My Ring Story: Savor every moment

Patrick Kenny is an Intelligence and Security Studies and Political Science major from Monument, Colorado. He is a Marine contract who hopes to go infantry. Kenny is a recipient of Gold Stars, President’s List and Commandant’s List honors. He is a member of Pi Sigma Alpha, the political science honor society, and a member of the Summerall Guards.

Why did you choose The Citadel?

I was toying with the idea of going into the military, but I didn’t know if I wanted to join and I definitely didn’t know what branch I wanted to go into. I did know that I didn’t want to go to a regular college, and I thought that military discipline would be good for me.

What does receiving the senior ring symbolize for you, and how does it reflect your journey over the past four years?

Since I was a knob, I wanted to make the most out of my time here. Four years is a long time, and I wanted my four years to mean something. I have learned a lot, and I have experienced a lot of success and a lot of failure. The ring symbolizes the culmination of four years and all the hard work that has gone into it. It also represents the friends and family who have helped me along the way.

How do you think the challenges and experiences at The Citadel have shaped the person you are today?

I have learned a lot about how to deal with different people and different backgrounds. Everyone is living a life that you have no concept of. I thought I had the whole leadership thing figured out until I actually had to do it. I am now more open to new ideas, perspectives and I am more mindful of why different people look at things in different ways.

Who has been the most influential person during your time at The Citadel, and how have they impacted your journey?

There has been no single person who has led and inspired me here. I think I have learned a little bit from every cadet I have interacted with. There are, however, a couple of people who stand out when I think of my growth and development. The best cadet leadership I have seen was from my knob year company commander, Cody Green, and Cadre Platoon Sergeant, Charles Corte. Both showed me how to lead from the front and buy into the system. Sergeant Major Yagle has also been a huge influence on me. He showed me that every individual matters in any sized unit.

Is there a particular tradition or moment at The Citadel that stands out as your favorite?

The most fun I had at this school was during knob year. There is just something about embracing the suck with your classmates during knob year that no other year at this school can replicate.

If you could go back and give advice to your freshman self, what would you say and why?

Savor it. It goes by a lot quicker than you think it will.

About The Citadel Class of 2025’s ring stories

Members of The Citadel Class of 2025 receive their rings on Friday, Sept. 27. Before getting their rings, some seniors spoke about the event’s significance with Cadet Zoe Crecos, the Regimental Public Affairs Officer for the South Carolina Corps of Cadets. Crecos, who is from Palm Beach, Florida, is a Marketing and Business Development major with a minor in Data Science. When she graduates, she will be pursuing a career in Supply Chain at Boeing in Charleston, South Carolina.