doud | Victoria |
Douglas | Joseph |
Dowell | Jonathon |
Downing | Ryan |
Drake | Richard |
Duane | Martin |
DuBose | Brice |
Duggan | Dana |
Dukes | Jacob |
Dulin | Michael |
Dunbar | Richard |
Duncan | Chad |
Dunne | Owen |
Durnan | William |
Duzz | Brandi |
Dymond | Matthew |
Eafano | Luke |
Earhart | Rebekah |
Eason | Hunter |
Eckert | Samuel |
Edwards | Alexis |
Edwards | Grady |
Edwards | William |
Eggers | John |
Eich | Ethan |
Elassal | Maya |
Ellmann | Timothy |
Elmore | Jackson |
Ely | Jacob |
Engel | Samantha |
Epps | Blakely |
Ermakov | Arthur |
Erney | Joshua |
Ervin | Chase |
Esteban | Daniel |
Estridge | Tyler |
Evangelista | Matthew |
Evans | Lee |
Evans | Warren |
Evdemon | Matthew |
Everham | McKenzie |
Farnham | Michael |
Faulkner | Sean-Thomas |
Feeney | John |
Feinberg | Colton |
Felt | Mitchell |
Fender | Thomas |
Fenlayson | William |
Fenney | Robert |
Fenwrick-Wallace | Leah |
Ferguson | Joseph |
Ferguson | Russell |
Fernandez | Anthony |
Few | James |
Fiddie | Jacob |
Field | Joseph |
Filippis | Miles |
Fischer | Connor |
Fish | Evan |
Flores | Isabel |
Flowers | Henry |
Flowers | Jason |
Flynn | Kylie |
Foggo | Ian |
Folsom | Brett |
Fontana | Armando |
Fonteneau | Etienne |
Ford | Jackson |
Forster | McKinley |
Foulds | Taylor |
Foulks | Morgan |
Fox | Logan |
Franklin | Jacob |
Franks | Riley |
Frazee | Philip |
Fricchione | Nicholas |
Fricke | Christopher |
Frierson | Matthew |
Fritz | Jacob |
Fuhr | Megan |
Fuller | Cameron |
Galbraith | Bradley |
Galindez | Jean |
Gambrell | Trenton |
Ganezer | Joshua |
Garcia | Bryce |
Garcia | Evelyn |
Garrard | Robert |
Garrell | Raymon |
Garrett | Drake |
Garrett | Everette |
Garrett | Haven |
Garwood | Dallas |
Gascey | Keyshawn |
Gasque | Grayson |
Gause | William |
Gebrayel | Zavier |
Gentle | Jeremy |
Gerba | Michael |
Gerstenfeld | Seth |
Geter | Aaron |
Getreu | Trevor |
Gettys | Thomas |
Ghazaleh | Dahrel |
Gibbons | Mitchell |
Gibbs | Stuart |
Gibson | Cecilia |
Gilberto | Aaron |
Gilmer | Marshall |
Gleco | Collin |
Godek | Jacob |
Godwin | Jeffrey |
Goethe | Stone |
Goldhorn | Alexandra |
Gomes | Thomas |
Gonzalez | Gabriel |
Goodman | Ches |
Gorczynski | Joshua |
Graettinger | Garrett |
Graham | William |
Grane | Gabrielle |
Grant | William |
Graupner | Michael |
Gray | Connor |
Green | Cody |
Green | Jeremy |
Greve | Richard |
Griffin | William |
Grimal | Marina |
Grisette | Ulysses |
Grizzle | Avery |
Guareschi | Marco |
Gudenburr | Douglas |
Guillermo | Sylvester |
Gunn | Paul |
Gurley | Aaron |
Guy | Trace |
Hadley | Ryan |
Hajek | Michael |
Hall | Kevin |
Hall | Taryn |
Hamm | Mitchell |
Hammerstone | Thomas |
Hammond | Kyle |
Hammond | Logan |
Hammond | Noah |
Hannah | Adam |
Hardee | Jacob |
Harker | Colby |
Harley | Hart |
Harrell | James |
Harrington | Bryce |
Harris | William |
Hart | Alec |
Hartley | Hunter |
Hatler | Douglas |
Hawkins | Terry |
Hayes | Blayne |
Hayes | Fischer |
Hayes | Weston |
Heath | William |
