Mission Essential: Special Agent Ty Yount, ’99

Ty Yount was a middle school student in Morganton, North Carolina, when the Gulf War played out on the evening news and inspired in him a need to serve. He was a well-rounded student—an athlete, a member of the band and an Eagle Scout. In 1993, in the days before the internet explosion, it was from a bookshelf in his guidance counselor’s office that he discovered The Citadel.

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Mission Essential: Special Agent Andrew Lempp, ’94

When Andrew Lempp was 10, he tagged along with his father and his 16-year-old brother on a visit from their Jamestown, North Carolina, home to The Citadel. His brother quickly decided he wanted no part of the military college, but Lempp, who dreamed of going into the military or law enforcement, was intrigued.

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Mission Essential: Special Agent Brent Daniels, ’99

Brent Daniels was a freshman playing intramural football on Summerall Field when the football team, returning from practice, stopped to watch. Later that night, the Atlanta native got a visit from two seniors. The next day he found himself talking to the coaching staff and joining the varsity team. He played his sophomore and junior years.  As a senior, he gave up football to serve as the vice chairman of the honor court.

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Mission Essential: Special Agent Yates Gupton, ’97

“I knew it was gonna be tough, and I knew it was gonna be a challenge. And I think that’s part of what drew me. It’s unique. Not everybody can do it.”

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