A look back at Parents’ Weekend 2024

During its annual Parents’ Day weekend, The Citadel invited friends and families of the South Carolina Corps of Cadets to campus. They had the opportunity to visit the campus and take part in two of the most significant events for a Citadel cadet.

The first was on Friday, Sept. 27, with a ring presentation to the senior class. Following a march from the barracks to Summerall Chapel, members of the Class of 2025 received their Band of Gold. The senior cadets honored The Citadel War Memorial immediately after the presentation and then went back to their barracks.

The next day on Saturday, Sept. 28, the freshmen cadet-recruits, also known as knobs, received their company letters and were promoted to cadet privates. This, along with Recognition Day and Matriculation Day, is one of the most important moments for a freshman at The Citadel.

The Kelly Cup, in which four cadet companies compete for the title of best-drilled fourth-class squad in the Corps of Cadets, was also held on Saturday. Echo Company won the Kelly Cup this year.

Along with these events, Parents’ Day Weekend featured a Jeep Review parade on Summerall Field, a performance by the Rifle Legion in Padgett-Thomas Barracks, and a halftime show by the Summerall Guards during the football game against ETSU.

The first Parents’ Day at The Citadel was held in 1934. Today it is one of the college’s four major weekends.