Note: Chief Reece Bertholf graduated from The Citadel Graduate College in 2013. He is also a U.S. Marine Corps veteran.
The City of Beaufort has named an assistant city manager.
City Manager Bill Prokop announced last week that Fire Chief Reece Bertholf is assuming the responsibilities of assistant city manager.
Bertholf said he will keep his position as fire chief, and also perform the duties as assistant city manager. He will work on special projects to ensure they are in concert with the policies and goals of the city manager, according to the city.
Prokop said,“In my absence, Reece will act as the city manager, with full authority to make decisions and sign contracts.”
Bertholf joined the Fire Department in 2001 after serving four years in the Marine Corps and achieving the rank of corporal, the city added. He started working as a volunteer firefighter and worked his way up to chief in 2015.
“I am very grateful to be honest with you. I’ve had the unique opportunity over the last several years to work for two fabulous municipalities in my role as fire chief and in this expanded role as assistant city manager for the city of Beaufort I really get to focus my efforts, time with the teammates on the executive team to make this a great place to live and work,” Bertholf said.
The city said Bertholf has helped Prokop with several projects and initiatives over the last several years.
Bertholf earned a Bachelor’s degree from the University of South Carolina-Beaufort, and a Master of Business Administration from the Citadel Graduate College.
Prokop said, “I am very proud to have talent within our organization, like Reece, to afford me the opportunity to promote from within. I look forward to working closely with Reece on many of the plans and programs we have for the growth of our city in the years ahead. Please join me in congratulating him on the expansion of his duties and responsibilities.”