Like every college and university, The Citadel has a Title IX function and college-specific Title IX policy that reaches all parts of campus.
“This helps The Citadel create a safe and inclusive campus for employees, students, and campus visitors by making the reporting, investigation and response to allegations of sexual discrimination, harassment or sexual violence a professional, fluid process for all,” explained Valerie Mercado, The Citadel’s Title IX coordinator.
What is Title IX?
Title IX is a civil rights law that was passed as part of the Education Amendments of 1972.
“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
The Citadel’s approach includes a revised Title IX Grievance Policy and the appointment of additional Title IX Deputies to the Title IX Council, according to Mercado. “Expanding our Title IX team from two to seven trained deputies is imperative to providing a supportive environment that encourages reporting of sexual harassment and sexual violence.”
The deputies are existing Citadel employees trained to help cadets, students and employees involved in Title IX cases obtain resources, understand the policy and related processes, and can take reports of sexual harassment and sexual violence.
“It is very important for every member of our campus to complete the required Title IX training through the Office of Human Resources, to understand the college’s policy, and to know where to go to ask questions or to file a complaint,” Mercado said. “All of that information is on the college’s Title IX web section. Any member of our team can be contacted.”
Title IX deputy team
The existing team of deputies, Shawn Edwards, Ph.D., chief diversity officer and Kathy Kroupa, senior associate athletic director, will be expanded with the addition of the following staff members:
Sgt. Major Jason P. Moffitt, USMC (Ret.)
1 Battalion TAC NCO, Murray Barracks
Chief Master Sgt. Jennifer Kersey, USAF (Ret.)
1 Battalion, Bravo Company TAC, Murray Barracks
Major Matthew D. Raines, USMC Reserve
5 Battalion, Papa Company TAC, Stevens Barracks
Captain Wouter Sijtsma, Royal Netherlands Air Force
1 Battalion, Alpha Company TAC, Murray Barracks
Pam King, Office of Institutional Research
The Citadel Title IX Grievance Policy
“The purpose of this policy is to establish clearly and unequivocally that The Citadel prohibits sexual harassment and retaliation by individuals subject to its control or supervision and to set forth grievance procedures by which such allegations shall be filed, investigated, and adjudicated. The goal of this policy is to prevent sexual harassment and effectively remedy the discriminatory effect of such misconduct when it occurs.”
Read the complete policy here.
For questions or to make a report, contact Valerie Mercado at vmercado@citadel.edu or call her at (843) 953-6881.