Citadel Family:
Governor Henry McMaster today announced the closure of all state colleges through the end of March.
We anticipate transitioning to online instruction in the coming days. More information on details to follow. No cadets or students should return to campus until further notice. We will continue to provide updates on The Citadel Today website, through email, and on the college’s social media platforms.
All essential personnel and those engaged in preparation to transition to online learning (Associate Provosts, Deans, Department Chairs, Directors, Admissions and Registrar personnel), Center for Excellence and Innovation in Teaching, Learning and Distance Education (CEITL) personnel and IT Staff should plan to report to campus Monday 16, 2020. All other personnel should remain at home, or contact their supervisor for further direction. We will revise these lists on Monday as required, with refinements to continue as needed. Everyone should be prepared to return when notified.
Faculty training will continue this week as previously delineated in preparation for online instruction Faculty who have signed up, or require training should make plans to attend this training.
Faculty or staff who believe they are at-risk (over 65, pregnant, or with existing conditions such as diabetes or compromised immune systems) should contact their supervisor or HR for directions regarding working from home.
We take your health and well-being, and that of your families, as our top priority. The uncertainty of this unusual situation can cause high levels of anxiety and stress. The Citadel Counselling Center is available by phone for cadets and students. For faculty and Employees, the Employee Assistance Program is there for you at this link.
Remember, symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough and trouble breathing. If you have symptoms, you should stay at home and contact your health care provider.
Everyone should:
- Clean hands frequently with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
- Cover nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with tissue or flexed elbow.
- Avoid close contact (1 meter or 3 feet) with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms.
A virtual health care screening for COVID-19 is free with MUSC using the code COVID19, or if here in Charleston, consider going to the drive through testing collection site being run by MUSC at the Citadel Mall.
We appreciate your patience and your commitment to The Citadel during this time. Please continue to rely on official Citadel, State and Federal sources for updates and instructions.
Everyone needs to maintain calm and use good sense as this situation evolves. Gail and I are keeping each of you in our thoughts.
Glenn M. Walters
General, USMC (Ret)