My ring story: how the generosity of strangers helped change my life

Cadet Logan Miller, Regimental Public Affairs Officer, Class of 2019

By Cadet Logan Miller, Regimental Public Affairs Officer, Varsity Track Team

It was spring break 2014. My family and I were on a college search adventure when we stopped at The Citadel. I knew nothing about the school, only that it was a military college. I certainly did not realize that this brief stop at The Citadel would start a life-changing transition taking me from my home in Kannapolis, North Carolina, to my new home in Charleston, South Carolina for the next four years.

On September 20, 1996, I was born to Sonya Green-Miller and Vincent Miller. My mother always stressed the importance of a great education as I was growing up. She inspired me to work hard to succeed in school and instilled in me a desire to make a difference in the world some day, in my own way.

I started applying to colleges at the beginning of my senior year in high school. My mother asked me about The Citadel, reminding me of our visit there. I told her that I was not considering it, thinking it was out of my reach, but she persisted in encouraging me to apply, and because they waived the application for me, I was able to do it. One week after submitting my application, I received an acceptance letter. I was thrilled because the turnaround time was so quick. I strongly felt that God wanted me there for a reason.

After a pre-knob visit where high school seniors get to spend a day and night on campus, followed by an interview with The Citadel Honors College, I knew that God was pushing me to go to The Citadel. However, I ran into some challenges on the way.

Fast-forward to April 2015, two months before my high school graduation. I received my financial package and to my surprise, I was $9,000 in the hole. I vividly remember walking into my mother’s room before she went to work, crying to her that I was not going to be able to attend the place that had become my dream, the number-one military college in the South. My mother wanted to help but simply was not in the position to be able to provide the money. Immediately, I went to my room, got on my knees, and prayed for an answer. A few days later some generous strangers−four Citadel alumni−graciously donated funds to help with my tuition. Just like that, I matriculated with the class of 2019.

(Back right) Cadet Logan Miller during summer study abroad in Lithuania
(Back right) Cadet Logan Miller during summer study abroad in Lithuania

Fast-forward again to three years after that. I am senior who has made the Gold Star and Dean’s List. I have traveled around the globe three times to study abroad. I have held positions of rank, including being Regimental Public Affairs Officer, and have been a varsity track athlete. I have earned several awards and am going to graduate with a degree in Health, Exercise and Sports Science. Finally, I find myself earning the band of gold!

When I first set eyes on this beautiful campus, I never would have imagined this journey, but with God, anything is possible. To me, the ring represents honor, courage, and discipline. I know it will help me in my quest to become a physician’s assistant in the U.S. Air Force.

I am the first in my family to graduate from The Citadel, but I hope I am creating a legacy for others here. Thank you, Col. John Falkenbury, Mr. Brian Floyd, Senator Robert Hayes and Col. Russ Olsen, for making this journey possible. With the ring, I know I have the power to make a profound impact on the world.

Cadet Logan Miller with his parents after receiving award
Cadet Logan Miller with his parents after receiving award