Wendling will receive Star of the West Medal and have his name engraved on campus monument
Joseph L. Wendling has been named the South Carolina Corps of Cadets best-drilled cadet. Wendling, who is from Fairhope, Alabama, went up against more than 40 cadets for the title during the Star of the West competition Wednesday, May 2.
The competition, which began at The Citadel in 1886, is an annual event that recognizes and celebrates the precision required in military maneuvers and leadership positions in general.
As best-drilled cadet, Wendling will have his name engraved on the Star of the West monument on Summerall Field. The monument was raised in 1961, 100 years after Citadel cadets fired upon the Star of the West ship in the Civil War. Inscribed on the monument are all Star of the West competition winners. Wendling will also be awarded the Star of the West Medal, which contains wood from the old ship, during the South Carolina Corps of Cadets Awards Convocation on Thursday, May 3.