To the Cadet Recruits and Families of the Class of 2025:
The Citadel is ready to welcome you to campus, and looks forward to your arrival Saturday, 14 August.
For 178 years, The Citadel has produced principled leaders for all walks of life in a challenging academic environment. This mission continues, with the additional task of monitoring pandemic conditions, and adjusting campus response as required.
Our 2020-2021 academic year was unique compared to many institutions, as we maintained a safe, in-person experience, while keeping COVID cases in check. Our efforts are captured in the video at the bottom of this note.
We are ready for the challenges the pandemic brings, and maintain resources and best practices used during the last academic year. Some of those precautionary measures, coupled with the current availability of vaccines include:
- Faculty and Staff vaccination rates exceeding 75%.
- Free vaccinations available to everyone on August 24 on campus. We encourage all unvaccinated cadet recruits to take advantage.
- Hand and surface sanitization stations and supplies located throughout campus, including each barracks.
- Enhanced cleaning processes by campus janitorial staff.
- Over 11,000 masks or other face coverings in stock, and distributed at no cost as needed.
- Based on public health guidelines, on campus quarantine facilities are available. All academic resources remain accessible to quarantined cadets.
You can view campus COVID statistics via our daily tracker here. Curious about anything related to COVID and The Citadel’s response? Ask questions through this online form and we will provide answers.
We are excited to welcome the next members of the Long Gray Line and their families to The Citadel. I look forward to seeing you on Saturday, and in the coming years as the Class of 2025 travels down the Road Less Traveled.
God Bless The Citadel, and God Bless America.
Glenn M. Walters ‘79
General, USMC (Retired)