Heinz | Dietrich |
Heisler | Devon |
Helms | Charles |
Hembree | Brayden |
Hemphill | Paul |
Henderson | Liam |
Henderson | Thomas |
Henriquez | Richardo |
Herring | Buddy |
Herzler | Ralph |
Hesse | William |
Higgins | Jerry |
Hill | Blake |
Hill | Catherine |
Hill | Justin |
Hinson | Mills |
Hobbs | William |
Hocutt | Michael |
Hoffer | Ethan |
Hoffman | Parker |
Hohlbein | Adam |
Hoksbergen | Wesley |
Holbrook | Morgan |
Holcombe | William |
Holladay | Allen |
Holliday | Johnathan |
Holloman | Hunter |
Holmes | Kienen |
Honeycutt | Richard |
Hooks | Michael |
Hoos | Andrea |
Hope | Albert |
Hopersberger | Michael |
Horn | Brian |
Horvath | Matthew |
Hou | Mao-Xiang |
Hough | Jason |
Howard | Bennett |
Howard | Robert |
Hsu | Pang |
Hudak | Andrew |
Hudgens | Nicholas |
Hudson | Robert |
Huff | Allen |
Hughes | Al |
Hurtt | Matthew |
Huskamp | Zackary |
Hutchins | Quintin |
Hutton | Hunter |
Ilderton | Daniel |
Indrieri | Elvis |
Irving | Cagney |
Itani | Omar |
Ives | Grayham |
Ivy | Christopher |
Jablonski | Vincent |
Jackson | Ethan |
Jackson | Malcolm |
Jackson | Ryan |
Jalbert | Hannah |
James | Warner |
James | William |
Jarrett | Jonathan |
Jeffcoat | Addison |
Jeffcoat | Braxton |
Jeffcoat | James |
Jeffords | Davis |
Jendrasiak | Lucas |
Jennings | James |
Jennings | Robert |
Jensen | Cameron |
Jensen | William |
Jhang | Rong |
Johnson | Emmanuel |
Johnson | Gabriela |
Johnson | Jared |
Johnson | Jordan |
Johnson | Lane |
Johnson | Michael |
Johnson | Talmadge |
Johnson | Tate |
Joiner | Jarod |
Jones | Andrew |
Jones | John |
Jones | Jordan |
Jones | Joshua |
Jones | Matthew |
Jones | Nikolas |
Jones | Olivia |
Jones | Steven |
Jordan | Christopher |
Jordan | Mason |
Josepher | Jacob |
Judkins | Charles |
Judson | Joshua |
Just | Alex |
Kaiser | Ian |
Kamara | Ballah |
Kane-Yearman | Keelan |
Karam | Douglas |
Kardohely | Sarah |
Karres | Gus |
Kearney | Charles |
Kees | Matthew |
Kellam | Meridith |
Keller | Thomas |
Kelley | Jonathan |
Kelley | Liam |
Kelley | Wesley |
Kennaw | Tanner |
Kennedy | Matthew |
Kent | Charles |
Kent | Evan |
Kent | Jesse |
Kerlegrand | Preston |
Ketphan | Phromnachanok |
Khan | Fauzan |
Kicklighter | Benjamin |
Kicklighter | Bradford |
Kidd | Aidan |
Kidner | Jeffrey |
Kidner | John |
Killough | Noah |
Kilpatrick | Austin |
Kim | Bryan |
Kim | Yoon |
King | Mellanie |
King | Robert |
Kingman | Gavin |
Kinsey | Chase |
Kinson | John |
Kirby | Ryan |
Kirscht | Devin |
Klassen | Benjamin |
Kober | James |
Koger | Abigail |
Kokowsky | Roman |
Kraftsow | Matthew |
Kress | Patrick |
Kretzer | Kyle |
Krone | Victoria |
Kulick | Stephan |
Kurtz | Evan |
LaDouceur | Alec |
LaFlamme | Canaan |
Lamicq | Yann |
Lance | Angelea |
Landstreet | Joseph |
Lane | Wesley |
Lanetti | Matthew |
Langley | Charles |
Lansink | Jackson |
Lariviere | Thomas |
Larsen | Emma |
Latimer | Emory |
Leaphart | Spencer |
Lee | David |
Lee | Tsu-Hang |
Lee | William |
Leto | Peter |
Lewis | Parker |
Li | Lincenyuan |
Ligon | Jacob |
Lilling | Eric |
Lilly | Dylan |
Lima | Michael |
Linder | Katelynn |
Linton | Jonathan |
Lipke | Andrew |
Lipscomb | James |
List | Mitchell |
Little | Samuel |
Livingston | Nicholas |
Llera | Austin |
Loeffler | Dawson |
Loggins | Blake |
Long | Conrad |
Long | Jackson |
Lowder | Carson |
Lowder | Charles |
Lowe | Elijah |
Lu | Pei |
Lubang | Josefino |
Lucas | Bennett |
Lucas | Brady |
Lucillo | Jial |
Ludwigsen | Dillon |
Lutz | Shane |
Mack | Andrew |
Madden | Banks |
Madden | Landon |
Maddox | James |
Major | Evan |
Maki | Sierra |
Malek | Seth |
Malott | Joshua |
Manceaux | Kendred |
Mangum | Cole |
Mansell | Harrison |
Manzione | Catherine |
Mappus | Andrew |
Marcucci | Andrew |
Markiewicz | Zachary |
Marr | Daniel |
Marsh | Charles |
Marsh | Jakob |
Marshall | Benton |
Martin | Benjamin |
Martin | Brian |
Martin | Harrison |
Martin | Jace |
Martindale | Trent |
Marzitelli | Jaron |
Mason | Emily |
Massey | Dalton |
Massey | William |
Mathis | Jacob |
Mathis | Preston |
Mathis | William |
Matthews | Eugene |
Matthews | Jayson |
McAllister | Ethan |
McBain | David |
McCann | Dennis |
McClary | James |
McCormick | David |
McCormick | Kyle |
McCullough | Alexander |
McCutchen | Kody |
McDonald | David |
McDonald | Jackson |
McDougal | William |
McDuffie | Braxton |
McGee | Jeffrey |
McGill | William |
McGuirt | Whitney |
McKee | Marshall |
Mckenzie | William |
McNulty | Liam |
McQuitty | Samuel |
McSheehan | Kenneth |
McSwain | Connor |
McTigue | John |
Meetze | Luke |
Melendez | Elijah |
Melville | Alec |
Meredith | Morgan |
Merritt | Jordan |
Metts | William |
Michne | John |
Miele | Mark |
Mikoy | Melanie |
Milhouse | Marcus |
Miller | Logan |
Miller | Lucas |
Miller | Matthew |
Miller | Maxwell |
Millinor | Johnson |
Minaudo | Anthony |
Mishoe | John |
Mitchell | David |
Mitchell | Gage |
Mitchell | Jonah |
Moeller | Corey |
Monteiro | Josef |
Moody | Carter |
Moon | William |
Mooney | Zachary |
Moore | James |
Moore | Joshua |
Moore | Logan |
Moorman | William |
Moran | Lucas |
Moreno | Trevor |
Morgan | David |
Morris | Sierra |
Moseley | Caleb |
Motes | Lauren |
Moyer | Brendan |
Muehl | Chase |
Mueller | Gabriel |
Muenter | Grant |
Muller | Payton |
Munday | Matthew |
Mundy | James |
Munn | Wesley |
Munoz | Brandon |
Murdaugh | Brian |
Murn | Abigail |
Najdawi | Zane |
Najjar | Christian |
Nakai | Kevin |
Nations | Austin |
Nawabi | Noah |
Neal | Haylee |
Neal | Landen |
Neil | Peter |
Neira | Kyle |
Nerny | Matthew |
Nettles | Joshua |
Newman | Turner |
Newton | Aaron |
Newton | Andrew |
Nguyen | Dustin |
Niehoff | Adam |
Nixon | Curtis |
Nolan | William |
Noller | Ethan |
Nyhart | Devyn |
O’Brien | Brooks |
O’Dea | Donovan |
Oelkers | Paul |
Oerman | Brandon |
Offredo | Sebastien |
Ogobri | Timiebi |
Oladimeji | Adebowale |
Oliveira | Blake |
Oliver | Jerald |
Olsen | Kamden |
O’Neal | Robert |
O’Rourke | John |
Osborne | Addison |
Osborne | Tanner |
Osburn | Luke |
Ouzts | Samuel |
Owens | Jonathan |
Owens | Nicholas |
Padgett | Hadyn |
Padgett | Kenslee |
Page | Jessy |
Palmer | Ryan |
Pan | Bo |
Pang-Riddle | Alexander |
Pantsari | Ansley |
Pappas | Nicholas |
Parcell | Colton |
Park | Jie |
Park | Noah |
Parker | Sebastian |
Parmely | Byron |
Passarelli | Michael |
Peal | Garrett |
Pereira | Jacob |
Perkins | Emily |
Perry | Nathan |
Peters | Patrick |
Pflieger | Donovan |
Pham | Kevin |
Phillips | James |
Phillips | James |
Phillips | John |
Piacentini | Nicholas |
Pierce | Lindsay |
Pierce | Rucker |
Pillsbury | William |
Pippins | John |
Pires | Lyndsay |
Pitman | Matthew |
Plant | Jonathan |
Player | Matthew |
Poe | Milton |
Pollard | Steven |
Porter | Clayton |
Poulin | Samuel |
Powers | Ethan |
Powers | Jacob |
Pozzani | Jennifer |
Prathipati | Akhil |
Preddy | Abraham |
Price | Jaret |
Price | Tierra |
Prickett | Fuller |
Prince | Ronald |
Pritchard | Seth |
Pugh | James |
Puzzio | Aidan |
Pyritz | Jack |
Quimby | James |
Quinn | Phillip |
Quinn | Ryan |
Rainey | Brandon |
Ransom | Matthew |
Rasberry | William |
Rathke | William |
Ray | Troy |
Raynor | John |
Razzaghy | Kian |
Reed | Alexander |
Reeves | Bethany |
Reeves | Harrison |
Reeves | Merritt |
Reid | Ronald |
Reid | William |
Reinhart | Nicholas |
Renda | Sebastian |
Revell | Alexander |
Reyes | Torres |
Reynolds | Aaron |
Reynolds | Naomi |
Reynolds | Scoville |
Rhinehart | Hamilton |
Rhyne | Paul |
Rice | Michael |
Richardson | Bailey |
Richburg | Jariek |
Richerson | Jake |
Richmond | Dereck |
Rickenbaker | Grayson |
Rider | John |
Ridge | Colby |
Roberson | Nicholas |
Robinson | Jonathan |
Robinson | Robert |
Rodgers | Ian |
Rodriguez | Caricia |
Roides | Joshua |
Roland | Joseph |
Roof | Chadd |
Roser | Robert |
Ross | Huntor |
Rossbach | Skyler |
Rossi | John |
Rourke | Frank |
Ruble | Robert |
Ruiz | Ashley |
Russell | Adam |
Russell | Christopher |
Ryan | Patrick |
Salter | Ryan |
Sandler | Nadia |
Sands | Anthony |
Saulnier | George |
Sauls | Isaac |
Savage | Hunter |
Sawyer | Cameron |
Sawyer | John |
Scerbo | Joseph |
Schainblatt | Josiah |
Schindler | Jake |
Schlageter | Logan |
Scholl | David |
Scholly | Nicholas |
Schoonover | Grant |
Schrieks | Christopher |
Schutz | Bryant |
Schwartz | Jack |
Schwend | Anthony |
Scoggins | Nathaniel |
Scott | Edward |
Scronce | Logan |
Sealey | Kyle |
Sebold | Garrett |
Sementilli | Michael |
Serpas | Blake |
Severnyak | Alexei |
Shanley | Chase |
Shanok | Alexis |
Shave | Christian |
Shaw | Charles |
Shealy | Charles |
Sheriff | Colton |
Shevchik | Joseph |
Shewack | Rachael |
Shih | Chien |
Shin | Colin |
Shipley | Jeremy |
Shively | Brandon |
Shubert | Jackson |
Shugan | Andrew |
Shugart | William |
Shumpert | Austin |
Silva | Jose |
Simone | John |
Simrill | Thomas |
Sims | Cody |
Simun | Christopher |
Skarbek | William |
Skibicki | Ryan |
Skinner | Eric |
Sloan | Nicholas |
Smiles | Shiloh |
Smith | Briggs |
Smith | Connor |
Smith | Douglas |
Smith | French |
Smith | Sarah |
Smith | Troy |
Smithdeal | Thomas |
Snoke | Andrew |
Snyder | James |
Snyder | James |
Snyder | Richard |
Somogyi | Madison |
Somsri | Thitprapan |
Sordo | Lauren |
Sorensen | Christopher |
Speer | Grant |
Spence | Dylan |
Spoehel | Elizabeth |
Spohn | Nicole |
Sposato | Cole |
Spotts | Zacharey |
Stallings | Nicholas |
Stanley | Caleb |
Stanley | Ethan |
Staudt | Kyle |
Stensland | Alexander |
Stephan | Ian |
Stephens | Benjamin |
Stewart | David |
Stockdale | Samuel |
Stokes | Gabriel |
Stolar | Isaac |
Stone | Albert |
Stone | Harry |
Stone | Jonathan |
Stone | Logan |
Stone | Nathan |
Stout | Yudai |
Strong | Emma |
Strunk | William |
Suber | Khari |
Subervielle | Matthew |
Sulzbach | Shona |
Summerford | Zachary |
Summers | Garett |
Susanke | Damon |
Sutton | Daleton |
Swain | Kevin |
Swanson | Adam |
Swillen | William |
Taglieri | Zachary |
Tallon | Daniel |
Tamblyn | Sebastian |
Tankard | Hayden |
Taunton | Jacob |
Taylor | Ian |
Taylor | Kenneth |
Taylor | Wesley |
Taylor | Zachary |
Teems | Hunter |
Tendzegolskis | Martynas |
Terris | Kyle |
Thackston | Marc |
Thaggard | Tucker |
Theriault | Jacquelyn |
Thomas | Cameron |
Thomas | Seth |
Thompson | Justin |
Thompson | Scott |
Thompson | Summer |
Thorsen | Christopher |
Tillman | Peter |
Timmerman | Luke |
Tompkins | Charles |
Townsend | Joseph |
Tremblay | Karrina |
Triplett | Joshua |
Tripp | Zachary |
Trocha | Nicolas |
Tucker | Ian |
Turner | Cody |
Turner | Noel |
Turner | Robert |
Tyler | Aaron |
Tyler | Todd |
Umstead | Robert |
Vallos | John |
Van Slyke | Joseph |
Van | Zyl |
Vandiver | Anthony |
VanHerwynen | Jackson |
Vettel | Eric |
Vettel | Luke |
Vlass | Tyler |
Vowels | Mark |
Vu | Van |
Wadley | Joseph |
Walker | James |
Walker | Johnny |
Walker | Katherine |
Wall | Brian |
Wallace | Adam |
Walton | David |
Wamsley | Joshua |
Ware | Joseph |
Warner | Cameron |
Warner | Ethan |
Warren | Corbet |
Watkins | James |
Watson | Corey |
Watson | William |
Wawrzynski | Adam |
Weakland | Mark |
Weaver | Matthew |
Webb | Raleigh |
Webster | Colton |
Webster | Derek |
Weimar | Ronald |
Welch | Kellan |
Wendt | Samuel |
Wentley | Daniel |
Westmoreland | Jonathan |
Wheat | Adam |
White | Martayez |
Whitlock | Benjamin |
Wilder | Matthew |
Wilfong | Johnathon |
Williams | Caleb |
Williams | Caymen |
Williams | Edgar |
Williams | Levi |
Williams | Quayson |
Willman | Finn |
Wilson | Devan |
Wilson | Jonathan |
Wilson | Preston |
Winborn | JoAnna |
Winterstein | John |
Witham | Grayson |
Wittman | Andrew |
Wode | Christopher |
Wolfe | Octavia |
Woodbury | Tristan |
Woods | Jennings |
Woods | Joshua |
Woods | Richard |
Wren | Matthew |
Wright | Denzel |
Wright | Jacob |
Yates | Gaines |
Yates | Isabella |
Ye | Huazhou |
Yongue | Webb |
Young | Robert |
Young | Xavier |
Young | Zachary |
Youngblood | Cooper |
Ytem | Joseph |
Zarzuela | Isabel |
Zeigler | Brennen |
Zeilstra | Justin |
Zhuang | Ruineng |
Zorn | Sarah |
Zuschlag | Samuel |